When she's not monitoring Russia from her igloo, our saucy little stew of a GOP vice presidential nominee, Gov. Sarah Palin, is falling victim to another mean-spirited "gotcha journalism" moment from the vast left-wing media conspiracy...aided in part by an Average-Joe voter with the audacity to ask her a question while out on the campaign trail.
Out stumping last week, Palin was asked by a voter in a restaurant if she would strike terrorist targets within Pakistan. Contradicting her boss, Sen. John McCain, who's previously criticized Obama for making public statements about potential U.S. military actions, the Wasila Wonder said that we should in order to "stop the terrorists from coming any further in." Following this never-ending series of dumb-ass Sarah Palin gaffes, the lovable arctic spitfire went on the defensive, sitting down once again with her arch-nemesis, CBS's Katie Couric, only this time perched alongside Grandpappy John like an embarrassed juvey in the principal's office.
Couric, somewhat puzzled, asked Palin to explain her latest boneheaded comment, but the now-infamous Putin-watcher was interrupted by an obviously agitated Gramps who played the gotcha journalism card before allowing his meandering pupil to step in and once again appear like a blathering idiot on national TV.
McPalin's 100% right. What is this nation coming to when a grossly inexperienced candidate can no longer hit the campaign trail without voters asking legitimate questions and then having the media report on her moronic answers? Gotcha indeed. Damn those pesky voters and reporters with their trick questions!
And then there was that other highly unfair gotcha moment when Couric asked her what newspapers and magazines she reads. Our spunky lil hockey mom replied as though she'd been hit in the head with a puck:
Couric: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world?
Palin: I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media
Couric: But what ones specifically? I’m curious.
Palin: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.
Couric: Can you name any of them?
Palin: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news.
Or how about on the topic of abortion, where Couric followed up after Palin voiced her strong opposition to Roe v Wade:
Couric: What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?
Palin: Well, let's see. There's, of course in the great history of America there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but …
Couric: Can you think of any?
Palin: Well, I could think of … any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But, you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a vice president, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today (fyi Sarah, a good pick would be 2000's Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98).
I'm sorry, but this woman is a colossal airhead. She belongs on a 747 serving me peanuts (and that's no slight to airline workers, as the average flight attendent is much smarter than she is). How she got her current job is a freakin' mystery. I guess Alaskans have low standards. She's a joke. An embarrassment to the country. And God help us all if she and McCain are elected and something tragic should happen to him, especially early in his presidency. Palin as leader of the free world? I'm packing for Costa Rica as we speak....
And then there's old grumpy Gramps himself, who's looking less lucid by the minute. Stumping in Ohio Monday he embarrassingly took credit for Congress's $700-billion Wall Street bailout bill even as it was being defeated in the House. He then went straight into Loonyville with this little incoherent gem: "Senator Obama and his allies in Congress infused unnecessary partisanship into the process. Now is not the time to fix the blame. It's time to fix the problem." Huh? As Bill Maher would say, Honky Please!
Poor McCain. The curmudgeonly Republican is so desperate to be president that he doesn't know what the hell he's doing or saying anymore. He's simply tripping over his own nonsensical rhetoric. Remember, he's the "country first" candidate who took 22 hours to "rush" to D.C from New York last week during his little "Me First" Mighty Mouse moment. "Here I come to fucks thing up...."
As worried as I am that the Obama-Biden ticket has yet to truly connect with voters and gain appreciable traction, it is the ever-wackier McCain-Palin Theater of the Absurd that provides the real comfort in this ever-wacky election.
By the way, a word of advice for Sen. Joe Biden for his match up with Palin Thursday night: don't even think of trying to pull any cheap "gotcha debate" trickiness by sounding knowledgeable and experienced, because we'll come down hard on ya pal for that condescending sexist crap.
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The "what magazines" question is another dumb, air-head question from Couric to a female. She asked Hillary what foods she ate on the campagin trail to keep her energy up and, as I remember, weight down? Couric did not ask Obama such a a "prom queen" question when she interviewed hom, but treated him a serious candidate. It's nobody's business what magazines a candidate reads. And, if asked that questions, it is no wonder Palin refused to answer lest she later be accused of reading a "too conservative" magazine, "too liberal" magazine, or even worse, endorsing a commerical product -- a particular magazine.
I'm certain Palin, unlike Joe "gaffe machine" Biden that there was no television in 1929 and that Hoover, not Roosevelt was president. Andy, your attempts to paint Palin as stupid, while ignoring Biden are pathetic.
I'm beginning to think honesty and integrity might be more desirable in our leaders than a quick-wit on the campaign trail, or the ability to put on an act to win. The lastest news about Palosi's PAC money to her husband, along with Rangle's and Dowd's misdeeds; and all topped by Obama's scandals, makes me yearn for the days when virtue was a consideration for voter support.
Look, if Palin can't answer a simple question, what in the hell is she going to do on a tough one? She, like this country is stuck on stupid and it's a shame we have this as an example of the best we can do for someone to run our country.
The debate on Thurday will be a train wreck for McBush/Palin, they know it and we all know it. Everyone is going to tune in to watch, and if Gwen will step up to the plate and ask some tough questions the voters will see what we have in Palin.
The differnces between McBush and Obama is just plain black and white, there is no gray in the issues here.
Alright Andy enough is enough! Every time you post something serious that challenges the Lucille Ball airhead that we are seriously considering for VP,or the old liar that is running with her, two posters show up with remarks that are so asinine that they must be fakers trying to make Palin supporters look even dumber than they already do! Its admittedly a tough task but they are doing a good job... a little too good for my suspicions.
Come on Andy its you pretending to be a stupid, ignorant, dumb ass pro-Palin Republican, now isnt it?
Palin be like smart as a carribou and is totally awesome and stuff...
couric did ask palin substansive questions, and got gibberish in return.
asking what mags or papers a candidate reads is a softball question
palin doesnt read anything that hasnt been given the stamp of approval by christ or the birchers
Obama doesn't even know how many states there are in America.
Biden doesn't even know who was President when the stock market crashed, nor does he know that television wasn't invented when the stock market crashed in 1929.
From the flip-flops Obama has pulled he either doesn't remember from one speech to the next where he stands on issues; or, his mind is so muddled he can't make a decision and stick to it. I'd rather he hedged on what magazines he read than change his platform regularly. Btw, what did he say when he was asked which magazines he read? Oh -- nobody asked him that important question, I bet.
Yeah, sure. Gwen is sure to ask tough questions - but to Palin. She's written a book supporting Obama that will be for sale soon.
Whoever said that Obama doesn't know how many states there are should stand in traffic because your life is meaningless as you are already clearly dead from the neck up....
Anon 1:10...you're so right, pal. It's Couric who's the airhead. Kudos to Palin for so successfully pulling off her brilliant strategy of non-answering a softball question so that she could be the brunt of embarrassing jokes for days on end and have everyone talking about her as if she was the airhead. Simply genius!
I'd say Palin is the brunt of embarrassing jokes because of sexism. The same kind of cruel, embarrasing jokes Hillary suffered. No one is laughing at Biden for been a "ditz" and an "air head" for being wrong about the greatest President we ever had, or when TV came into existence. But you guys just won' see sexism or admit that it exists. Hillary "ran a poor campgain" and Palin "is an airhead." Biden was "just a little off his game and he does make a mistake occasionally". So rant on. It'll probably take generations until women are treated as equals.
In fact, Couric was criticzed as an airhead when she got her job on CBS. She suffered from sexism too and still does. If Couric had interviewed Biden, she'd be the one under attack.
"Whoever says" Palin doesn't know what magazines she reads "should stand in traffic because your life is meaningless as you are clearly already dead from the neck up."
Could that person who said the life of a disabled person is meaningless be serious? I thought the Democrats were the compassionate ones except for abortions. Many times people recover from comas, too.
Obama was on C-SPAN last night as he spoke on the Senate floor. He was absolutely horrible. He can't speak at all without looking at his speech. He even stumbled over the Senate Majority Leader's name!
Obama should stand in traffic because his life is meaningless as he is already clearly dead from the neck up....
If you think that the target audience from now on are the undecided, and if you are still undecided after what you have seen of Palin, then be prepared for a very mild, boring and civil debate. I doubt it seriously that Biden will try to make her look small.
To ask where someone gets their news is not a softball, but a stupid question. I would have given a similar answer: I get my news from many different sources.
There is no time to give the entire list and to give a partial list is foolish in a hostile setting. If they hacked the interview like Gibson did, she could have named Fox News in a long list of 25 other sources and they would have simply played her response as "...Fox News..."
If you do have a balanced array of news sources, exactly how do you answer that without anything you say being skewed.
The answer of a wide variety of sources was the best answer given the zoo mentality out there ready to hack anything she says.
You libs must really be proud of the way you have come together and gang-raped this woman from day one. Regardless of the outcome of this election, this one will come back to bite the liberal media big time.
You are so right. Obama is 100 times stupider than the image the liberal media successfully branded Dan Quayle with. Andy knows it, every liberal who is honest with themself knows it, but they don't care. In fact they are happy at the thought of having a stupid puppet on a string that will do their bidding.
Recently an insurance company nearly wind up....
A bank is nearly bankrupt......
Who fault?
The top management of the Public listed company ( belong to "public" ) salary should be tied a portion of it to the shares price ( IPO or ave 5 years ).... so when the shares price drop, it don't just penalise the investors, but those who don't take care of the company.....If this rule is pass on, without any need of further regulation, all industries ( as long as it is public listed ) will be self regulated......
Sign a petition to your favourite president candidate, congress member again and ask for their views to comment on this, and what regulations they are going to raise for implementation.....If you agree on my point, please share with many people as possible....
Many CEO's already have a portion of their package linked to share price. What we are seeing here is that when the companies tank, the CEO resigns with a large severance package.
After watching both parties talk and pontificate, I observe that neither one has any valid ideas. I'm voting for Ron Paul
Biden claims that FDR had said 'the new iPhone was the bomb!' Of course, this was before FDR went on TV during his 1929 Presidency.
Quayle, GWB, Palin...Triumph of mediocrity!!!
Long live Palin! She makes me believe that anyone, even I, a high school drop out, can become President or Vice President.
High school drop out,
No, you probably cannot become President. If you are employed, I'm willing to bet you require a union to have a job. Don't worry, even if McCain wins the election you will still get your government handouts.
Hey, if Americans are stupid enough to fall for Obama and Biden, I would say a high school dropout has a fair chance.
If not president, surely you could at least be Speaker of the House or Senate Majority leader.
The key isn't intelligence. It is gaffe-prone unbridled partisanship.
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