The infighting among Democrats is at a fever pitch. Neither Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama has convinced enough voters to give them the minimum number of delegates needed to win the nomination. That's an inarguable fact. We all need to digest it and accept it. For the first time in 55 years, and no matter what happens over the next five months, Democrats will head to their August convention with no clear nominee. So, what we'll possibly have is a brokered convention if the heated contest doesn't somehow end sooner, which is not likely. Clinton vowed this week to stay in until at least mid-June, and possibly all the way to the end. Is there fallout from this protracted battle? Maybe so. Polls indicate that as much as 25%-30%of Clinton/Obama supporters will vote for the GOP's Sen. John McCain in November if their candidate is not the nominee. Pretty scary stuff.
What happens next for Democrats? It's unlikely Clinton or Obama will exit the race anytime soon, and it would appear that the Dems' chances of winning the White House--once an almost sure thing given the war, the economy, and voters' overall desire for change--might be evaporating fast. Desperate measures for desperate times? Consider this prediction from Democratic consultant Joe Trippi in April 2007:
"I may be the first idiot foolish enough to say it out loud, but we could be looking at something unheard of in the modern era, someone going into convention with only 30%-40% of delegates....What could happen is that we're headed for a brokered convention.... Polls are all basically in dead heats. Not one is going to blow out the other....If they keep this pace up, they'd have enough money to go all the way. I never thought I'd say this in modern politics that it's possible to have a brokered convention...fighting it down to the last state."
Quite prescient of Trippi. But wait, it gets better: "If there was a brokered convention going on, that Al Gore coming in and winning the nomination could be how that plays out."
Al Gore to the rescue? I like the way Trippi thinks. And, as anyone who knows me and has read this blog for the last few years knows that having Gore as our nominee is something I personally think would be incredible for Democrats and for the country as a whole. Is it fantasy at this point? Perhaps. But, like Trippi said, we're also talking about an extremely unusual election. It's quite possible that anything and everything can and will happen as we head towards Denver. Is there a scenario where the powers that be--superdelegates and various party officials--can persuade the former veep and each other that the only way to salvage our chances in November is with, hypothetically, a Gore/Obama ticket? With an offer to Clinton as Secretary of State perhaps? Would this be fair? Sure. Neither Clinton or Obama will have "won," so, anything's possible now. Is it viable? Hell yeah. A Gore/Obama/Clinton slate would not only unite the party, but blow past the aging, out-of-touch war-monger McCain in the general election.
Could this be the moment Gore truly waited for? The opportunity for him to watch the candidates cancel each other out--as I've written about countless times--and step in as the "draft" candidate prior to or at a chaotic convention? To become the nominee without having to endure the extended rigors of a contentious primary season? A fantasy indeed. But if the current Democratic blood-letting doesn't end at some point with a a viable outcome which unites voters, come November it could be a nightmare.
On another note, we could use your help at The The Adrienne Shelly Foundation. We are a tax-exempt, non-profit organization dedicated in my wife's honor to help carry out her spirit and passion, with the goal of assisting women filmmakers. Adrienne was brutally killed in NYC on November 1, 2006. Through the Foundation, her commitment to filmmaking lives on. We've established scholarships, grants, finishing funds and living stipends at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts/Kanbar Institute of Film; Columbia University; American Film Institute; Women in Film; the Independent Feature Project; the Nantucket Film Festival; and the Sundance Institute. We're very pleased to announce that one of last year's grant recipients, Cynthia Wade, just won an Oscar for Best Documentary Short Subject for "Freeheld." We are proud of Cynthia and to have supported this film. Your generous contribution will go a long way towards helping us continue to achieve our very important mission.
Thank you.
Why is it then that folks keep saying that Hillary should give up? I have my doubts that Obama can get elected in November. Too many folks where I live will not vote for him. Many guys have said that this is their last stand for keeping white power. Sad to say that not enough racists are dead yet.
I really don't understand why you consistently say that neither candidate will get to 2025, Andy. Sure, neither will reach 2025 by way of pledged delegates only. The decision will be made by the remaining superdelegates, who should decide by July 1st, according to Chairman Dean. I think we'll wind up with a Superdelegate primary of sorts in late June, as suggested by Governor Phil Bredesen. As all of the superdelegate momentum has been with Obama since Super Tuesday, and he'll have the lead in both popular vote and pledged delegates, a majority of the undecided supers will put Obama over the 2025 delegate threshold. Trust me, this is not going to the convetion. Dean, Pelosi, Reid and the other party elders will ensure it. Obama will be the nominee by July 1. (I'd love a Gore/Obama ticket though, too bad it's wishful thinking.)
Talk about a dream ticket, Gore/Obama/Clinton would be it. Gore is loved world wide, PERIOD! The voters love him now that he's gotten their attention with the war, healthcare and mainly the environment.
No matter what, we have to take over this White House even if "we" have to steal it like the Republicans did the past two times.
I'm a Hillary fan, but Barack was on The View today, very impressive.
a Gore/Obama ticket would be the dream team but I don't think Gore wants to be president. I don't blame him much even though we need him. That said, on the Leherer news hour on thurs afternoon they had a pollster that said Obama is 10 points ahead of Hillary. I think we should just all hold onto our shorts. This will most likely be decided by June. Both candidates will go after McCain and the one who does not get the bid will throw his/her weight behind the winner and ask their supporters to do the same.
While all this is interesting perhaps now would be a good time to keep our eyes on the ball in Iraq. I understand it's exploding.
I fear we are going to rue the day if Obama gets the nomination. Too many people where I live will not vote for him.
Why are we not talking about why he will not win?
Al would saves from President McCain.
I too wonder why everyone acts like Obama is a shoo in.
There are not enough young voters to make it happen for him.
Some of you don't get it. As unlikely as it is, even if Obama gets the "numbers" or the super delegates he cannot be elected President. Don't you read these contributors' comments; don't you talk to your neighbors; don't you look at the polls: If Obama is the Dem. nominee a large number of Democrats will vote for McCain. Racism on both sides is alive. If Hillary gets it the black racists and misogynists and Clinton haters will vote for McCain. Gore would be the answer provided he dumps the campagin advisors he had before and forgets inconsequentials like the color scheme of his wardrobe and he forges ahead on his true strenghs. It might persuade him if he is convinced that the only way to be sure global warming is stopped is if he is presidemt. It's not a top priority for McCain.
I now watch FOX NEWS to see what's going on. They're letting up on Obama because they now want him instead of Hillary to be the nominee because they know with Obama's Wright vulnerability they can beat him for sure as the candidate against McCain. There are hundreds, if not thousands of articles, speeches and of course twenty plus years of sermons for them to bring out. It is insane to overlook that those few clips we have of Wright do not constitute the basis of his preaching and philosophy for the twenty years he impressed Obama. Obama doesn't have a chance with that much material in storage to be used against him. Please, wake up, people. Obama simply cannot win. If you don't believe me watch Fox. They know with him they have won the election.
And, even if that had nothing on Wright, all they have to do is publish the tenets of the Black Liberation Theology. And, they'll say, Obama didn't join just for the fellowship, since the "fellowship" were/are followers of Wright and they are young as is Obama. It is not a generational thing.
Look at their family trees. All of them are related. every leader or high power people in EVERY COUNTRY all share BLOOD relations in their family trees. Even Obama and Clinton and Bush are all related. EVERY US president, EVERY leader throughout recorded history they are all related by blood. Crazy but true, do your research. The battle for leadership is a SCAM. It is in no ways fair, open, honest, or transparent. Until we have open source elections, and open source transparent government, we are all screwed by this family that thinks in its own mind that it owns us.
With the internet now we can ALL be the government we do not need Politicians anymore to speak for us we can speak for ourselves and vote in a similar fashion to how we do online banking. And we can have a website where we can all go and VERIFY that our vote is recorded correctly and any college or university in the world can openly audit our results anytime. All international representatives of our official government must be under 24hr video/audio surveillance to review any actions they may take on our behalf. We have the resources ALREADY. Our good military personal need to live up to their Oaths and protect us from all enemies domestic and FIRE WASHINGTON DC!!! Fire them all. At gunpoint. Don't even let them clean out their desks, we need to go through all that stuff to clean their mess up. just put them all in a cage like they did to us and hold them until we can sort out who all did what and punish accordingly. NOW!
The Zionists are terrified of an Obama presidency. They don't have anything to blackmail him with.
I was disappointed when I heard that this was a suggestion by a journalist who is for Obama. Of course it will not be taken seriously. Not only that, neither Obama nor Hillary should even be considered as a vp for Gore because that would cause their respective supporters to decline to vote for the others' favorite. My neighbor who told me about the source of the idea, said that she wouldn't vote for Obama for president or vp since she basically does not want him to be president or the chance that he would be. There seems to be no solution. And, Patrick Leahy is another coming out for Obama and asking Hillary to quit. The leaders of the Dem. Party are really showing they are really out of touch with a huge portion of their party.
Gore won't do it. He's going to wait and then follow suit and throw his support to Obama because, rumor has it, he blames Bill for his presidential loss. He like the others will be as subversive as Nadar was and throw the presidency to McCain.
He's a great man and would be a great President, but Gore is hardly the answer. Gore is just a lot more questions.
So...no Democracy? All the votes were a waste of time? We're just going to toss every vote out? What?
Don't Hillary and Obama's supporters want their candidates to be PRESIDENT, not vice or sec of state or anything else? Aren't many of them saying they won't vote or will vote for McCain if their candidate isn't the one?
What about all the money people sent? Too bad for them I guess.
Many in the Party say that they will vote for the person with the most pledged delegates. Gore has very few pledged delegates (none).
Gore says he is not a good politician and there is a lot of truth to that. It'll be a monumental comedown to hear him speak after Obama. And a big comedown after Clinton. Go on YouTube and watch him in action. (yawn)
Gore says he doesn't want to be President. I know he's probably just being coy, but it's also possible that he truly doesn't want the job. He has a great and meaningful life where he does tremendous good. Who needs the aggravation?
One word: Clinton.
Can I go home now?
Gore, Clinton and Obama are owned by the elites. They all have ties to the CFR, the Trilateral Group and the Bilderberg Group.
Which flavor of Empire and Authoritarian state do you want? the Maroon of Reserve and Arrogance, Sterile Pastel Hypocritical Silver, or Passionate, Deceptive Purple. Yes, be enthused about the choices you have been allowed. Dupes.
Al GORE couldn't save himself,how the hell can he save the party, neither Obama nor Hillary can reach the 2025 delegates needed to win the party's nom.Obama is more than likely to lead with delegates while I believe clinton will lead with popular vote,Obama fans thats what I see in the future,so don't get your tits in a up roar and post a 5000 word disagreement.obama's people are trying to get hillary to suspend her run,if she suspends her run she's ain't playing with a full deck,the only reason Obama people want her to suspend is so people will vote for Obama and he can end up with the popular vote,DON'T FALL FOR IT HILLARY
Please fellow human beings, Listen to Obama's speach on Race, listen to all of his speaches. He is a born leader, can unite us in a way that Hillary never can, and he can win and get the "white" vote. All of those people you know that say they will not vote for him.. guess what they are the vocal minority. Look at the numbers, and the delegate count. Uh .. he is clearly getting people to vote for him. Intelligent, upper middle class whites love him .. If bubba can;t see it then bubba will send his son and his grandson to Iraq!
I listen to the whole speach 3 times and every time heard exscuse's for why it was ok for the reverands hate speach,Obama claims their not what he would let come out of his mouth,but he understood why the reverand gave the sermon.And obama's voting record shows he's some one who votes as the wind blows,votes present 150 some odd times,so he doesn't have a vote someone can use against him,this is the same man who wants you to believe he would of voted against the use of forse against SADAM,with his voting record,I willing to bet it would of been a present vote,any takers
If Obama is such a "born leader" who can "unite us in a way Hillary never can" why is this campaign divided in half. In fact, part of the trouble is Obama's divisiveness. By his not coming out about his association with Wright he has created a rift that won't heal. (How could he have been so dense as to think it wouldn't surface.) And, Anon. 9:11, an Obama supporter, is dividing us further with his "bubba" remarks and alluding to differences in intelligence and "class" in the two camps.
This will not be resolved and McCain will be the next president.
Thank you very much Mr.Obama, Mr. Kennedy, Ms. Winfry, et al.
9:44 am,
Its obvious that the less educated half of the less educated party supports Hillary.
I hope our current President, or one of his supporters didn't have the nerve to write, even anonymously, the 2:20 remark.
5:51 PM,
Why ? Do you post half thoughts often ?
Obama can't even unite the Democratic Party so how will he bring Independents and Republicans into the fold? He has too much baggage already and there is still more to come out. He is changing his positions from day to day based on which way the political wind is blowing. Friday he was a Reagan Republican again. What does this guy stand for?
Pelosi, Dean and Reid have shown poor leadership and will help destroy the Party's chance to regain the White House.
McCain will win in November if Obama is the Democrat's nominee.
McCain will win in November only if we are lucky.
2:43 If he does you will and the rest of us will be lucky if we don't become a Third World Country.
9:41 am,
Vote McCain.
Vote Clinton.
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