So let's assume Al Gore enters the presidential race. What next? Would he capture the attention and support of Democratic voters so late in the game? If an informal poll conducted Friday evening during Air America Radio's Rachel Maddow show by stand-in host David Bender is any indication, the answer is yes. By a 3-1 margin, callers stated their support for Gore over Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton. This result is most astonishing given that Gore's not even a declared candidate...yet. Could this be a foreshadowing of what's to come this Fall once The Goracle flings his hat into the crowded ring?
As Bender said of the results of his poll, "it's a landslide." But the real question is, by what margin would he blow past the two leading Dem's when he does actually make his announcement? With Gore actually in the race, I believe, as do many pundits, that Obama and Hillary wouldn't stand a chance against the highly credentialed former vice president.
We continue to believe that Gore will be in the race by October. With a personal fortune worth an estimated $100 million, and the ability to generate bazillions in Internet fundraising--let alone the fact that he's still the darling of several key Democratic fatcat donors--Gore's starting to look more and more promising by the minute. Stay tuned.....
On another subject......we could use your help at The Adrienne Shelly Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated in my wife's honor to help carry out her spirit and passion, with the goal of assisting women filmmakers. As you may know, Adrienne was brutally killed in NYC on November 1, 2006. Through the Foundation, her commitment to filmmaking lives on. We've finalized a scholarship with NYU's Tisch School of the Arts/Kanbar Institute of Film; and grants with Columbia University, American Film Institute, NY Women in Film and Television, the Independent Feature Project, and the Nantucket Film Festival. Other initiatives will follow. Please visit our website to learn more about our mission and to make a donation. Every little contribution helps preserve Adrienne's legacy, and to help create something positive out of this horrible tragedy. Thank you.
Adrienne's film "Waitress" opened in theatres May 2nd to incredible rave reviews from the NY Times, LA Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Time, People, Entertainment Weekly, Ebert & Roeper ("Two Thumbs Up"), Leonard Maltin and more. Since then, it's been playing to packed audiences across America. It's a truly wonderful film that you're sure to love. A link to the trailer is below. Enjoy.
I pray every night that he does choose to run!
Gore is a grade A a$$hole.
He is partly responsible for 9/11 and the growth of Al Qaeda. If he and Bill Clinton did their job in the 1990's, Al Qaeda would have been squashed before 9/11.
Gore is a liar and a hypocrite. He is a Global Warming Alarmist, trying to incite fear that the world is coming to an end. If he really believed what he says about Global Warming, then the following facts of his life just don't add up:
- He owns 3 enormous houses. He keeps all 3 of his houses heated during the winter, but he obviously can use them all at the same time.
- He invests heavily into the oil industry. Gore's income from his oil investments is larger than most American's annual income.
- Gore's utility bills for just one of his 3 houses is 20 times that of the average American. Include his other 2 houses and its even higher. His groupies will argue that its OK because he pays into the carbon offset industry. The carbon offset industry is a total scam.
- Gore makes annual income in one of North America's largest polluting Zinc Mines. Gore and his zinc mining cronies have been caught emitting thousands of pounds of toxic substances and several times, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal. His mine also puts high quantity of Barium, Iron, and Zinc in the Caney Fork river. The soils of the riverbank are also showing the presence of Arsenic, Chromium, and Lead with traces of Cyanide.
- Gore never travels on commercial airlines. For Gore, it has to be private air travel.
- Traveling on the ground, Gore requires at least 7 large SUV's in his ontourage. He was even caught taking his ontourage 4 blocks to a movie theater when his Inconvenient Truth propaganda flick was released. Poor Gore, the next day, he actually had to walk a few blocks.
- Gore doesn't even pay for the carbon offsets that his groupies will argue he purchases. The offset purchases are actually made for him by Generation Investment Management, a London-based investment firm that Mr. Gore co-founded, and which provides carbon offsets as a fringe benefit to all 23 of its employees, ensuring that they require no real sacrifice on the part of Mr. Gore or his family.
10:17 Your rants about Gore are really getting tiresome. Get over it. If Woodrow Wilson hadn't created the Treaty of Versaille we wouldn't have had World War II; if Bush hadn't stolen the election we wouldn't have the Iraq problem; if corporations didn't own the Republicans we wouldn't have so much poverty in America; and, if Adam and Eve had behaved themselves we wouldn't have any problems.
So layoff Gore.
10:59 am,
I'm not going to stop using my right of free speech and I'm glad you are getting tired of me. Just like an illegal alien in America, I'm here to stay. You can either rebut me with facts or you can go somewhere else. If I'm proven wrong with facts, I'll be quiet. Otherwise, you will have to continue to see my posts.
Al Gore is a hypocrite. Your entire post is speculative and incorrect. Why don't you try using facts to counter any single accusation I made earlier? It's because you either don't know how, or you just plain cannot.
1:59 RE the blog of 10:59
You said "Your entire post is speculative and incorrect."
I'm not surprised you think the point he made about Adam and Eve is speculative and incorrect.
Unacquainted as you are with the Bible, you think it's all right to lie and apparently to break the law since you approve of illegal aliens.
I'd like to see Gore in the race, but he needs to have an overwhelming attack machine set up beforehand to counter attack the Right and misguided mainstream media if he is to succeed.
Refer to DailyHowler.com to see how the mainstream media hampered his campaign in 2000.
Hey, I'm a right wing moron, all right? So if I want to criticize Gore, get over it.
Until I see facts challenging me, I'm going to post this all of this blog. enjoy!
Gore is a liar and a hypocrite. He is a Global Warming Alarmist, trying to incite fear that the world is coming to an end. If he really believed what he says about Global Warming, then the following facts of his life just don't add up:
- He owns 3 enormous houses. He keeps all 3 of his houses heated during the winter, but he obviously can use them all at the same time.
- He invests heavily into the oil industry. Gore's income from his oil investments is larger than most American's annual income.
- Gore's utility bills for just one of his 3 houses is 20 times that of the average American. Include his other 2 houses and its even higher. His groupies will argue that its OK because he pays into the carbon offset industry. The carbon offset industry is a total scam.
- Gore makes annual income in one of North America's largest polluting Zinc Mines. Gore and his zinc mining cronies have been caught emitting thousands of pounds of toxic substances and several times, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal. His mine also puts high quantity of Barium, Iron, and Zinc in the Caney Fork river. The soils of the riverbank are also showing the presence of Arsenic, Chromium, and Lead with traces of Cyanide.
- Gore never travels on commercial airlines. For Gore, it has to be private air travel.
- Traveling on the ground, Gore requires at least 7 large SUV's in his ontourage. He was even caught taking his ontourage 4 blocks to a movie theater when his Inconvenient Truth propaganda flick was released. Poor Gore, the next day, he actually had to walk a few blocks.
- Gore doesn't even pay for the carbon offsets that his groupies will argue he purchases. The offset purchases are actually made for him by Generation Investment Management, a London-based investment firm that Mr. Gore co-founded, and which provides carbon offsets as a fringe benefit to all 23 of its employees, ensuring that they require no real sacrifice on the part of Mr. Gore or his family.
To 2:14 - the self-declared right wing moron.
Joel said that Gore needs "an overwhelming attack machine set up beforehand to counter attack the Right and misguided media ... "
He DIDN"T say that idiots don't have the right to say whatever inane thing they want to say. He said Gore had to be ready to "counter attack", so you keep right on babbling. Gore will be ready after he stops laughing. Same goes for 10:53.
Patti and Marty, the next few posts are for you. Instead of calling me names, try using facts and quote your sources:
Published on Friday, June 30, 2000 in the Washington Times
Gore Resists Calls To Halt Oil Drilling in Colombia
by Bill Sammon
Vice President Al Gore, who controls at least $500,000 worth of stock in Occidental Petroleum, has ignored pleas from environmentalists to fight the company's plan to drill for oil on sacred Indian land in Colombia.
The Gore family stands to benefit substantially if Occidental finds the 1.5 billion barrels of oil it estimates are buried beneath the pristine forest inhabited for centuries by the U'wa Indians.
The 5,000-member tribe is threatening mass suicide if Occidental goes forward with drilling.
But the Clinton-Gore administration is pushing more than $1 billion of aid to Colombia that Occidental says will help protect its oil interests. The money will be used in part to fight guerrillas who have often attacked the company's pipeline, spilling more crude than the Exxon Valdez.
Gore supporters inside and outside the administration are pushing hard for the Occidental project.
Scott Pastrick, the former treasurer of the Democratic National Committee who in 1996 prepared "call sheets" for the vice president's use in fund-raising solicitations, was hired the next year by Occidental to promote the project.
The Clinton-Gore administration, in turn, hired a former Occidental lobbyist who was pressing the Energy Department to back the drilling. Lobbyist Theresa Fariello was hired last year by Energy Secretary Bill Richardson.
"There has been a lot of back-room negotiations between the Clinton administration and the Colombian government on behalf of Occidental," said environmentalist Stephen Kretzmann of Amazon Watch. "Occidental is a favorite of the Clinton-Gore administration, particularly Gore."
In recent weeks, violence has escalated between the Colombian military and U'wa Indians who have been blockading a road to the Occidental drilling site. U.S. and Colombian environmentalists are growing more frustrated at what they consider the willful inaction of Mr. Gore.
"You have an imminent, unfolding, tragic situation in Colombia being perpetrated by a corporation with direct ties to the vice president and he won't do a . . . thing," Mr. Kretzmann said. "He has remained silent, and he hasn't pulled his money out."
Environmentalists are particularly appalled by the vice president's recent campaign to link George W. Bush with skyrocketing gasoline prices by portraying him as a puppet of Big Oil.
"It takes somebody who is independent from Big Oil to take on Big Oil, and I'm independent from them," the vice president thundered Wednesday.
But Mr. Gore controls between $500,000 and $1 million worth of stock in Occidental.
"Mr. Gore cannot pretend to be any better than Bush when his hands have the blood of the U'wa on them," said Sharon Wright of the Rainforest Action Network.
Gore spokesman James Kennedy said the standoff in Colombia "is an internal domestic matter and the United States does not have the unilateral authority to intervene in it." Asked why the vice president doesn't use his bully pulpit as a presidential candidate to articulate a moral stance on the controversy, Mr. Kennedy said: "I'll just leave it at that."
Although Mr. Gore lists Occidental on his financial disclosure forms, his aides insist he does not control the shares because they belong to a trust for his mother, Pauline.
But according to the last will and testament of Mr. Gore's father, Albert Gore Sr., the vice president — as executor of the Occidental estate — is vested with the same control as Pauline Gore, who is named in the will as trustee.
"The executor shall at all times during the administration of my estate be vested with all the powers, duties and authority of the trustee," the elder Gore wrote, "and shall be authorized to make payments in the same manner and to the same extent as if he were acting as testamentary trustee."
Thursday night, a Gore spokeswoman said: "The intent of the language is to ensure that the executor can distribute income before the trust is set up. But once the trust is set up, only the trustee has the authority to make the decisions regarding the trust."
Asked to reconcile this with the will's stipulation that the vice president retains full authority "at all times," Gore spokesman Kennedy said: "I'm not a lawyer. And when laymen try to interpret the law, they usually screw up."
He added: "The vice president does not have stock in Occidental and does not benefit from any stock in Occidental."
But the elder Gore stipulated in his will: "Upon the death of my wife, the trust shall terminate and all the assets thereof shall be distributed absolutely to my son."
Mr. Kennedy added: "If any are left. So it's entirely speculative and inappropriate to suggest that he will in fact ever benefit. Because No. 1, it is not known whether any funds will be left at that time. And No. 2, it is not known if that stock will still be in the trust" then.
Occidental Vice President Lawrence Meriage defended his company's plans, saying the oil is vital to the impoverished nation, which will get 85 percent of the revenue. He added that the Colombian government last year tripled the size of the U'wa reservation to 850 square miles, with the drill site outside the reservation.
"You know, it gets down to a question here of whether you have a democratically elected government that should be able to set policy for 40 million Colombians or having a bunch of noisy activists in the U.S. trying to dictate to the Colombian government," he said.
Mr. Meriage, who testified before Congress in favor of the $1 billion aid package to Colombia, said the drilling will go ahead.
"There is a potential here of a billion barrels of oil," he said. "Whether it's Occidental . . . or somebody else that controls this project, it's going to go forward."
February 26, 2007
For Further Information, Contact:
Nicole Williams, (615) 383-6431
Al Gore’s Personal Energy Use Is His Own “Inconvenient Truth”
Gore’s home uses more than 20 times the national average
Last night, Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy.
Gore’s mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).
In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.
The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.
Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.
Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.
Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.
“As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.
In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.
The Tennessee Center for Policy Research is an independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan research organization committed to achieving a freer, more prosperous Tennessee through free market policy solutions.
Thursday, June 29, 2000
Wall Street Journal
page A26
An article on this page explains that Al Gore owns a large Zinc mine (Pasminco Mine) very close to his home in Tennessee.
No mention of this mine can be found in either the book "Earth In the Balance" or on Mr Gore's website.
In fact about the only place it can be found is as a $20,000 a year mining royalty on Mr Gore's tax report and in the land transfer records of Tennessee.
The Wall St Journal provides a nice aerial picture of the Pasminco mine along with the nearby Gore homestead.
So what kind of a Zinc Miner is old Al?
Well Not too bad for the most part. But there have been some problems. Problems like the presence in high quantity of Barium, Iron, and Zinc in the Caney Fork river. The soils of the riverbank are also showing the presence of Arsenic, Chromium, and Lead with traces of Cyanide. While these are not in toxic proportions they are far higher than the surrounding soils. And far too high for someone who purports to be an environmentalist.
Perhaps the best part is that part of the article that explains the complicated deal involving that old Commie, Armand Hammer. Those with long memories will recall that Armand Hammer was the financier who backed Lenin in the Russian Revolution, in gratitude for which he was the only outsider who was allowed to do business in the Soviet Union from the beginning to the present.
This began with his purchase and removal of the Eberhard -Faber Pencil company to Russia. He ultimately owned and controlled Arm and Hammer Baking soda, Occidental Petroleum and the Southland Corp (7-11 stores) among others. He was held in such high esteem in the Soviet Union that he had his own apartment and dacha in Moscow and landing rights for his personal plane at Moscow's airport.
Armand Hammer was a shadowy figure in world politics who was very close to the Gore family for a long time. He was convicted of Bribery in 1975. He spent the rest of his life trying to get a pardon which was finally granted to him in 1989 by President George Bush a year before his death in 1990. His company, Occidental Minerals, bought the property in 1972. It was sold to the elder Gore the next year for $160,000. I won't go into the details of the arrangement here, but the Journal article does explain them.
Wall Street Journal
Monday, March 19, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT
Whose Ox Is Gored?
The media discover the former vice president's environmental exaggerations and hypocrisy.
The media are finally catching up with Al Gore. Criticism of his anti-global-warming franchise and his personal environmental record has gone beyond ankle-biting bloggers. It's now coming from the New York Times and the Nashville Tennessean, his hometown paper that put his birth, as a senator's son, on its front page back in 1948, and where a young Al Gore Jr. worked for five years as a journalist.
Last Tuesday, the Times reported that several eminent scientists "argue that some of Mr. Gore's central points [on global warming] are exaggerated and erroneous." The Tenessean reported yesterday that Mr. Gore received $570,000 in royalties from the owners of zinc mines who held mineral leases on his farm. The mines, which closed in 2003 but are scheduled to reopen under a new operator later this year, "emitted thousands of pounds of toxic substances and several times, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal."
All of this comes in the wake of the enormous publicity Mr. Gore received after his documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" won an Oscar. The film features Mr. Gore reprising his famous sighing and lamenting how the average American's energy use is greedily off the charts. At the film's end viewers are asked, "Are you ready to change the way you live?"
The Nashville-based Tennessee Center for Policy Research was skeptical that Mr. Gore had been "walking the walk" on the environment. It obtained public records showing that for years Mr. Gore has burned through more electricity at his Nashville home each month than the average American family uses in a year--and his consumption was increasing. The heated Gore pool house alone ran up more than $500 in natural-gas bills every month.
Mr. Gore's office responded by claiming that the Gores "purchase offsets for their carbon emissions to bring their carbon footprint down to zero." But CNSNews.com reports that Mr. Gore doesn't purchase carbon offsets with his own resources, and that they are meaningless in terms of global warming.
The offset purchases are actually made for him by Generation Investment Management, a London-based investment firm that Mr. Gore co-founded, and which provides carbon offsets as a fringe benefit to all 23 of its employees, ensuring that they require no real sacrifice on the part of Mr. Gore or his family. Indeed, their impact is also highly limited. The Carbon Neutral Co.--one of the two vendors that sell offsets to Mr. Gore's company, says that offset purchases "will be unable to reduce greenhouse gas emissions . . . in the short term."
The New York Times last week interviewed many scientists who say they are alarmed "at what they call [Mr. Gore's] alarmism on global warming." In a front-page piece in its science section, the Times headline read "From a Rapt Audience, a Call to Cool the Hype."
The Times quoted Don Easterbrook, an emeritus professor of geology at Western Washington University, as telling hundreds of experts at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America that "I don't want to pick on Al Gore. But there are a lot of inaccuracies in the statements we are seeing, and we have to temper that with real data." Mr. Easterbrook made clear he has never been paid by any energy corporations and isn't a Republican.
Even James Hansen, a scientist who began issuing warning cries about global warming in the 1980s and is a top adviser to Mr. Gore, concedes that his work may hold "imperfections" and "technical flaws." Other flaws are more serious, such as Mr. Gore's depiction of sea level rises of up to 20 feet, which would cause Florida and New York City to sink below the surface.
Sober scientists privately say such claims are exaggerated. They point to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations body that released its fourth report on global warming last month. While it found humans were the main cause of recent global warming, the report also indicated it was a very slow-moving process. On sea levels, the U.N. panel reported its s best high-end estimate of the rise in sea levels by 2100 was three feet. The new high-end best estimate is less than half the previous prediction, which was still far below Mr. Gore's 20 feet. Similarly, the new report shows that the panel's 2001 report overestimated the human influence on climate change since the Industrial Revolution by at least one-third.
In an email message to the Times, Mr. Gore defended his work as fundamentally accurate. But it's increasingly clear that far from the "consensus" on global warming we are told exists, scientists are having a broad and rich debate on many aspects of it. Nearly two decades after Mr. Gore first claimed that "we face an ecological crisis without any precedent in historic times," we don't know if that is really true.
Then there is the Gore zinc mine. Mr. Gore has personally earned $570,000 in zinc royalties from a mine his father bought in 1973 from Armand Hammer, the business executive famous for his close friendship with the Soviet Union and for pleading guilty to making illegal campaign contributions during Watergate. On the same day Al Gore Sr. bought the 88-acre parcel from Hammer for $160,000, he sold the land and subsurface mining rights to his then 25-year-old son for $140,000. The mineral rights were then leased back to Hammer's Occidental Petroleum and the royalty payments put in the names of Al Gore Jr. and his wife, Tipper.
Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider claims the terms of the 30-year Occidental lease agreement gave the Gores "no legal recourse" to get out of it. She said the Gores never thought about selling the land and would not comment on whether they ever tried to void the lease. "There is a certain zone of privacy once people go into private life," Ms. Kreidler said. She said critics of the arrangement should realize it should be viewed in a "1973 context, not a 2007 context. . . . There was a different environmental sensibility about all sorts of things."
But what about a 1992 context? That is the year Mr. Gore published "Earth in the Balance," in which he wrote: "The lakes and rivers sustain us; they flow through the veins of the earth and into our own. But we must take care to let them flow back out as pure as they came, not poison and waste them without thought for the future." Mr. Gore wrote that at a time when he would be collecting zinc royalties for another 11 years.
The mines had a generally good environmental record, but they wouldn't pass muster either with the standard Mr. Gore set in "Earth in the Balance" or with most of his environmentalist friends. In May 2000 the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation issued a "Notice of Violation" notifying the Pasminco mine its zinc levels in a nearby river exceeded standards established by the state and the federal Environmental Protection Agency. In 1996 the mine twice failed biomonitoring tests designed to protect water quality in the river for fish and wildlife. "The discharge of industrial wastewater from Outfall #001 [the Caney Fork effluent] contains toxic metals (copper and zinc)," the analysis stated. "The combined effect of these pollutants may be detrimental to fish and aquatic life."
The Gore mines were no small operations. In 2002, the year before they shut down, they ranked 22nd among all metal-mining operations in the U.S., with total toxic releases of 4.1 million pounds. A new mine operator, Strategic Resource Acquisition, is planning to reopen the mines later this year. The Tennessean reports that just last week, Mr. Gore wrote SRA asking it to work with a national environmental group as it makes its plans. He noted that under the previous operator, the mines had, according to the environmental website Scorecard, "pollution releases from the mine in 2002 [that] placed it among the 'dirtiest/worst facilities' in the U.S." Mr. Gore requested that SRA "engage with us in a process to ensure that the mine becomes a global example of environmental best practices." The Tennessean dryly notes that Mr. Gore wrote the letter the week after the paper posed a series of questions to him about his involvement with the zinc mines.
Columnist Steven Milloy recalls talking with Mr. Gore in 2006 about the 1997 Kyoto Protocol he helped negotiate as vice president. "Did we think Kyoto would [reduce global warming] when we signed it? . . . Hell no!" said Mr. Gore, according to Mr. Milloy. The former vice president then explained that the real purpose of Kyoto was to demonstrate that international support could be mustered for action on environmental issues. Mr. Gore clearly believes that the world hasn't acted with enough vigor in the decade since Kyoto, which may explain his growing use of the global-warming hype that concerns many mainstream scientists.
Mr. Gore has called the campaign to combat global warming a "moral imperative." But Mr. Gore faces another imperative: to square his sales pitches with the facts and his personal lifestyle to more align with what he advocates that others practice. "Are you ready to change the way you live?" asks Mr. Gore's film. It's time people ask Mr. Gore "Are you ready to change the way you live, as well as the way you lecture the rest of us?"
Do you last three bloggers, if indeed you are not the same deluded person, really think we who know Gore is the best bet we have for president, and who know from the past how his opponents lie about him, are reading those long spews about how "evil" he is. It's undoubtedly more of the same old crap. And, as far as I am concerned, no matter what you wrote, even if it were true, it cannot be as horrible as the actions of Bush and Cheney and the rest of those law-breakers. So rave on. You're preaching to the choir - no one with any sense cares.
I bet you also believe that Gore claimed he invented the internet(FALSE...he never made that claim), that he was the inspiration for Love Story(True...he was according to the author), that he claimed to have "discovered" Love Canal(False he never said that). This is part of the rightwingnut spin-machine, and you are a pathetic example of how stupid people can be duped.
`But even if all these ludicrous smears were true, Gore is still a bright, articulate, decent public-devoted ex Vietnam vet spokesman for the people and is RIGHT about global warming. And ...contrary to Bush, he can speak in complete sentences.
Andy, I think your analysis is absolutely correct: Mr. Gore will be in the contest in the fall and will probably blow everyone else out of the water. None of the current candidates are invulnerable to Mr. Gore's entry into the fray. By the most recent quarterly fundraising totals, Sen. Clinton has shown herself to be vulnerable, since she hadn't raised as much money as Sen. Obama. I think Mr. Gore most definitely will be a powerhouse as a fundraiser, since most people feel HE is the president who should have been elected in 2000!
Until I see facts challenging me, I'm going to post this all of this blog. enjoy!
Gore is a liar and a hypocrite. He is a Global Warming Alarmist, trying to incite fear that the world is coming to an end. If he really believed what he says about Global Warming, then the following facts of his life just don't add up:
- He owns 3 enormous houses. He keeps all 3 of his houses heated during the winter, but he obviously can use them all at the same time.
- He invests heavily into the oil industry. Gore's income from his oil investments is larger than most American's annual income.
- Gore's utility bills for just one of his 3 houses is 20 times that of the average American. Include his other 2 houses and its even higher. His groupies will argue that its OK because he pays into the carbon offset industry. The carbon offset industry is a total scam.
- Gore makes annual income in one of North America's largest polluting Zinc Mines. Gore and his zinc mining cronies have been caught emitting thousands of pounds of toxic substances and several times, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal. His mine also puts high quantity of Barium, Iron, and Zinc in the Caney Fork river. The soils of the riverbank are also showing the presence of Arsenic, Chromium, and Lead with traces of Cyanide.
- Gore never travels on commercial airlines. For Gore, it has to be private air travel.
- Traveling on the ground, Gore requires at least 7 large SUV's in his ontourage. He was even caught taking his ontourage 4 blocks to a movie theater when his Inconvenient Truth propaganda flick was released. Poor Gore, the next day, he actually had to walk a few blocks.
- Gore doesn't even pay for the carbon offsets that his groupies will argue he purchases. The offset purchases are actually made for him by Generation Investment Management, a London-based investment firm that Mr. Gore co-founded, and which provides carbon offsets as a fringe benefit to all 23 of its employees, ensuring that they require no real sacrifice on the part of Mr. Gore or his family.
Andy, I too believe in free speech but this idiot anonymous is taking up a lot of space on your site showing that he hates Al Gore. He repeats over and over and over the same crap yet he can't even sign his name, must really be dumb that he can't remember who he is.
These type of people still believe the earth is flat, the sun revolves around the earth and that Bush and Cheney are honest people. At least they are reading your site and that you've pushed their button, good job Andy.
Nice job trying to stereotype me. Are you trying to get Ostroy to censor the facts about Gore or are you simply complaining about how much blog space I'm using? Don't worry, blog space is cheap.
I don't believe the Earth is flat. I don't believe the Sun revolves around the Earth. I don't believe Bush and Cheney are honest people.
I do believe the facts about Gore and so would an independent person coming into this thread with an open mind. I've stated the facts and cited sources. The only response to the facts have been character attacks and baseless stereotyping. You should try responding with facts and cite your sources. It might make your character grow.
Is this what liberals are about? Mob rule and personal attacks when the facts don't match your belief system? Where's the free market of ideas in a liberal America?
Patti and Marty You are the idiot(s). Cite your sources if your facts are so obvious. The facts are the facts, whether you like it or not.
- He owns 3 enormous houses. He keeps all 3 of his houses heated during the winter, but he obviously can use them all at the same time.
- He invests heavily into the oil industry. Gore's income from his oil investments is larger than most American's annual income.
- Gore's utility bills for just one of his 3 houses is 20 times that of the average American. Include his other 2 houses and its even higher. His groupies will argue that its OK because he pays into the carbon offset industry. The carbon offset industry is a total scam.
- Gore makes annual income in one of North America's largest polluting Zinc Mines. Gore and his zinc mining cronies have been caught emitting thousands of pounds of toxic substances and several times, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal. His mine also puts high quantity of Barium, Iron, and Zinc in the Caney Fork river. The soils of the riverbank are also showing the presence of Arsenic, Chromium, and Lead with traces of Cyanide.
- Gore never travels on commercial airlines. For Gore, it has to be private air travel.
- Traveling on the ground, Gore requires at least 7 large SUV's in his ontourage. He was even caught taking his ontourage 4 blocks to a movie theater when his Inconvenient Truth propaganda flick was released. Poor Gore, the next day, he actually had to walk a few blocks.
- Gore doesn't even pay for the carbon offsets that his groupies will argue he purchases. The offset purchases are actually made for him by Generation Investment Management, a London-based investment firm that Mr. Gore co-founded, and which provides carbon offsets as a fringe benefit to all 23 of its employees, ensuring that they require no real sacrifice on the part of Mr. Gore or his family.
Patti and Marty,
You obviously know more than the Wall Street Journal and all the sources cited earlier in this thread. Maybe you can educate us on Al Gore's heated pool-house, which runs a $500 in natural-gas bill every month.
Gore uses more energy to heat his pool house, than I use in 3 months to heat/cool my 3600 sq. foot house.
Patti and Marty (The Asshole Team)
Thanks for comparing Al Gore's house to Bush's. This is quite the interesting comparison, and unlike YOU, I will cite sources for my claims. You apparently cannot cite any sources even though you jump to make me cite my sources. I think it is because you are too dumb to cite sources, but it may be because you don't believe in facts, you believe in what makes you feel good.
HOUSE # 1: A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern "snow belt," either. It's in the South.
HOUSE # 2: Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, this house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.
HOUSE # 1 (20 room energy guzzling mansion) is outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and filmmaker) Al Gore.
HOUSE # 2 (model eco-friendly house) is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as "the Texas White House," it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.
So whose house is gentler on the environment?
Patti and Marty,
YES, it IS HYPOCRITICAL for Al Gore, the environmentalist who wants us all to change our lifestyles, to heat his swimming pool.
Liberals claim he *needs* to fly privately. He *needs* to have an ontourage of SUV's wherever he travels, he *needs* to have 3 houses, and large utility bills, and blah blah blah.
Al Gore does not need to have his swimming pool heated. I'm sure it won't kill him to have a slightly colder swimming pool. He lives in Tennessee for God's sake, how cold can it possibly be?
You need to take off your blinders and open your eyes. The Democrats are not any better than the Republicans. You are like a caveman worshipping the shadows on the walls of his cave.
Democrats and Repulicans are both corrupt liars trying to take power away from all American citizens.
Such ridiculous twaddle....if Gore can afford a heated pool, he should not????Environmentalism does not mean you must live in a tent, or swim in a cold pool, if you choose not to. It is none of your business to dictate to Gore whether his pool is to be heated or he doesn't meet your standards...and is thus a hypocrite. In any event he doesn't tell anyone how we must live except to point out where the profligate use of carbon based resources is leading us. We need research into how we are going to cope, and calling him a hypocrite is only a ruse to tar and smear a spokesman for the risks of Global Warming. You 2 are the group of 20%ers who support the corporate desire to pretend Global warming is a myth...like that clown Imhofe...like Michael Crichton. That is why you are so upset that Gore uses private jets( There is no reason he should not!!!!) or has a large home( there is no reason he should not). It has NOTHING to do with hypocracy on Gore's behalf, it is smearing him that you are attempting to do.
Where did you get this "The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month"...the Energy company has stated that they NEVER gave that information out to anyone. Right...it came out the arse of a Gore-basher....name the source for this BS.
Geothermal heating is terrific...good for Bush....how much did he pay for this mansion, and did the taxpayer pay for it. How much are his energy bills. Does he have a heated pool. If the taxpayers paid for this lovely house, hell-yes....don't you think that might make a difference in how you might build a house. And how old is Gore's house...if it is an old house, it can't be as energy efficient as one the taxpayers built for GW after he bought his "ranch" just before his 2000 election run.
"In 2001, White House officials introduced a policy of having the President interviewed in carefully selected backdrops including the ranch, to make pro-environmental statements, as they hoped this would draw attention away from more contentious proposals, but the strategy was dropped as it served only to highlight the hypocrisy of the administration on this issue. For Bush is no eco-nut . Early in his presidency he angered environmentalists by rejecting a treaty to reduce global warming, suspending new limits on arsenic in drinking water and breaking a vow to cut carbon dioxide emissions by power plants. And the energy policy he unveiled on gaining office eased curbs on drilling for oil and gas on public lands. "
Hooray for Bush the great environmental phony.
"The Bush ranch is the kind of place we’d all like to live. Too bad his environmental policies are moving the rest of the country in exactly the opposite direction."
So...who paid for this lovely home....Bush or us?
As to a pool,"Heymann argued that a swimming pool would interrupt the stark landscape. After all, the house is meant to be an integral part of the land. But the twins wanted a swimming pool. “I kept fighting that, but it happened,” he says, acknowledging that his wishes didn’t stand a chance. President Bush calls it “the whining pool” — whine long enough and you get it."
Hey----is it heated. ? That seems to be a burning question for the anti Global Warming Gore-Bashers. If it is, the pres must be a huge hypocrite right???
Now to the Gore Tennessee home......"This afternoon, a group calling itself "The Tennessee Center For Policy Research" sent out a press release denouncing Vice President Gore for the size of his household electrical bills.
Let's start right there. How did they get the utility bills? They also didn't have the courtesy to ask Vice President Gore about them (despite their hollow claim of being non-partisan.) And why would a "think tank" possibly care about what Al Gore spends on gas?
Actually, let's start with a more basic question. Who are these people? Well , a quick check of Alexa reveals their web site gets no traffic. Are they legitimate? Well, again, they claim to be non-partisan but only link to far-right and conservative groups so regardless of what their status is with the IRS, this is a conservative, strongly-leaning Republican organization."
"Tennessee Center's President Drew Johnson comes straight out of the right's network, coming from Exxon-funded American Enterprise Institute and the right-wing-funded National Taxpayers Foundation.
They are part of the right's State Policy Network. According to PFAW,
"SPN is a national network of state-based right-wing organizations in 37 states as well as prominent nationwide right-wing organizations. Through its network SPN advances the public policy ideas of the expansive right-wing political movement on the state and local level."
So you rightwingnut bloggers think this data from an extreme hard exxon supported Republican outfit is impartial truth. Go stick this somewhere you liars.
souce http://www.algore.org/node/245
FRom the Anonymous Liberal"Moreover, Gore lives in a large home (10,000 sq. ft.). If you look at the data, it's clear that Gore's energy usage per square foot (even assuming the 221,000 kWh number is accurate) is well within the average range for his climate region. So all this accusation boils down to is a claim that it is somehow "hypocritical" for Al Gore to live in a large house.
That's awfully weak. Gore's a former Senator and Vice President of the United States. Does he have to move into a studio apartment before he has the right to talk about climate change?
And more importantly, as Think Progress reports, even this watered-down hypocrisy charge entirely misses the point. What Al Gore wants people to do is reduce the carbon footprint of their residence as much as possible and then purchase carbon offsets to reduce the remaining footprint to zero. Gore has installed solar panels in his home, he uses fluorescent light bulbs and other energy saving technology, and he purchases his energy from Green Power Switch, a provider which utilizes solar and wind power. He then purchases carbon offsets to reduce his remaining carbon footprint to zero.
"Could Gore use less overall energy if he and Tipper moved into a one-bedroom apartment? Of course. But he's not asking people to move into smaller homes. He's asking them to reduce their carbon footprints, which is exactly what he has done. He practices what he preaches.
And last but not least, I'm always amazed by the triumphalism displayed by right-wingers when they think they've managed to humiliate a messenger, as if doing so somehow undermines the message itself. It's bizarre. I mean, suppose Al Gore was caught tomorrow driving around the country in a fleet of Hummers that run on solid coal. Would that somehow invalidate decades of scientific research? "
Sorry for the lenghthy post, but the absurd trolls complained that their 3 articles from brazenly Republican sources were definitive, and where were my sources. They are all here you moronic dupes.
algore.org ...now that's a independent source if I ever saw one.
Patti and Marty, you are just stooooooooooooopid.
But the smear guys...those sources are really really impartial, right Anon. We are not stoooopid, but You are a dupe.
Patti and Marty,
I cited the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, The Tennessean, www.snopes.com, and the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. What proof do you have that these sources are all smear guys?? Please cite your sources.
You cite algore.org and off-grid.net as your information source.
Regarding www.algore.org:
What proof do you have that Dylan and Christine Malone, from Everett, Washington, know more than all the sources I cited? Do you know these people?
Regarding off-grid.net:
Nick Rosen from London. Sounds like you found a really bulletproof information source.
I think these people say things you like, and as far as you are concerned, their statements must be fact. Unfortunately, you are not only stupid, but you are also wrong.
Anon...all of your soyrces reference the same phony article by the same phony group."The Tennessee Center For Policy Research"
You believe them because you hate Al Gore, you are a rightwing clone and you are a Republican...you probably do not believe that Bush was AWOL during the Vietnam war, or that he committed insider trading crimes that were suppressed by Daddy when he was on the board of Armbrusco. You probably believe he was diligent in the month before 9/11 by "protecting" the nation after the PDB that said Osama would attack us, and he went on vacation.
Your silly attacks on Al Gore are simply partisan smear-swift-boating, and we are sick of ytour Bullsh..Try it...you have the money and freedom and the rightwing noise machine, but we arn't buying your crap. It's over for the Republicans.The nation sees you for the liars you are.
It looks like Al Gore is raising lil' Bush ...or is he raising lil' Limbaugh ?
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The 24-year-old son of former Vice President Al Gore was arrested for drug possession on Wednesday (July 4, 2007) after he was stopped for speeding in his hybrid Toyota Prius, a sheriff's official said.
Al Gore III -- whose father is a leading advocate of policies to fight global warming -- was driving his environmentally friendly car at about 100 miles per hour on a freeway south of Los Angeles when he was pulled over by an Orange County sheriff's deputy at about 2:15 a.m.
The deputy smelled marijuana and searched the car, said sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino. The search turned up a small amount of marijuana, along with prescription drugs including Valium, Xanax, Vicodin, Adderall and Soma. There were no prescriptions found, he said.
Gore was arrested on suspicion of drug possession and booked into the Inmate Reception Center in Santa Ana, about 34 miles south of Los Angeles, on $20,000 bail. Although he quickly identified himself as the son of the former vice president, Amormino said Gore received no special privileges.
Gore made bail and was released at 2 p.m., Amormino said. He will receive notice of a court date within 30 days.
The youngest child and only son of the former vice president, Gore has had previous brushes with the law. He was arrested in 2003 for marijuana possession and in 2002 for suspected drunken-driving.
In 1989, aged six, Gore almost died when he was hit by a car, and required extensive surgery and physical therapy.
A spokesman for the elder Gore said he was traveling and could not immediately be reached for comment. The one-time presidential candidate is one of the organizers of the Live Earth concerts taking place around the world on July 7. The concerts are designed to raise awareness of global warming.
I hope everybody overlooks Gore's son's drug episode the way they overlooked Bush's drunken driving offense and cocaine use. After all Gore's son is not our president nor probably ever will be.
I'd like to see if Gore gets his son some special treatment in the judicial system.
Who wants to bet that Gore does not believe his son deserves the same treatment that the average American would get for his crimes?
This just goes to show what can happen over the course of 2 generations. Gore Sr. the successful politician -> Gore Jr, the political dud -> Gore III, the druggy
11:22 What example are you basing your prediction about Gore's son on?
Bush's daughters who were arrested for drinking; Jeb's dauighter or son or both who were charged with drug possession; Bush the president who was arrested for driving while drunk, Bush the president who didn't report for his military duty; or perhaps Scooter is uppermost on your mind as a model to what happens to the Republican "elite" in our country. They all got off. Yet, the Pope himself could not persuade that Compassionate Chrisitain George Bush to let Karla Faye Tucker live (not free her - just not execute her) after her conversion to Christianity and the fact that she too, was on drugs, when she did her crime.
How does a politcal "dud" get to be VP and elected President of the United States, even though of course it was later stolen from him. The "duds" were the American people for allowing that to happen.
6:22 pm,
It's not a prediction, it's a fact. It happened in California on July 4th. Take your head out of the sand.
OK, to summarize the results of this thread, the following list is unchallenged fact about Al Gore:
- He owns 3 enormous houses. He keeps all 3 of his houses heated during the winter, but he obviously can use them all at the same time.
- He invests heavily into the oil industry. Gore's income from his oil investments is larger than most American's annual income.
- Gore's utility bills for just one of his 3 houses is 20 times that of the average American. Include his other 2 houses and its even higher. His groupies will argue that its OK because he pays into the carbon offset industry. The carbon offset industry is a total scam.
- Gore makes annual income in one of North America's largest polluting Zinc Mines. Gore and his zinc mining cronies have been caught emitting thousands of pounds of toxic substances and several times, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal. The mine also puts high quantity of Barium, Iron, and Zinc in the Caney Fork river. The soils of the riverbank are also showing the presence of Arsenic, Chromium, and Lead with traces of Cyanide.
- Gore never travels on commercial airlines. For Gore, it has to be private air travel.
- Traveling on the ground, Gore requires at least 7 large SUV's in his ontourage. He was even caught taking his ontourage 4 blocks to a movie theater when his Inconvenient Truth propaganda flick was released. Poor Gore, the next day, he actually had to walk a few blocks.
- Gore doesn't even pay for the carbon offsets that his groupies will argue he purchases. The offset purchases are actually made for him by Generation Investment Management, a London-based investment firm that Mr. Gore co-founded, and which provides carbon offsets as a fringe benefit to all 23 of its employees, ensuring that they require no real sacrifice on the part of Mr. Gore or his family.
10:03 11:22 said "Who wants to bet that Gore does not believe ... " When a person "bets" on something, he is predicting or thinking/guessing/praying that it will happen. It is not a fact. You must be yet another homeschooled victim.
2:16 pm,
You are wrong about home school. I'm a victim of a government/NEA controlled education. But, that's another story.
My "it's a fact" comment was a response to anonymous 6:22 pm's ambiguous "What example are you basing your prediction about Gore's son on?" question. I thought he was challenging the fact that Al Gore's son was arrested for having enough drugs to make Rush Limbaugh blush. I apologize to anonymous 6:22 pm for telling him/her to take his/her head out of the sand.
I thank you for pointing my mistake out, but believe you are an idiot for trying to draw a correlation between a simple mistake and a home school education. You are like Ostroy and his ridiculous iTard posts.
Now, to address anonymous 6:22 pm's question, "What example are you basing your prediction about Gore's son on?"
Its a bet. I don't have to provide reasons for my bet. I believe Al Gore will use his political influence to get his son out of trouble.
What do you think the punishment should be for someone driving 100 MPH with Marijuana, Valium, Xanax, Vicodin, Adderall and Soma (no prescriptions) in the context of his 2002 drunk driving arrest and his 2003 marijuana arrest history?
6"06 This is my first visit to this blog so I'm not the one with whom you've been blogging. However, I have to tell you that I have no idea what the kid's punishment should be for having all those drugs in his car when the president pardoned a man who lied to a grand jury and now we'll never know the true criminals behind the lies told to all of us about the WMDs and all the other lies to get us into an abominable war that has killed thousand. Of course the Gorr boy could have killed several as could have Bush when he was a drunk driver. But we do know the thousands of lives that have been lost as a result of the Scooter bunch who won't come clean. Bush has really turned our judicial system about what's fair, equal and right on it's head.
6:36 PM,
So, according to your logic, since President Bush (and President Clinton, and every other President in US History) has pardoned someone, nobody has to follow the law anymore.
11:36 What a bazaar conclusion you have reached. That no one should follow the law anymore is not even implied. The idea is obviously that everyone should follow the law and suffer the consequences including presidents; the powerful and those with powerful friends and family; and more times than not, those pardoned by a president. The idea is the law should be fair, just and no one should be above it.
including Al Gore's son.
12:03 Go man. Keep on stating the obvious.
OK, more from the obvious department: Global Warming Alarmists like Al Gore are lying to you. Al Gore is a Global Warming hypocrite.
- He owns 3 enormous houses. He keeps all 3 of his houses heated during the winter, but he obviously can use them all at the same time.
- He invests heavily into the oil industry. Gore's income from his oil investments is larger than most American's annual income.
- Gore's utility bills for just one of his 3 houses is 20 times that of the average American. Include his other 2 houses and its even higher. His groupies will argue that its OK because he pays into the carbon offset industry. The carbon offset industry is a total scam.
- Gore makes annual income in one of North America's largest polluting Zinc Mines. Gore and his zinc mining cronies have been caught emitting thousands of pounds of toxic substances and several times, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal. The mine also puts high quantity of Barium, Iron, and Zinc in the Caney Fork river. The soils of the riverbank are also showing the presence of Arsenic, Chromium, and Lead with traces of Cyanide.
- Gore never travels on commercial airlines. For Gore, it has to be private air travel.
- Traveling on the ground, Gore requires at least 7 large SUV's in his ontourage. He was even caught taking his ontourage 4 blocks to a movie theater when his Inconvenient Truth propaganda flick was released. Poor Gore, the next day, he actually had to walk a few blocks.
- Gore doesn't even pay for the carbon offsets that his groupies will argue he purchases. The offset purchases are actually made for him by Generation Investment Management, a London-based investment firm that Mr. Gore co-founded, and which provides carbon offsets as a fringe benefit to all 23 of its employees, ensuring that they require no real sacrifice on the part of Mr. Gore or his family.
I don't think the people would swarm around Gore's camp this time around. He's a one issue candidate.
he's a one issue candidate, and he's a hypocrite of his only issue.
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