Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) pulled the plug Wednesday on the troop-withdrawal debate after failing to obtain the 60 votes needed to overcome the Repug filibuster. As a result, it's kind of a dead issue legislatively until September, when the highest-ranking uniformed U.S. military puppet in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, provides his much anticipated progress report to the Bush administration. And if history is any barometer, the Busheviks--the smarmy, calculating, deceptive miscreants who brought you the other great American lies about 9/11 and the Iraq war--will ram another great fallacy down our collective throats. This time the tall tale will be about all the wonderful progress being made on the ground, the "benchmarks being met, and the success of Bush's inane troop "surge."
Yes my friends, coming this September to a theatre near you from the producers of "WMD and the Mushroom Clouds," "Yellow Cake Uranium," "Mission Accomplished" and "The Insurgency is in its Last Throes" will come their new project, "See, the Iraq War is a Success!" Is there anyone naive enough on this planet who thinks the great general is going to come to Washington to tell his delusional boss that we need to withdraw the troops because our military effort there is failing?
Forget the fact that the National Intelligence Estimate released this week stated that al Qaeda is a major threat still, indicating that six years after 911 we seem to have made no material progress in the ridiculously coined "war on terror."
So here we are, facing grave threats still from Osama bin Laden and those who attacked us on 911, and the Busheviks--despite monumental public disapproval for the war both here, abroad and in Iraq itself--will likely not only perpetuate the lies come September, but may even attempt to expand this insanity by using whatever BS Petraeus comes back with as justification to send even more troops...creating an even bigger surge since the first one is going so swimmingly. And at the very outside chance Petraeus does advise his boss it's not going well and it's time to start the withdrawal, then you can bet your ass Petraeus will follow Eric Shinseki and all the other generals who were summarily booted for not espousing the Bushevik propaganda.
Rather than lying down and admitting defeat, Reid and the rest of the Democratically-controlled House and Senate should take this issue to the American people and force the Repugs' hand. Until the Dems play very rough hardball, the Busheviks will continue to deceive, distort and lie their way throuigh this war. It's their war. And it's their legacy. They have nothing to gain from calling it quits. So, the war will continue over there until the political battle can be won by the Dems over here. Remember Harry, in Washington, nice guys finish last. Stay tuned....
Democrats celebrate the death of American soldiers.
I am a Democrat and I am disgusted with the Demoracts who haven't the spine to do what's right. Either that, or they've all been bought by somebody not interested in our country's survival. Those are the only explanations I can think of.
No matter the reason, the Democrats in power are pathetic.
All it takes is 41 Democratic Senators to grow a spine and announce that they will no longer fund the war. Not 60. 41. Filibuster proof. Veto proof.
The next day our GIs can stop driving their targets around Iraq. Within 30 days, most of them will be home.
You can't walk down the street here without seeing 41 patriotic Democrats. Unfortunately, none of them will ever get to DC because they haven't sold their souls to war profiteers.
The Ostroy report is neither fresh nor helpful to democrats. It regurgitates tired dem talking points while offering nothing but blind partisanship instead of fresh perspectives and leadership.
Andy you need a new job because this one is stale for you.
If you arent getting paid for this then I guess you are doing fine. Continuing to ranting senselessly without offering solutions and increasing divisiveness is an american tradition and you fit right in that mold.
9:10 Who died and made you the Oracle of Delphi? Or maybe you're a Dr. Phil Wannabee. If you don't like Andy's blog, stay away and give your advice to your own kind.
Anonymous said...
The Ostroy report is neither fresh nor helpful to democrats. It regurgitates tired dem talking points while offering nothing but blind partisanship instead of fresh perspectives and leadership.
Andy you need a new job because this one is stale for you.
If you arent getting paid for this then I guess you are doing fine. Continuing to ranting senselessly without offering solutions and increasing divisiveness is an american tradition and you fit right in that mold.
Hey Anon, I don't often respond to the hate-spewing Repugs here, but hey, it's Friday, the sun is shining, and I'm feeling a bit frisky:
1. Ok, I'll take the bait. I'm stale and insignificant. But then what does that make you for caring about me so much? Why then are you here?
2. "Blind partisanship?" Clearly you did not read the last part of my piece where I criticize Harry Reid and the Democrats for being wimps (BTW, a profound lack of reading comprehension skills seems to be a common trait of the hate-spewing Repugs)
3. "Increasing divisiveness?" This is funny, coming from one of the bazillions of hate-spewing Repugs.
Thanks for readin' and writin'....
I'm not the one you are responding to, but I come here to troll on stupid liberals that senselessly toe the Democrat party line. I'm not a republican fan either, but the blind support of Democrats is ridiculous. The democrats the blog here can't really believe that all would be well if their corrupt party replaced the corrupt republican party.
By the way, it's almost September and Democrats have done nothing with control of the Senate and House. Democrats claim that Bush should have prevented 9/11 in his first 8 months...but what will the Democrats have accomplished during their 8 months? absolutely nothing
Anonymous said...
I'm not the one you are responding to, but I come here to troll on stupid liberals that senselessly toe the Democrat party line. I'm not a republican fan either, but the blind support of Democrats is ridiculous. The democrats the blog here can't really believe that all would be well if their corrupt party replaced the corrupt republican party.
By the way, it's almost September and Democrats have done nothing with control of the Senate and House. Democrats claim that Bush should have prevented 9/11 in his first 8 months...but what will the Democrats have accomplished during their 8 months? absolutely nothing
Anon...Democrats were elected in November largely on the mandate to end the war. This week they tried, again. Though Dems are indeed in control, there's this wonderful little thing called a Filibuster that the Repugs used this week to thwart the Dems' plans to bring the troops home. So, if the Dems can;t do what they were elected to do, you might want to consider why. A little civics lesson: the way our political system works, even those in power sometimes have no power (Dems need 60 Senate votes to truly "control" policy).
Petraeus will offer up his assessment in November now. Keep pushing it back until Bush is out of office. I, too, don't understand why Reid stopped the debate and tabled the Levin/Reed ammendment. Seems like they should keep the debate open and just revote for cloture every 6 hours or so.
You should take your own civics lesson: the way our political system works, even those in power sometimes have no power.
You need to use this lesson when you and other liberals claim that President Bush should have prevented 9/11 because he was in power and received a generic memo restating the threat of a slightly modified version of "project bojinka", which was first discovered in January 1995.
You know that President Bush could not have stopped 9/11 without infringing on the civil rights of the individuals in the terror cell, but this doesn't stop you from making the claim. You also know that 8 months is not much time in Washington, as we can see by the lack of accomplishments for the Democrats in the last 6+ months.
By the way, "project bojinka" was discovered in January 1995 to include Ramzi Ahmed Yousef and associates blowing up 11-12 US commercial aircraft and ramming a fuel-laden airliner into the Pentagon. Ramzi Yousef was the mastermind of the WTC 1993 bombing and nephew of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (Al Qaeda #3). Osama Bin Laden held a press conference in Feb 1998 to declare war on the United States.
Your partisan politics lays blame on Bush for 9/11 because it happened on his watch, yet you completely ignore the lack of action from the previous administration. The writing was on the wall for an upcoming spectacular terrorst attack on the United States during the 1990's.
Your mission clearly states that you are 100% partisan.
$1000 in cash to anyone who can show where I've ever said Bush is responsible for 911. If you Repugs are gonna attack me, at least do it over something I've actually said! BTW, I'm extremely flattered that you Repugs are so riveted by everything I have to say that you refuse to leave this blog even when you repeatedly state how meaningless and partisan I am. To the contrary, I think you actually are quite smitten....
What is the purpose of this sentence, if not to imply Bush is responsible for 9/11 ?
"The September 11th attack came on Bush's watch, despite doing nothing after being warned (August PDB and several Richard Clark missives) that a major attack might be imminent."
- Andy Ostroy, June 4, 2007
You can keep your money, unlike Democrats, I don't take handouts.
In addition to the June 4, 2007 Ostroy quote, I want to point out that I never claimed Ostroy said Bush is "responsible" for 9/11 - My 12:13 PM post clearly states that "...Bush should have prevented 9/11..."
The June 4, 2007 Ostroy quote directly implies that Bush should have prevented 9/11.
Of course Bush is responsbile for not preventing 9/11. By "generic" warning do you mean it didn't read: "Hey, Mr. Bush, We're going to fly into the World Trade Center and a couple of other places on September 11 so maybe you'd better not take your trip to the ranch you're looking forward to."
You people are ridiculous. He was President. When you become President of the USA you're supposed to be able to handle the job on the first day. Like a surgeon, a President of the USA cannot get training on the job. And, do we want to get into the other things Bush is responbile for? What silly excuse do you offer for those catastrophes?
8:53 PM,
Then maybe you can explain how the Democrats in control of the House and Senate have accomplished absolutely nothing in almost the same amount of time you expect the President to have prevented 9/11 without infringing on the civil rights of the members of the 9/11 terror cell.
I also assume that you place some blame on the two leaders of the previous administration for not doing anything to combat a growing threat that also happened to attack us 7 times without a response.
Here's a link to the August 6 PDB:
8"53 It is obvious that the small majority the Democrats have in the legislative branch is not enough to make a great deal of difference in the executive branches's policy. Whereas Bush as president had enormous power and the responsibility to act on intelligence information and prevent 9/ll. It would not have required impinging on civil rights since he had the legal powerof the executive branch. However, infringing on civil rights hasn't stopped him since then.
9/ll didn't happen during the administraiton of the two previous leaders no matter how you would like to rewrite history.
9:56 AM,
The PDB is in the post above yours. Feel free to read it and inform everyone how this information could have prevented 9/11.
If we were to leave Iraq right now it would be total chaos. That is what democrats do not seem to understand. We would get no oil no nothing. Terrorism would be a huge threat once more and we would have to start over from square one...
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