About 200,000 Americans from all over the nation converged this weekend on Washington, D.C.'s North Mall to protest the Iraq war and demand its end. And according to right-wing pundit and Fox News commentator Michelle Malkin, they all did so because they hate America and its military.
On Monday's "The O'Reilly Factor" with Bill O'Reilly, Malkin said of the protestors: "Their opposition to the war is not rooted in principle, but in clear Bush hatred, and in a desire to see this country fail....It's a big temper tantrum, and that's all the left has to offer....If you listen very closely to...a lot of the rhetoric that you heard this weekend, it is very virulently anti-troops and anti-American. There's no doubt about that."
I am so sick of hearing this divisive right-wing garbage. Does Malkin actually believe this incendiary rhetoric she spews on Fox? Does she truly believe that people take to the streets of America to protest a war--in which 3000 U.S. soldiers have died--because they hate the troops? Not because of principle, but because they hate Bush and want America to fail? How could such ignorant, inciteful suppositions come from such a seemingly bright woman? Perhaps it is Malkin who hates America and the democratic principles for which it stands? Perhaps Malkin would rather just the Iraqis have the fruits of democracy and all the free speech trappings that go with it...and not America? Perhaps Malkin would rather see people like Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn stripped of their inaliable right to criticize their government? As O'Reilly lamented about Penn, "you shouldn't be up at the microphone, Mr. Penn. You have no reason to be there." So untrue, Mr. O'Reilly, he has every reason to be there. It's his right to be there. The same rights your deranged president sent 3000 to die obtaining for Iraq. To O'Reilly and Malkin, I guess the average Iraqi deserves more personal freedoms than we Americans do...that is of course unless we happen to agree them.
Tell us, Mr. O'Reilly and Ms. Malkin, do you hate America?
On another subject......we could use your help at The Adrienne Shelly Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated in my wife's honor to help carry out her spirit and passion, with the goal of providing film school scholarships and grants to women filmmakers. As many of you know, Adrienne was brutally killed here in NYC on November 1st. Please visit our website to learn more about our mission and to make a donation. Every little contribution helps preserve Adrienne's legacy, and to help create something positive out of this horrible tragedy. Thank you.
Rhetorical question, eh?
Michelle is right up there with Bush and O'Reilly for me. I can't listen to any of them.
Malkin actually cited a poll in which a majority of Democrats answered that they did not want the surge in Iraq to succeed. Er go, they want it to fail. That's what she was talking about. So no, she doesn't hate America. She just probably wonders why so many Democrats actually went on the record hoping for failure in Iraq. Well, other than Democrats in elected office.
Here's the poll if you want to check it out.
She cited that poll in the segment. You failed to note it in your post above. You obviously watched the segment. Did you miss the part about the poll? Or all the anti-American rhetoric on display at the protests?
Oops, I stand corrected--it's not a majority of Democrats hoping for failure, just 34%. A little over one in three. I assume that doesn't include anyone here, though.
Andy, I think Michelle Malkin hates
herself and that makes her hate nearly
everything else. She obviously does
not have love for hardly anything. If
she does, it doesn't show. In fact, I
believe all of these people like her, such as O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, and
that ilk, hate themselves first and
that leads to hatred in general. One
only has to read Kitty Kelly's book
about the Bush family to see why W
is so amenable to killing and violence.
Some of it is love of hubris, wealth,
and power, but a lot of it is a king
of payback. Many of them think they
have a particular kind of entitlement
that makes them superior to everyone
else. There is really only one solu-
tion-don't give them a forum, and if
they already have one, ignore them.
People like you are doing much to keep
this scourge from taking over. Thanks!
It's all about the money. These right wingnuts - Malkin, Coulter, O'Reilly, et al - have learned they can spit out hate and make buckets of money doing it. Their appeal is to the unrecognized dark side of the so-called righteous, and apparently it sells big time in America.
As we all know, righties like Michelle attack the messenger and not the message. They do not want to discuss ideas only attack and marginalize the oposition with hate. This has been going on for the last 25 years and is all a part of the Repub mode of operation.
If we wouldn't have been told a pack of lies by the Bushies to get us into Iraq, more people would continue to support it. Where are all those Repubs who kept repeating over and over that Clinton lied. Why don't they hold Bush to the same standard?
What is "success" in Iraq? We keep hearing we won't leave until we have "victory" yet no one will define it. Sure in an Alice in Wonderland, victory would be that all the sides come together and kiss and hug and live happily ever after. This is not Alice's place, it's a third world country that has been at war with its self for eons and will continue that way.
Supporting the troops is to NEVER have sent them there to begin with. Supporting the troops is to get them home NOW before one more person is killed or wounded. We need to get over this crap of "You don't support the troops because you want them home", "Cutting off funds is like killing our troops".
This is Bush's war and those that voted for it should not keep saying it was the right thing to do at the time. WAR is NEVER the right thing. People get killed. Families are upset. Money is spent on killing rather than healing. It was a grave error at the beginning and it's getting worse. When you're in a hole, STOP digging.
I'm ashamed of a number of our Democratic candidates for not saying this war is a mistake and if they voted for it, they should be saying they were lied to and their vote was wrong, be honest for a change.
I'm ashamed of 99% of our media for NOT digging into the whys and where fores of this lie to invade. All of these stories should be on the front pages, and top stories on the news. Coverage of the dead should be shown, no matter what the WH wants. The media is still a bunch of pussies and if it weren't for blogs like Andy's and web sites we'd be still in the dark.
This administration should be IMPEACHED and it should start from the top and work it's way down. These are war criminals we have here and so far NOTHING is being done. The public is to fault as well, they listen to FOX and those nut cases, they allow our radio waves to be controlled by the Right Wingnuts and support the stations and sponsors. We all only need to look in the mirror to see why this has come about, but we can also change things if only we stick together and SPEAK UP!
Someone ought to tell Michelle that her side lost and now she should just sit down and shut up!
Since Armstrong Williams I trust none of them. I believe they are all doing what they do for money. She's probaby getting paid to spew her venom and whether she believes it or not is moot. From Bush (Oil, etc.) on down it's all about the money. By their lockstep response we can see that it's a well-organized business.
In all fairness, however, there may be another motive as reported in AMERICAN FASCISTS; THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT AND THE WAR ON AMERICA" by Chris Hedges, renowned journalist.
I believe the truth is, no matter the motive, it is a well-organized group with one goal: destroy America as we know it.
Does Michelle Malkin hate America? Well, by her own standards based on skin color, yes she does and should therefore, based on her own standards, be captured, tortured and executed as a terrorist (with no rights to object, of course).
That picture is one frightening visage.
She looks like the Alien queen in the movie Alien.
Ripley? Ripley? Come quickly, she's back!
What we have here -- O'Reilly, Malkin, Coulter, Hannity et al -- is a gaggle of low-lifes who've decided to sell their souls for celebrity and the riches afforded them by their corporate masters. No need to try to figure out their ridiculous comments. They don't need to be truthful or sensible; they need only to babble the right-wing rhetoric that their greed-crazed sponsors and fearful, hate-filled "fans" want to hear. Please, let's just write them off as the worst kind of vermin, and not pay further attention to them.
malking makes me embarrassed to be asian.
malkin... sorry.
And all the far right has to offer is a black financial hole and 3100 flag-draped coffins shipped back as freight.
Fuck Malkin. This is typical of her and isn't worthy of the bandwidth. She and her Little Green Footballs roach army are a waste of $1.98 of trace elements.
Great picture of Michele. Her husband can use her to scrape the ice off the windshield.
"Great picture of Michele. Her husband can use her to scrape the ice off the windshield."
I sure could use that overbite for a bottle opener at my Super bowl party.
Lets see Michele Malkin, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Dr. Laura, Tammy Bruce all these right wing women seem to have one thing in common, they are so angry and tight!!!!!I don't know who in their right mind would do it but these bitches need a good screwing, should loosen them up a little.
Please don't perpetuate the Administration lies by accepting the rhetoric that the Iraq invasion had anything to do with democracy, freedom, etc. implied by lines like this one: "The same rights your deranged president sent 3000 to die obtaining for Iraq." Rights for Iraqis were irrelevant to the invasion, and still are today, in spite of the changing justifications offered by the president.
The invasion was illegal and immoral from the start; it didn't become wrong just because it was done so badly. It would have been just as wrong had it succeeded - an aggressive war with no legitimacy under any standard we believe in, such as the UN Charter.
While Malkin spews, we just lost one of our strongest, most direct, brutally honest and very funny voices in Molly Ivins.
Oh, and congrats to Andy on his lovely late wife's film which did very well at Sundance.
It is unfortunate that even with the reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine, It would not impact the lies and venom spewed from the likes of the Fox News Channel and right wing radio.
Based on her output, It is no coincidence that Michelle Malkin's mouth resembles an anus.
anonymous wrote:
Lets see Michele Malkin, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Dr. Laura, Tammy Bruce all these right wing women seem to have one thing in common, they are so angry and tight!!!!!I don't know who in their right mind would do it but these bitches need a good screwing, should loosen them up a little.
How could any man with a brain even get it up for one of these skank beotch losers?
well i am a former marine and the mother of 2 children serving. my son returned from the clusterf*ck that is iraq last summer and my daughter is stationed on an aircraft carrier and was in the gulf the year before. i love my country. when i joined the marines it was in nov of 1979 when our hostages were taken in iran. i am proud of my military service and proud of my children. i tried to disuade my son from joining the marines because their "commander in chief" is clearly not rooted in reality. this war is a disaster and i have been opposed to it from the beginning. i am a patriotic american not a nationalist like the talking heads on fox spews. malkin is a moron and one of your posters was correct in saying she should be doused with gasoline and set on fire. these people that spew such hatred about the people that have done what others have not done and confronted their government as our founding fathers required of us are greater enemies than the terrorists we have now created in iraq. they should all be put on a plane and shipped to their own private island where they can live out their miserable lives. those of us that are real americans can take back our constitution and our country and take care of our wounded children that have been so blatantly abused by this despot and his vice-president.
Michelle is not a very bright person. And not a very attractive person in terms of her bile and prejudice.
But the article speaks to the issue of whether or not she hates America. Or whether or not Democrats hate America. What exactly is meant by 'America'. If you mean the Republic of the United States, I don't figure many people hate it.... It doesn't exist anymore unfortunately. I grew up loving it. But it's gone. What we have now is the United States Empire. This fact is commonly acknowledged by both left and right authors and historians. Well, what kind of Empire is it? We know it by what it does. The Empire has committed covert acts of terror against peoples of other nations all around the world. Where do you think Negroponte got the appellation, The Butcher of the Honduras? Hundreds of thousands dead from the death squads he fostered. (and this just one example). The Empire also commits unprovoked wars of aggression (war crimes according to the Nuremberg trials....makes the Empire rather like the Reich). The Empire engages in torture, murders, rendition. The Empire's unwarranted aggression has caused the deaths of at least 650,000 Iraqi Moms, Kids and Dads..... for oil... oh yes, The Empire steals other countries resources. The Empire also is attempting to insure its continued existence by creating and promulgating increasingly fascist laws against its own citizens. It also steals from the poor to give to the ruling oligarchy....
All of these things the Empire has done and more. This is not an exhaustive list. All these acts have been well-documented. They aren't even arguable anymore. Except by ninnies of the right wing.
So are you for the Empire or against the Empire. You choose. I know how I choose.
The situation we as Americans are faced with is not very different from the situation many Germans and Italians were faced with in the late 1930's. Hitler became Time Magazine's Man Of The Year for his audacious, defiant, ruthless foreign policy, and Italy's Benito Mussolini was as ruthlesss and arrogant a business partner as der Fuhrer could wish for. Il Duce created his Corporative State in 1928 in the same fashion that our clueless leader GW Bush, "Il Douchenozzle" created his Corporative State in 2001. The only difference is George's handlers call his an "Ownership Society" Now, Benito was captured, tried and summarily shot along with his mistress, Clara in 1945. Their bodies were hung by the ankles on display at an Esso Gas station in Milan.
Such poetic justice is almost unheard of in this day and age.
There is still a chance to get our country back. All we say is true; now if we'd all demonstrate like the patriots did against the Vietnam War we could have our voices heard and stop the evil in our government. Not enough marched on the 27th although that was a start. We've got to protest -- write letters to people like Hillary to get out of the middle and start the action to take back our country. She's not the only one. Those who could are not making a difference. Things have got to change. The Germans did nothing and we know what happened. It could happer here.
Wow, the vitriol and the inane rhetoric here is thick. I know it’s fun to have a popular website but maybe you could use some… ya know, perspective?
I’ll try to answer the questions you posed: Yes, Malkin does believe in the things she says, just as you do. Yes, she truly believes many on the left are hoping our efforts in Iraq will fail – not out of malice against the people of Iraq or our troops – but for pure political posture points. Is it so difficult to see how those on the left have fostered that perception?
I cannot believe the way our country has divided itself over the issue of Iraq. Strange too, when you consider there are much more important things for us to discuss (drug war, income tax, police abuse, etc…) that dramatically impact us (as a whole) so much more then Iraq. It is truly sad because this level of naked hatred for the other party has totally destroyed any chance for us to discuss this rationally.
War mongering, deranged president? It seems rather this page is doing a considerable amount of war-mongering itself. Only you’d rather us fight amongst ourselves. I find that very sad.
-R Siegmund
How come you allow this sexist and misogynist comment to stand?
"Lets see Michele Malkin, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Dr. Laura, Tammy Bruce all these right wing women seem to have one thing in common, they are so angry and tight!!!!!I don't know who in their right mind would do it but these bitches need a good screwing, should loosen them up a little"
"There is still a chance to get our country back. All we say is true; now if we'd all demonstrate like the patriots did against the Vietnam War we could have our voices heard and stop the evil in our government. Not enough marched on the 27th although that was a start. We've got to protest -- write letters to people like Hillary to get out of the middle and start the action to take back our country. She's not the only one. Those who could are not making a difference. Things have got to change. The Germans did nothing and we know what happened."
OMG LOLOLOLOLOLO another example of head buried in butt syndrom hahahahahah
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