While Sen. John McCain fundamentally disagrees with virtually every one of Sen. Barack Obama's policy positions, he sure does think he's got a nice ass. Is this McNasty's idea of reaching across the aisle??
Call me crazy, but I don't think we should ever put in the White House anyone who can make such an insane face. There's clearly a loose screw here somewhere...
No McCain is not "Hot for Obama". I think McCain just got a wiff of Obama. Reports from the reporters that have to travel with Obama are that his airplane stinks!
I can just imagine how Obama will stink up the White House too.
Grow up, Andy.
This is what Democrats are reduced to reporting?
Juvenile doesn't even begin to describe how low and idiotic this is.
Have to agree. McCain got a whiff of Obama and all the corruption emanating from his every pore.
I read that article. Negativity attracts negativity. Obama is a magnet for all things low, corrupt, sleazy, un-american, and communistic.
No wonder his plane stinks!!!
Ahh, a little levity never hurt anyone. I believe McCain notice some salt water taffy hanging out of Obama's back pocket, and we all know how McCain loves his taffy (favorite of his since his Jersey Shore flapper days in the mid 1920's)...
Just like McCain came off last night, his supporters on this blog are peevish, ill-tempered and believe everything to be a point of honor. Spare us the sturm und drang, McCain and his McCainiacs...
Last night, Obama came off as he always does: calm, cool, collected and focused principally on the issues. He looked and acted downright Presidential. McCain attempted to lure him into a tit-for-tat, a down-in-the-mud fight. Obama didn't take the bait.
Meanwhile, McCain destroyed whatever remaining ability to lure moderates and independents (esp. female) by ridiculing the "health of the mother" abortion exeception.
McCain's just a nasty old pervert with Alzeheimer's. No further explanation needed.
Obama will leave the White House smelling like fried chicken.
Nice, fried chicken smells good!!
McCain will leave the White House smelling like soiled Depends.
...oh wait, McCain won't be in the White House.
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