This space is usually reserved for political commentary and debate. But this particular story is very close to home, and is a painful, sad reminder of how unexpectedly tragic, and short, life can be. Award-winning British actress Natasha Richardson has died at the age of 45 after suffering a head injury in a freak skiing accident in Montreal Monday. My heart goes out to her husband, Liam Neeson, her 12 and 13-year-old sons, her mother, actress Vanessa Redgrave, and their families.
I know first-hand this gut-wretching pain. Of horrifically losing a beautiful, adored wife, loving mother, cherished daughter, much-loved sister. Of losing a radiant, talented artist with so much still to give, yet dealt a horrible fate. We send much love and support to Liam and the families in this time of profound sorrow and grief, and hope they can get through this devastating nightmare and soon begin to rebuild their lives. It will not be easy.
Please hug and kiss those you love, and tell them you love them...often. Be thankful for every moment you have with them.
Very sad.
Makes greedy money grubbing folks look all the worse.
Beautiful tribute. You are correct - live one day at a time and never take anyone or anything for granted. Peace.
thanks andy
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