This comes to us from our good pal Janet in Manhattan...
1. John McCain voted against establishing a national holiday in honor of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now he says his position has "evolved,"
yet he's continued to oppose key civil rights laws.
2. According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish than Bush on
Iraq, Russia and China. Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan says McCain
"will make Cheney look like Gandhi."
3. His reputation is built on his opposition to torture, but McCain
voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, and then applauded President
Bush for vetoing that ban.
4. McCain opposes a woman's right to choose. He said, "I do not support
Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned."
5. The Children's Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in
Congress for children. He voted against the children's health care bill
last year, then defended Bush's veto of the bill.
6. He's one of the richest people in a Senate filled with millionaires.
The Associated Press reports he and his wife own at least eight homes!
Yet McCain says the solution to the housing crisis is for people facing
foreclosure to get a "second job" and skip their
7. Many of McCain's fellow Republican senators say he's too reckless to
be commander in chief. One Republican senator said: "The thought of his
being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He's erratic.
He's hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."
8. McCain talks a lot about taking on special interests, but his
campaign manager and top advisers are actually lobbyists. The government
watchdog group Public Citizen says McCain has 59 lobbyists raising money
for his campaign, more than any of the other presidential candidates.
9. McCain has sought closer ties to the extreme religious right in
recent years. The pastor McCain calls his "spiritual guide," Rod
Parsley, believes America's founding mission is to destroy Islam, which
he calls a "false religion." McCain sought the political support of
right-wing preacher John Hagee, who believes Hurricane Katrina was God's
punishment for gay rights and called the Catholic Church "the
Antichrist" and a "false cult."
10. He positions himself as pro-environment, but he scored a 0 (yes,
zero)from the League of Conservation Voters last year.
Great post, Andy. Thank you for showing Democrats that we need to focus in on our common enemy.
Although what you have written is true it will make no difference if Obama is the Democrats' nominee. THey don't even have to "swiftboat" him; the truth about Wright will be enough I am appalled that Obama supported an organization and the Black Liberation Theology for twenty years and still has not denounced it. Does patriotism and loyalty to one's country no longer matter? Why do you think it is unConstitutional to elect a forgeign born president. Loyalty is a fundamental requirement. Do we damn and disown our children if they make mistakes?
I am also appalled that Romney is being considered as a vp to McCain. Does his affiliation with the Mormon's who foster the recently revealed horror in Texas have no meaning to Americans?
We all act based on our beliefs and principles. There is no getting around that.
It may not be right to vote Mccain,but at least you know where he stands,he doesn't vote present 150 times and then tell you,vote for me because you know where my values are.Obama's is never take stand that way it can't be used against you.And voting for Mccain can keep this country from moving to far to the left or right,because with dems. in control of the senate and the congress you have a check on goverment.We can still vote a dem into office in 2012.We don't need a person like Obama as the face of america.You know a guy who supports racism as long as it's blacks practicing it
If jackass democrats vote for McCain instead of either D candidate, they get what they deserve. It just means it ain't bad enough!
Obama will kick McCain's tired, old, war-mongering ass all across the country.
McCain only cares about war. He will take our country to war in Iran and keep us in Iraq through his term in office. McCain will sit and watch, and do nothing, as our economy falls into the first DEPRESSION since the 1930's.
Don't get distracted by bogus side "issues" like 2:24pm wants. War, health care, the economy: This is what matters. Not Obama's church. Not the tactics employed in the Illinois state legislature. WAR, HEALTH CARE, ECONOMY!!
Keep your eye on the ball America and Obama will win in November...
President Barack Obama
Vice President Bill Richardson
Secretary of State Joe Biden
Senate Majority Leader Hillary Clinton
Attorney General John Edwards
Senator McCain (R-AZ), ranking Republican member of the Armed Services Committee
Why are Obama supporters so naive about politics? Where have they been? Why would Obama kicked Ed Shultz under the bus for saying that McCain is a war monger.
Obama is starting to look like a whimp that will lose in November.
Wake up folks. Some of you sound like you don't have a clue as to how elections are won or lost.
2:26 if jackass democrats vote for Obama as their presidential candidate it means they'll get what they deserve -- McCain.
Don't follow 2:31pm's cynical attempt to undermine Democratic turnout...
Should we have not bothered supporting John Kerry in 2004? Al Gore in 2000? Clinton in '92 (who at one point in June '92 polled behind BOTH Bush Sr. and Ross Perot)? Should we have not supported JFK in 1960? Every candidate has his flaws, Obama included. But we Democrats must stand united behind our candidate and do everything we can to see that Obama wins and DEMOCRATIC policies are enacted in 2009!!!
Don't listen to the doubters of 2:31pm's ilk. Be strong and do what you can to maximize Obama's prospects of victory....I'm going to donate $50 to his campaign right now.
2:37pm is the ultimate JACKASS. He/she says that voting for Obama is voting for McCain. Well, since we're talking about the general election, voting for Obama is the EXACT OPPOSITE of voting for McCain. Wow, son.
Obama is a wimp. Have you ever seen a flash of anger or fire or fight? His counterattacks have been sarcasm -- not aggressive retaliation. He votes "present" rather than taking a stand. I'd like to see some motivational anger. But you see, it's not what he wants to do. He doesn't want to fight' he want to reach concilliatory agreements. He wants the Repubicans and the Democrats to sit down, hold hands, meditate and then hug and agree. He's, at the least, misguided. Wright couldn't be the one who led him to this attitude. Where does it come from?
Maybe it's because his followers do his fighting. They have threatened Super Delagates and wrote threatening notes to Geraldine. He lets them do it and he makes amends. What's going on?
Yeah, 2:44pm, Let's put into the most stressful, demanding, and important office, an "angry" person. That's what this world needs. Presidents displaying their anger for all the world to see. God, I'm glad that you're not the person who single-handedly decides who gets to be president.
If we want an "angry" President, then McCain's the man for the job.
"Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days."
Andy, you forgot the BIGGEST one! HE WAS NEVER TORTURED!!!!! Thats according to his own fellow soldiers!!!
2:42 Take your meds, call your caregiver and have he/she read the
2:36 entry again and you'll perhaps see how you misread the entry. BUt, honey, don't worry if you still don't "get it." I'm sure you have at least one redeeming quality.
Although the word "anger" was used perhaps in this case a synonym would be "passion". The emotion that shows one really cares about America, its people, their getting healthcare, and all the things people feel strong about. Real strong human emotion ready to fight for the rights of Americans would be nice to see. At least fifty percent of Democrats see that in Hillary -- the deeply emotional commitment to fight for us. Obama does not show that.
But that might explain why so many Democrats in office are supporting him -- They see in him another one who "caves" just as they've done for the past seven years. Ted supporting Bush on immigration and No Child Left Behind; Peolosi having no time to impeach -- Like attracts like.
Hey 3:47pm, you bloviating, patronizing shithead:
If you're a repug troll: well, at least I have the good sense not to back a candidate (McCain) who will take us into a third failure of a war in the middle east and who doesn't know jack shit about economics while we're in the midst of a recession.
If you're just a bitter Clinton supporter: Sucks to be you son, but if you care at all about Democratic principles and policies, you'd quit bitching and embrace your party's presumptive nominee.
I'm fairly sure you have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, so the feeling is decidedly not mutual. Go cry in your soup about Hillary's loss or gleefully await McCain's cry of havoc and slipping of the dogs of war, whichever of those two train wreck candidates you support.
Hey 3:47pm, you bloviating, patronizing shithead:
If you're a repug troll: well, at least I have the good sense not to back a candidate (McCain) who will take us into a third failure of a war in the middle east and who doesn't know jack shit about economics while we're in the midst of a recession.
If you're just a bitter Clinton supporter: Sucks to be you son, but if you care at all about Democratic principles and policies, you'd quit bitching and embrace your party's presumptive nominee.
I'm fairly sure you have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, so the feeling is decidedly not mutual. Go cry in your soup about Hillary's loss or gleefully await McCain's cry of havoc and slipping of the dogs of war, whichever of those two train wreck candidates you support.
Obama's shown plenty of passion. Check out his speech at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner. The guy is plenty passionate, but he's also thoughtful and deliberate. I'm sorry that your preferred candidate doesn't look like she's going to pull it off. But if you're for universal health care, if you'd like our military to begin to pull out of Iraq, if you don't want to rush to war with Iran, then please, put aside your reservations as to Obama, and embrace the Democratic message.
Vote Obama!
3:56 Saying someone is "bitchng" is sexist slander.
4:30pm, you are a joke...
I bet you can't tell us 10 things about Obama's politics. Maybe if he had a track record besides the 130 'present' votes because he couldn't take a stand on issues. Now he claims Hillary's vote for the Iraq invasion was bad. It must be easy to not take a stand when it's your turn and play armchair quarterback when someone else actually takes a stand.
4"31 BITCH: a female canine, usually a dog.
2) a spiteful and overbearing woman
3) a lewd woman
4) a nagging, complaining woman
BITCHING: behaving in the manner of a bitch
2) nagging
3) complaining
When a man complains it's called being assertive, forceful and effective. When a woman does it's called bitching.
On the Abrams' show THE VERDICT tonight Hillary was accused of lying about having a bookbag forty years ago. She said she was so upset over Martin Luther King's death she threw her bookbag against the wall. There are those who say there were no bookbags then and the "liar" is doing it again.
I don't know if there were bookbags then. But even if there were none, Hillary, who was a excellent student probably carried more books than most others and she discovered they could better be carried in a tote bag.
The Hillary Haters' venom has struck their brains. Abrams leads the pack.
I'd like to ask on how many news stations did you see the retraction of Hillary's lying about the woman dying from lack of hospital care. I saw it only once early this a.m. I bet few of you ever saw it at all. Remember how many times you saw that she'd "lied again."?
hey andy WHY haven't you had anything to say about the news people not correcting the story about hillary,lying about the hospital and things,you being paid by Obama's people now
I have always voted Democrat but with the 2 choices we have this year I will be voting McCain. What expirence does the Dem Canidates have? Especially the black racist Obama. Once again the head of the Dem party hands the Pubs a easy win because they want the party to head far left. The American people want someone more toward the middle and that is McCain.
I am sorely disappointed in our Democratic Primary. Obama didnt win the nomination, he "recieved" it.
With this I swore come Fall I would vote McCain, thus providing our party's leaders with a demostration of what
happens when you ignore the people's vote.
Besides McCain is a great man, a war hero, the only Republican who stood up to Bush's Kingdomhood. He
has years of knowledge and wisdom that Obama could never aquire, Obama is a master of none, votes present instead
of nay or yea, and frankly poetic words do not woe me as it does so many others; results woe me.
With that being said, McCain predicts the Iraqi war will continue and troops will not pull out until the year 2013, after the Iraqi's can
defend the own country. What about our country?
I would not only be supporting the war in Iraq, but promoting it as well.
The blood on my hands would never wash off.
I would be a murder of our children, I dishonor to my country.
A great man once said "It's not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".
For the first time ever, I am saying "Vote Obama".
No matter our difference, and disappointment we must take responsiblity on how we vote, unlike all
those who voted Bush twice. Do you remember how devasting that was? What were those people thinking?
What in gods name ARE we thinking? We are Democrates, and we are all the hope our country has, we must do
what we know is right for the surival of Our Country or shall we pass our plate down because we dont like what has been served to us despite our hunger and our needs and just starve, or shall we feast and be thankful for what we do have? Thier blood with be on our hands!!!
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