I'll be joining the political roundtable today on Fox News.com's Strategy Room at 3pm. We'll likely tackle the hot topics of the day, including the BP oil spill, the recent elections and the upcoming midterms, the economy and more. You can stream/watch live at http://live.foxnews.com/strategy-room.
Who are you and what have you done to Andy?
Did you watch? If you did, you wouldn't be asking that question...
I watched and you looked marvelous! Sorry you were on the "Princess Diva it's all about me and Fox News talking points Show". Jesus! Most of the time they just blew you off as if you were some pesky kid. I felt so sorry for you! What you tried to say and point out was generally just cut off. I would love to see you on the panel of any other show than a Fox one. You really tried, though. Loved you, hated the show.
Well, I think I nailed 'em on several points. Not concerned about being "dismissed," as that didn;t stop me from talking or making my points. That they don't share my views or take what I say seriously is perfectly fine with me. As long as I get to say what I want, which I did. As for Fox, as a lib I'd much rather do my thing there where perhaps I can influence some on the other side sitting at home...rather than be on Olberman, for example, where I'd be preaching to the choir. Thanks for watching Cathy!
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