I could sum up the entire difference between political parties by how they position themselves on Sirius Satellite Radio. The left wing channel is called, well, Left, while the right wing channel proudly wears the Patriot badge. Left vs Patriot. That truly says it all.
On vacation, I've had the opportunity to indulge my politics obsession with some daily poolside talk radio, both conservative and liberal. Let's get right to the point: liberal radio is a disaster. It's un-listenable. While the right-wingers are out there relentlessly bashing the hell out of Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic Party in an effort to tear him and it down in their quest for the presidency, our compadres on the left are indulging themselves in sophomoric humor and inane blabbering about nothing in particular. All you need is a 30-second listen and you'll realize just how dreadful and unfocused it is. With the exception of a few ass-kickers like Ed Schultz, Lionel, Rachel Maddow, Stephanie Miller and Randi Rhodes, the whole lot should be rounded up and shipped to an Ashram somewhere. And here's the other thng about Dems that's infuriating: they finally get a true warrior like Rhodes, but in their spineless quest for political-correctness, they eat their own and can her over some stupid remark during an off-air comedy performance. In all his years of outrageously offensive on-air drivel, has the right even punished, let alone fired, the bloviating Rush Limbaugh? No. They throw him crackers and send him in to do more damage.
To use an American pastime analogy, right wing radio is the 1927 Yankees while libs are the '62 Mets. They've got singularly-focused, rhetoric-spewing vicious attack dogs like Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mike Church, Andrew Wilkow, Bill Bennett, Mark Levin, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage and Laura Ingraham. Like their gods Bush and Cheney, most if not all never served our military but shamelessly co-opt it nonetheless. They proudly assume the role of the tough-talking, patriotic all-American, promoting war and the killing of terrorists. Then they vilify and rip apart the military records of any Democrat running for office, even if, unlike them, they are decorated war heroes like John Kerry, Max Cleland and John Murtha. Unbelievably, they get away with it.
They refer to themselves as "command-dude-in-chief" and cultishly greet each other with "You're a great American" and play stirring music like "Let Freedom Ring" and the official anthems of each branch of the military. Yup, they're the rough, tough, rock 'em sock 'em types who like to let other men fight their actual battles. But on radio, they're a bunch of fucking John Waynes (btw, he never served either).
They've schooled at the chafed knee of ruthless GOP operative Karl Rove, and therefore learned the not-so-secret secret of blatantly lying to Americans because they're too uninformed to know the difference. So, these spinners claim the Iraq war's been won, the surge is working, the economy's strong and that polls show that voters are clamoring for more Bush/Cheney/McCain.
And boy do they know how to stay on message. They have laser-like focus. They name their shows "The Stop Obama Express" and make derogatory, racist remarks about Michelle Obama being a "big, mean-looking, angry woman full of rage." They call Barack Obama "baby killer" for his views on abortion. They relentlessly mock him as The Messiah, The Chosen One. They make up song parodies like "The Bush/Cheney Bash" (sung to the tune of The Monster Mash) which lavish praise on these two clowns while deriding Democrats. They incessently use the word "radical" to describe Obama, and utter in rapid-fire succession the names Wright/Flager/Rezko/Ayers to describe Obama's "deep-rooted radical associations." They say he's a Muslim. They hammer home his past drug use. They call him a Communist/Marxist for his "socialist" economic positions. They refer to liberals as "You America-despising pukes" and make up childish, derogatory names for Democrats like "Nazi" Pelosi, Hillary "Rotten" Clinton aka "Her Royal Thighness" and "BJ" Clinton. They call one highly-respected news wire service "HemmoReuters" when it happens to write something unflattering to the GOP.
While these faithful soldiers in the Rovian army are savagely ripping apart the patriotism and character of any Democrat who stands in the way of their insatiable quest for power, their counterparts on the left--again, with the exception of a few brave fighters, sound like a bunch of stoners and jazz DJ's from the college station. On Sirius's "Left," Alex Bennett, Lynn Samuels and Mark Thompson are the ones who have the least to say. Together with his stereotypical leftist freak listeners, Bennett, an ungracefully-aging hippie himself, offers up more gratuitous profanity than intellectual political thought. It's as if he and his hippie-cool listeners say "shit," "fuck," "asshole," and "douchebag" just because they can. And they say it a lot. He even calls Obama an asshole when he disagrees with his policies. And all this makes his program unlistenable, unless you're into a bunch of ungracefully-aging hippies cursing a lot about nothing. Samuels on any random listen could be whining about anything meaningless, like the day I caught her literally discussing snot and boogers. And Thompson, while a smart, passionate guy, has a program so mellow in tone that it can literally put you to sleep. His voice is so smooth and jazzy that he'd be much better off cuing up a Miles Davis album.
I don't mean to riff on any of these folks, as I'm sure they're all fine people off the air. But on the air I want the sort of Viagra-fueled maniacs conservatives have on the front lines, not a bunch of impotent lefties who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. Democrats need to fill every single radio slot with 24/7 aggressive spinners. Just check out Fox Radio, Patriot or ABC Radio. There's no wasted airtime on the right. Yes, right wing radio is filled with name-calling high-school-bully types who drone on like programmed partisan robots about the same shit over and over and over again. Should we be like them? You bet. These guys are part of a well-oiled machine that has a very good track-record of winning elections.
HELP ELECT BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENT: Are we gonna let the Right Wing bullies frame this election and define Barack Obama? John McCain and the GOP are going to spend tends of millions on vicious attack ads and aggressive ground teams. Obama will need millions more to effectively combat the Republicans' desperate, race-baiting onslaught. I urge you to support Obama by sending the campaign whatever you can afford. There are many swing states this year--Colorado, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri among them. With a sizable war chest, Sen. Obama can win these states. We are committed to raising as much money as possible to help elect Barack Obama president. Click here to make a contribution. It's time to change America.
I think you answered your own question. There are no such folks as these right wing hate all those who disagree with them motor mouths among the ranks of the left!
Also the left has no set in stone agenda or enemies list as does the far right.
Their targets are easy to recognize and, for them, to attack.
the left can't agree on the enemies list or the agenda because the left(meaning everyone but the far right) encompasses, gasp, diversity!
"Let's get right to the point: liberal radio is a disaster. It's un-listenable."
I have to disagree here. There's a lot of content on liberal radio that is not only listenable, it is the most compelling and addictive content I've ever heard on the airwaves.
Take Thom Hartmann's program for example. I defy any liberal to only listen to 5 minutes of his show. It's highly addictive: once you tune into his show, you will almost certainly want to listen to the entire program.
As far as I'm concerned, Hartmann's program is almost everything compelling radio should be: well-researched, intelligent, and informative. Every time I listen to him, I learn something that I feel will be useful to me as a progressive.
By contrast, I listen from time to time to Right-Wing radio. It's all hate, smears, ignorance and lies. I can't say that I would want liberal radio to ever be like that. However, I would like to see more anger and passion on the liberal radio programs.
Mike Malloy used to be full of rage and anger, but he's mellowed in recent months. (I still listen to his program every day and find it compelling).
Democrats in general need to stop being so goddamn cheerful and get ANGRY for a change.
I'm really offended that you dare to compare liberals to the New York Mets. The Mets don't deserve to be criticized on a political blog. If you must compare liberals to a baseball team, I think the Chicago Cubs would be a better example.
Hey Andy -
I only listen to Air America so I get Ed, Rachael, Randhi (used to) Stephanie etc. They seem pretty up to par with what you want (Tom Hartmen occasionally fills in for one of the above and he's OK also). I dont think ther re any otther left/liberal/radical/progressive commentators???
Hey Andy -
I only listen to Air America so I get Ed, Rachael, Randhi (used to) Stephanie etc. They seem pretty up to par with what you want (Tom Hartmen occasionally fills in for one of the above and he's OK also). I dont think ther re any otther left/liberal/radical/progressive commentators???
Al Franken said, "Their 'value added' is lies, our 'value added' is humour." But the liars have been winning because a sense of humour goes with higher intelligence. Trying to use it, and it alone, to get through to the lie-lovers is hopeless.
I'm not being imaginative or pretentious (at least I believe I'm not) when I say that there is an argument to be made for left/liberal mindsets to be an expression of brains that have their right hemispheres more active -- not more active than their owners' left hemispheres, but more than the right hemispheres of political rightists. In other words, they are an expression of more balanced minds. The respective characteristics of and differences between the right and left brains are, or should be, well known by now. To the extent that they are understood, there is, or should be, no mystery as to why left wing radio (for instance) is so unimpressive, unexciting, uncompelling, especially by comparison with its notoriously bloodthirsty right wing counterpart. The right wing/left brain is all about dividing, analyzing, excluding everything that doesn't serve reaching the target. The left wing/right brain is all about comprehensiveness, context, inclusiveness -- and one aspect of that is fairness.
It's a commonplace of English literature studies, too, that the most entertaining character in Milton's "Paradise Lost" is Satan. Why? For the same reason, of course, that actors are so often heard to say that they enjoy playing villains more than good guys. The bad guys are just more fun.
The answer is not to imagine that the sort of fun that comes naturally to left-leaning individuals can ever compete with the mesmerizing awfulness of the right, because it can't, although that doesn't mean it should be abandoned altogether. It means that it needs to be mixed and forcefully (precisely because it isn't something that comes naturally) enhanced with responses that have the same kind of focus and detail as typical right-wing bile. The difference would be that it would be the truth, which makes the communication of it in forms that will appeal to the less evolved much more complicated and challenging. Having a conscience is a serious handicap in a fight. Understanding that the reason it's so hard for us while it seems to come so easily to them has a lot to do with the way our brains are actually wired may help. The two hemispheres have different agendas and different energies. The other team only uses one; we have to start using both, and do so on the same scale as them.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that putting Hillary's name into nomination and having a roll call is a really bad idea and a recipe for a very divisive convention? Just asking.
Its not only a bad idea and a recipe for a divisive convention, it's also phony.
I'm hoping for the worst.
You guys on the left need to throw us some red meat.
Depending on which poll you believe, one third to one half of Americans believe the official 9/11 story stinks.
That's a hell of a demographic for anyone with the balls to go after it.
How typical - an anonomous right winger accused the "Left" of precisely what the current fascist Bush regime has been implementing!
- Take more money from doers and give it to people who sit on their ass
Spoiled rich kids like Bush are supreme ass-sitters, now aren't they. People who's wealth and power stem from not their abilities and accomplishments, but merely by their HANDED-OUT inheritance. CEO's getting millions in bonuses for outsoursing american jobs. Enron on a national scale.
- Weaken America economically because it will be more fair
The wars Bush has started, based on his own fabricated lies, will have cost the American economy about a trillion dollars, when all the (radioactive depleted uranium) dust settles.
- Weaken America militarily because we trust the world more to the Chinese, the Russians and radical Muslims
Bush has weakened America's military might enormously. After all his hundreds of billions of additional mindless military expenditures, we are far less safe. Iraq had NO terrorists, and now it's full of 'em. Anyone who knows anything of the history of the middle east is agast at the stupidity of what the US has done and is doing. Liberals believe that intelligence simply works better than stupid pig-headedness.
- Let's throw more money down the shithole of public education. It won't help the kids but we will be paying more for a worst product
Amazing. So we shouldn't fund public ecucation? That way, there will be more right wingers out there, since knowledge interferes with the brainwashing necessary to think a fascist police state is a good idea.
- Let's demand the average Joe to make sacrifices for the environment while we allow our Leftist elite to have carbon footprints the size of Texas
If someone makes money by polluting our air and water, WHAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHT?
- Let's champion free speech, but only if we agree with it
Limiting free speach is characteristic of the right, not the left. By "right" I'm using the RWA scale, by the way. That way the old Soviet mentality, the Nazis, and the American right are all in the same boat. Conservatives tend to be biggots, racists, and very closed minded to other points of view. Liberals are (by definition!) open to other points of view.
- Let's make the little guy pay more for gas by denying more supply and try to keep a straight face when we say we care
The "supply" is paltry - if you're speaking of off-shore drilling. It's not going to have a significant effect. But record profits and record oil prices surely are directly connected. So obvious, but somehow truth isn't relevant to the "right".
- Let's demonize Big Oil for all the money they are making but say nothing about the island, resorts and palaces being built in Arabic countries on the backs of middle class Americans when they buy their expensive oil
Say what you like. Bush did NOTHING to develop new technology, and encourage alternatives to our oil addiction. This needs major effort, like the Manhattan project or the moon project. If the money wasted in Afganistan and Iraq had been spent on getting us over our dependence, we would be FAR better off.
So often when right-winger's speak, as they decry liberals, they seem to be describing themselves.
By right-wing here, I don't mean libertarians. They believe in less government. True right-wingers believe in BIG government, and in fact find totalitarianism to be the most comfortable form of government, as long as they are part of the ruling class.
I think "liberal" radio does it's "job" under a Repulican president the same way "conservative" radio does during a democrat regime. They both play their part. For in depth blueprint I suggest the study of the Hegelian Dialectic(19th century) to see how left/right, conserv/liberal groups are being pimped. Just remember "thesis--antithesis--synthesis"
I think the problem is twofold. One, as was pointed out, the left just isn’t entertaining. It needs to be. The competition certainly is. Two, the right doesn’t criticize its own. Te left does. The right provides a unified front. The left airs their dirty laundry in public. And three, production values. The right has a lot more money, and it shows.
HAHAHA help me here.....Liberals are intellectually superior (they believe) to non-Liberals yet they can not formulate a radio show that is informative and entertaining enough to hold any sizable audience. If the right only spouts lies and falsehoods there should be plenty of material to use to entertain and inform listeners....take all the lies and falsehoods and go for it....how come you intellectual elites can't master such a simple concept?
I'm a conservative, and I refuse to waste my time listening to Hannity, limbaugh, Beck, Medved, et al. I know all they are going to do is bash Democrats and support this insane Middle East wars, these talk-show hosts are faux conservatives. It would take too long to explain why, here on this forum. I'm an antiwar activist and a 9/11 truth activist. This regime is far more evil than most liberals or progressives can possibly imagine. On occasion I listen to Air America on my lunch break. I think liberal radio is even worse than the author of this article suggests. If you listen to Judy Miller it's mostly fart jokes and other sophomoric humor. She really is pathetic, it's as if she is permanently on the celebrity "D" list and is using her radio show in a pathetic attempt to claw her way back up to the "C" list where she occupied years ago. I listened to Shultz today and this idiot said we should send troops to Georgia to fight the Russians, how insane is that. If you want good talk radio go to www.republicbroadcasting.org or www.infowars.com and of course www.whatreallyhappened.com is a must read.
There is no such thing as a "war hero."
And the "liberal" media, like Rhodes and Hartmann, flat-out refuse to discuss the role of the pro-Israel lobbies in both Iraq and the coming war in Iran.
Israel is the gorilla in the room, and many people across the political spectrum realize it, now, but not "Air America" and its ilk.
Until we kick Israel and her lobbies out of U.S. foreign policy we will NEVER be able to discuss our domestic issues, much less solve them, because we will be in endless war with Israel's enemies, real and imaginary.
Georgia? Israel armed and provided military trainers. Saavakali (sp?) leader of Georgia, offered to fly down to Israel when she attacked Lebanon in 2006 to cheer Israel on.
It's in the Israeli newspapers.
Again, the "progressives" will not deal with the real problem, which is our carte blanche support of Israel and her endless wars, thus they are as bad as Zionists like McCain and Lieberman.
Obama pledged allegiance to Israel's endless wars when he addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee this year (the notorious AIPAC)
So did H. Clinton and so did McInsane.
Their speeches pledging fealty to Israel are all on the internet, WATCH THEM.
In the meantime, true independent thinkers could care less what "liberal" radio says -- endless war means the destruction of our Bill of Rights and our economy, yet both parties are willing to launch endless war for Israel
BTW: we are not technically an ally of Israel because we do not have a formal Senate-ratified defense treaty with Israel by Israel's choice.
Go suck on that one -- no matter if Obama or McCain wins, your kids are going to die for Israel, cheered on by the likes of Rhodes and Hartmann.
"Georgia? Israel armed and provided military trainers. Saavakali (sp?) leader of Georgia, offered to fly down to Israel when she attacked Lebanon in 2006 to cheer Israel on."
What does this paragraph mean?
I'm the anon. who commented about Georgia: Israel played a very active role in arming Georgia and training her military in the run-up to Georgia's offensive on South Ossetia. If I remember correctly, Israel has been working with Georgia for seven years.
Georgia, a client state of the U.S. and Israel, was set-up to provoke Russia.
We are pushing NATO to Russia's borders with the Rose revolution in Georgia and the Orange revolution in the Ukraine.
Now, with the signing of the missile defense deal with Poland, we have effectively pushed Russia into a corner and Russia has pushed back. But we, and Israel, were the aggressors, enabling Georgia to attack South Ossetia.
Georgia and Israel have long-standing ties, and what I would suggest is that the questioner, or anyone else interested, go to the archives of the the Israeli paper Ha'aretz, which is published in English and type "Georgia" into its search engine. You'll be amazed at what you find, in terms of Israel's role in the Georgia/ Russian confrontation.
"Why is Liberal Radio so bad?"
One reason is that so many of the announcers or managers or founders are on the payroll. After all, a past CIA chief said that they own the media, and they do.
So I would submit that the reason Liberal Radio is so bad is the same reason that Liberal newspapers and magazines are so bad: it's the agenda.
"Georgia, a client state of the U.S. and Israel, was set-up to provoke Russia."
Georgia has been around for 7,000 years. It was not 'set up' to provoke Russia. Russia is the aggressor in this war.
Have you ever been to the region or are you simply believing what you read in Israeli newspapers ? Its convenient to blame Israel for everything, but I doubt you know what you are talking about.
1:52 How typical - an anonomous right winger accused the "Left" of precisely what the current fascist Bush regime has been implementing!
10:40 - Take more money from doers and give it to people who sit on their ass
1:52 Spoiled rich kids like Bush are supreme ass-sitters, now aren't they. People who's wealth and power stem from not their abilities and accomplishments, but merely by their HANDED-OUT inheritance. CEO's getting millions in bonuses for outsoursing american jobs. Enron on a national scale.
Figures that a LIB would criticize that parents want to take THEIR money that they worked hard for and pass it down to their kids. Sure, a few are ass-sitters, but it is on their parent's dime not the taxpayers. Same with CEO's. I agree many are not worth the money they make, but that is the corporation's money to determine how they spend it - not taxpayer's. The Left is still perfectly fine with providing sex education and free condoms and then still ready to cough up taxpayer money to pay for an ass-sitting knocked up woman who had every opportunity to prevent the pregnancy.
10:40 - Weaken America economically because it will be more fair
1:52 The wars Bush has started, based on his own fabricated lies, will have cost the American economy about a trillion dollars, when all the (radioactive depleted uranium) dust settles.
"Fabricated lies" supported by many many DEMs who had the same intel info that Bush had, including Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I notice you said "wars". I see the left is now shifting against the clearly justified attack on Afghanistan. I also hear no criticism about Clinton and his Kosovo war where we still have troops.
10:40 - Weaken America militarily because we trust the world more to the Chinese, the Russians and radical Muslims
1:52 Bush has weakened America's military might enormously. After all his hundreds of billions of additional mindless military expenditures, we are far less safe. Iraq had NO terrorists, and now it's full of 'em. Anyone who knows anything of the history of the middle east is agast at the stupidity of what the US has done and is doing. Liberals believe that intelligence simply works better than stupid pig-headedness.
So the middle-east is now the standard for clear headed thinking. Wow. Actually our military is strengthened by having many seasoned veterans in their ranks that now have fighting experience. That goes a long way in value and deterrence.
10:40 - Let's throw more money down the shithole of public education. It won't help the kids but we will be paying more for a worst product
1:52 Amazing. So we shouldn't fund public ecucation? That way, there will be more right wingers out there, since knowledge interferes with the brainwashing necessary to think a fascist police state is a good idea.
I see you are a product of public education. You missed the word more. I did not suggest we dismantle public education. I am stating that we throw away the pipe-dream that more money means better education. Home-schoolers and one room schoolhouses have produced better products than many of our multi-million dollar schools.
10:40 - Let's demand the average Joe to make sacrifices for the environment while we allow our Leftist elite to have carbon footprints the size of Texas
1:52 If someone makes money by polluting our air and water, WHAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHT?
I see you did not read what I said so I will rephrase. If the offender is a champion of leftist causes we will turn a blind eye to all their private jets, SUVs, huge boats, outrageous electricity usage, etc. (Hint: Al Gore)
10:40 - Let's champion free speech, but only if we agree with it
1:52 Limiting free speach is characteristic of the right, not the left. By "right" I'm using the RWA scale, by the way. That way the old Soviet mentality, the Nazis, and the American right are all in the same boat. Conservatives tend to be biggots, racists, and very closed minded to other points of view. Liberals are (by definition!) open to other points of view.
The right is not the group shouting down speakers, throwing pies at speakers, want to censor through the fairness doctrine, etc. I agree some on the right go too far sometimes, but to claim the Left is any better is laughable.
10:40 - Let's make the little guy pay more for gas by denying more supply and try to keep a straight face when we say we care
1:52 The "supply" is paltry - if you're speaking of off-shore drilling. It's not going to have a significant effect. But record profits and record oil prices surely are directly connected. So obvious, but somehow truth isn't relevant to the "right".
Yet somehow the comparative thimble-full of supply from the national oil reserve and tire inflation (ideas from Pelosi and Obama that provide far less than what we will get from offshore drilling) will adjust the supply/demand enough to lower gas prices? Aren't you embarrassed by those suggestions?
10:40 - Let's demonize Big Oil for all the money they are making but say nothing about the island, resorts and palaces being built in Arabic countries on the backs of middle class Americans when they buy their expensive oil
1:52 Say what you like. Bush did NOTHING to develop new technology, and encourage alternatives to our oil addiction. This needs major effort, like the Manhattan project or the moon project. If the money wasted in Afganistan and Iraq had been spent on getting us over our dependence, we would be FAR better off.
Aren't you forgetting that we have borrowed money to go into Afghanistan and Iraq? And which even slightly promising technology should we funnel this large amount of money into? Or should we just write a huge check to every one with a half-assed idea?
1:52 So often when right-winger's speak, as they decry liberals, they seem to be describing themselves.
Actually you have this reversed. It is the Libs who decry conservatives of things they are guilty of.
1:52 By right-wing here, I don't mean libertarians. They believe in less government. True right-wingers believe in BIG government, and in fact find totalitarianism to be the most comfortable form of government, as long as they are part of the ruling class.
Laughable. New Deal. Great Society. Nationalized Health Care. All from the left. I do agree that there are too many GOP that act like DEMS and expand government (including both George Bushes). True conservatives are for smaller government. What reductions in government (other than the military) are the Left proposing? Hmmm?
It probably doesn't help that your Left Wing talkers like Bernie Ward are getting their jollies masterbating to child porn.
Conservative blowhards are comprised of convicted felons (Liddy and North), drug addicts (Limbaugh and Beck) and a man ashamed of his Weiner (Savage).
11:30 PM,
None of your examples is worse than Bernie Ward. He was caught chatting with a dominatrix (she turned him in) while masturbating in front of his children and their friends multiple times.
You can read the instant message conversations on the smoking gun.
I did not declare any worse than another.
You smeared the entirety of left-wing radio with one example. I responded with multiple folks, and can list more if you like, who are less than exemplary characters and are among the very biggest stars in right-wing radio.
"You smeared the entirety of left-wing radio..."
If you broadcast and nobody is listening, does it make a sound?
Left wing radio is as useful as a bull with tits.
I did not declare any worse than another.
That is a strange response. Are you incapable of seeing that Bernie Ward's actions are much more egregious than the others you named? Sure you will claim you did not say one way or the other. In this case, Ward's crimes are so disgusting they warrant immediate repudiation regardless of political leanings.
Perhaps strange to you and perhaps only because you would rather guage the actions of one against the actions of many to fit your sense of moral superiority.
Let's stipulate Bernie Ward is a scumbag.
Gordon Liddy actively called for the murder of ATF agents and plotted the murder of a journalist. Ollie North used money from arms sold to an enemy of the US (Iran) to fund Sandinista terrorists.
Limbaugh bloviated repeatedly about drug users and the punishments they deserved until he was busted... twice. Of course he served no time.
Your claim was that liberal radio is not helped by guys like Bernie Ward. I hope not and he no longer has a show. The fact remains, though, that some of the biggest names in right-wing radio are felons and drug addicts.
How proud you must be.
Randi Rhodes encouraged the assassination of the President of the United States. Ostroy calls her a "true warrior".
How proud YOU must be.
Since when did Andy Ostroy speak for me?
Interestingly enough, though, Andy was willing to call out radio folk on his side of the aisle. You have yet to acknowledge, much less decry, the activities of the bloviators on yours.
As I see it, Andy's got more integrity than you do.
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