The midterm elections, war in Iraq, the Kerry controversy.....there's no shortage of hot topics to discuss with the irreverent, insightful Mark Karlin, editor and publisher of BuzzFlash.com. Karlin is tonight's guest on The Ostroy/DeLaite Report...Where Democrats Play Rough. BuzzFlash.com provides headlines, news, and commentary to over 5-million readers monthly.
The Ostroy/DeLaite Report...Where Democrats Play Rough, is a weekly political call-in talk show that tackles the Right Wing spin machine head on (www.OstroyDeLaiteReport.com). It covers the ever-changing political landscape with guests that include Michigan Congressional candidate Nancy Skinner, New York Congressional candidates Kirsten Gillibrand and John Hall, Nomi Prins, Mark Crispin Miller, WABC Radio's Ron Kuby, Marc Maron, nationally-syndicated radio host Stephanie Miller, Russ Baker, BradBlog.com's Brad Friedman, Mark Green and Fox News Political Analyst Kirsten Powers. The show airs every Wednesday at 6:30PM in NYC on Time Warner channel 67. It can also be viewed live over the internet at MNN.org. Just follow the steps to "Watch MNN/ch 67."
And mark your calendars for next Wednesday Nov. 8th, as we welcome back MSNBC political analyst, Democratic strategist and former Howard Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi for a post-election round-up.
not this idiot! Can't you get John Kerry? I hear he's available today.
The joke by John Kerry has escalated tensions in Iraq as the government tries to stand up. Kerry's joke's effect on al-Maliki made him more defiant against the U.S. John Kerry remark kills 23 Iraqi citizens today, along with two US soldiers. Thanks to the joke by John Kerry, impure food has reached America's tables. Because of John Kerry's joke, the Dow dropped 50.91 to close at 12031.02. Kerry's comments also caused a drop in NASDAQ, closing at 2334.35, down 32.36.
Kerry lost 2004, now he's trying to throw 2006.
But that GW Bush, now HE can tell a joke!
"Those weapons of mass destruction gotta be somewhere"
"Nope. No weapons over there."
"Maybe they're over here."
Now THAT's some serious comedy!!! We all laughed so hard that 2800 American troops and 500,000 Iraqis got killed!!!! And more every day!!!! Hahahhahhaaahaaaa!!!!
Bush at Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner
Is this the Andy Ostroy who's wife, Adrienne Shelly, passed away?
Per comcast news report?
I just came here from RudePundit. I suspect more will be coming soon. Your personal tragedy in light of the fine work that you have been doing is heart breaking. Remember that many others are out here ready to offer whatever we can, even if it is only a little sympathy.
Andy: My deepest and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family at this difficult time.
I was enamored with your wife's work and I fully dig what you do with your blog. Whatever an anonymous 'netter's thoughts are worth, I send you and your family gentle benedictions of spiritual support.
My name would mean nothing to you if I signed it so I will remain anonymous However, I know and admire a great deal about you from your writing and about your wife from her work. I am so very sorry for your and your family's loss and the loss to those she reached and touched.
Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
We enjoy your site and, in fact, it is the only one we read and respond to.
The candle has been lit to offer support in this time of spiritual need.
G and M
Heartfelt thoughts to you for strength and courage Andy.
Thank you for your work and I want to pass along my condolences as well.
Twelve years ago I lost a spouse. If one such as I could survive the ordeal.....Thank your for your public work. May your private work progress with health and growth. May you find the way to transform the sorrow.
My deepest condolences for your loss, and my best wishes for the future.
We will keep fighting.
At the risk of sounding trite, I want to say that I am very sorry for your loss, because it is true. My prayers are with you.
so sorry for your loss. living through it was the hardest thing i've ever done. it does get better-very slowly.
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I wish your family spiritual strength and peace.
sincere condolences,
Adrienne has always been one of my favorite actresses, and she always will be as many of her films are timeless classics.
My deepest condolences.
I am so sorry to hear about the death of your wife. Please take good care of yourself during this awful time; hold your daughter, friends, and family close. And please know that there are a lot of us Anonymi out here thinking of you.
Know that you and your daughter are held in the hearts of strangers, like me, who send sympathies and warm thoughts.
I hope you find your way through this and reach a point where you can be happy again. I believe you're right about your wife's death; the initial 'official' conclusions seem very ill-informed. I hope you find out the truth. She was a wonderful talent and my girlfriend and I were very sad to hear that she is gone. Our thoughts are with you.
I am very, very sorry for your loss, and I hope you can feel, just for a moment, all the prayers that are with you...
There is no question that something is deeply flawed with the "official story" of your wife's passing, as clearly you and her family believe.
The truth will out.
If there is anything the public can do, such as make appeals and/ or complaints to investigators, or to raise money for a private investigator, please let us know.
In the meantime, blessings and as much peace as can be in this difficult time to you and your little daughter.
Not to be macabre, but what is the official story? We care about "our" Andy and want to know how to help, but are in an area where we are getting no news about this.
The official story had been that it was a likely suicide, which Andy and family had disputed. Just today, the truth has come out:
Adrienne was killed by a construction worker in the building that housed her office. The man then made the death look to be a suicide.
Andy, I am truly saddened to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you. We differ in our views, but such things seem trivial when there is such loss at a personal level.
very very sad to hear of your loss and the tragic circumstances. adrienne was a favorite actress of mine and to find that she was married to someone fighting the good fight politically... just horrible all around. no words i can say will really mean much but deepest condolences from ky.
I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers to you and all your family. Adrienne was such a bright light for me, from the first time I saw her on screen in '89. "Trust" is one of my favorite films, largely because of her luminous presence. And her work as a writer and director was so impressive. I live nearby, in the Village. I'm so angry now. But I know that won't help. I wish I COULD help.
One of the great blog i came across in recent times...
My name is Mark Johnson, and I've been visiting The Ostroy Report for past few months
I’m a recent UC Berkeley Political science grad and I along with some fellow Princeton alums have been working hard to launch our own internet startup called Rizzleweb.com.
Rizzleweb is basically an online political community where people can log on and write performance reviews\comments for congressmen, senators, the president, and various other local and state officials across the country. I was hoping that if it would not be too much trouble you could place a link of our site on your blog. If this is not possible (which we completely understand), we still hope you will check out our site, and post some reviews.
Your contribution will encourage us to put more effort in improving our website.
Mark Johnson
Along with so many leftie-bloggers, I send my condolences at the shocking and heartbreaking death of your beloved wife.
I wish you courage and comfort as you travel that long road to acceptance and healing. May you find the peace you need.
Come back to us when you can.
Sorry for your loss. You knew your woman & you knew her soul & didn't take no for an answer- I can only hope I have the tenacity you had in the face of such tragedy.
Give your daughter a kiss for a guy coming from the right side of the aisle- I don't agree with her Daddy's politics but I do think he's a good man.
my heart goes out to your family and friends. may your heart and soul find peace and comfort.
"They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies."
- William Penn
May you find the strength to keep your heart open and may peace and serenity surround you and your daughter during this great loss.
I wish you much support and love.
I apologize for the same.
Thank You
Dear Ostry Readers,
My Name is Pradeep Singh, and I am the Chief Marketing Officier of Rizzleweb.com. I want to personally apologize for the comments made by Mark Johnson. He is actually a disgruntled ex-staff member of ours, who is making inapporiate postings all over the web.
In any event the whole rizzleweb team sends its apologies, and condolences.
Thank You,
As an unapologetic 'neo-con' and, perhaps, media entity worthy of your disdain, I enter into enemy political territory to extend my most sincere condolences. One rainy day in 1989 I went to see The Two Jakes at the Angelica Theater. Thankfully it was sold out and I happened upon 'The Unbelievable Truth'. First of all, I loved it because of the immense talent of your wife. Adrienne Shelley became my immediate favorite screen presence. No, really. I sought out all her movies and quite recently I even raved of her talent to neo-con icon (or villain, depending on your perspective) and film reviewer John Podhoretz. I am now a father of four and feel absolutely devastated for you and your daughter. Please don't let your intense political feelings overshadow the fact that your political enemies, too, mean well. We differ on perspective and approach and in the future should venture to find common ground despite our profound and sincere differences. The mutual demonization campaigns in the media (online and off) that are waged on both sides have proved to be counterproductive. Be well, Andrew Breitbart
Dear Mr. Ostroy,
Not two days before reading about your wife's death, I was re-watching Trust for the first time in years on IFC, remembering how I'd loved it the first time I saw it, and enjoying it again like a long-lost friend. It is a remarkable film, and is so largely due to Ms. Shelley's performance in it. I would like to express my deepest sympathies with you and your daughter, and hope that it is of some consolation to you to know that your wife will be fondly remembered as an artist of great talent.
Sara Padilla
I am one of many fans of your wife's work and "Trust" is one of my favorite movies. You and your daughter have been on my mind since the news broke and I hope your daughter will grow up knowing how wonderful her mom was.
A thought:
You have to wonder if the killer wasn't afraid of being picked up by the cops for being illegally employed whether he wouldn't have gone over the edge and that day would have been just another day in New York. It's a strong argument for resolving the immigration problem, apart from the particular politics each person subscribes to.
But please don't think that's any kind of rationalization, just an observation. The killer still did what he did and Adrienne's life stopped in a blink and her family, friends and fans will have to deal with that forever.
Godspeed Andy and Sophie.
I offer my most sincere condolences...I am so sorry for your loss. May almighty God give you strength.
I know, admire and respect you from your blog.
I was shocked to my core at reading of your dreadful tragedy.
Words fail me, it was so senseless.
May peace enfold you and your daughter and lighten the burden of this dreadful grief.
Mary in Canada.
Gary Goldberg,
Diego Pillco, the man who admitted killing Adrienne, was not only 'illegally employed'. Diego Pillco was an illegal alien. He ignored our laws by coming to America illegally. He ignored our laws by working illegally. He ignored our laws when he killed an innocent woman. This is not an "immigration problem" since Diego Pillco IS NOT AN IMMIGRANT - he is an ILLEGAL ALIEN, who doesn't belong in this country. The day that Adrienne Shelly was murdered WOULD have been 'just another day in New York' if the illegal alien respected our country and our laws by staying in Ecuador.
Every day in America, innocent people are murdered, raped, kidnapped, etc. by illegal aliens. Politicians on both sides of the isle have no desire to secure our borders. These dreadful acts will continue until the illegal invasion of America is stopped.
I've always been a huge fan of your wife, this news was horrible and senseless. My sympathies to your daughter and yourself. This is the ultimate in tragedy.
hi Andy, Steve Koons here. I am so sorry. Anything I can do to help I will. You and your daughter are in my prayers.
Hey man...I just wanted to express my sympathy. Your wife had so much talent. My wife and I have you in our prayers.
Holding you and your family in the light, as the Quakers say ....
Mr. Ostroy, I read about you and your wife on Michelle Malkin's web site.
I am so, so sorry for what happened. And I know that nothing I say will make up for this. Please accept my sincerest condolences. I will pray that God will lighten your horrible load.
Condolences for your loss. Your family will be in my thoughts today.
I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.
RE " A thought" as posted above,
A thought:
"You have to wonder if the killer wasn't afraid of being picked up by the cops for being illegally employed whether he wouldn't have gone over the edge and that day would have been just another day in New York. It's a strong argument for resolving the immigration problem, apart from the particular politics each person subscribes to.
But please don't think that's any kind of rationalization, just an observation. The killer still did what he did and Adrienne's life stopped in a blink and her family, friends and fans will have to deal with that forever.
Godspeed Andy and Sophie."
This is the stupidest thought I have ever seen. Are you trying to blame the police? Why not blame the illegal alien who committed the crime? You cannot project to know what was in his mind, nor blame the police. If anything, the liberal mindset that condones illegal aliens is most likely more to blame, this time the liberals might see that they perhaps should blame themselves. We have to call them criminals and treat them and send them back like the criminals that they are. You liberals don't get it yet, you give and give and eventually they eat your children.
God Bless and get a clue, please, for all of us.
Live by liberalism die by liberalism....Just think if the Demorats hadn't blocked the GOP, the border may have been sealed, the illegals rounded up and your wife still alive.
Yeah, but it's Bush who thinks we need 'em for all those jobs americans won't do. What's worse?
Anyone who breaks the law and enters illegally should be returned to his own country. Breaking the law should not be encouraged or rewarded. I am a Liberal.
Mrs. Ostroy would be alive had the law been upheld. Lawlessness breeds lawlessness. I am so sorry for this tragedy and send my sympathy.
how nice, ronbo. why don't you have some respect.
12:16 You're right. My response was inappropriate at this time. I'm afraid I stupidly responded, as a Libearal, to the bait of slander and lies posted by 6:15 above. I sincerely apologize to you Mr. Ostroy and your family. My sympathy and prayers are with you and your family. I am so sorry.
Please see my last 2-3 cooments in Posting area about death of Adrienne Shelly....please.
Hey Right Wing Agenda,
Hadn't been on in a while......
Where did you get such a Potty-Mouth, from your GAY lover or from your daddy making you suck him and bend over the table.....
Your Typical of the liberal trash that talks about healing messages on here, and then acts like all conservatives are enemies.
great site Andy. I wonder if this comment will be removed too, just like Mr. Tolbert's benign ( and some very benevolent) comments or some of the others on the comment page about Adrienne, since they weren't very liberal like Mr. Right Wing Agenda's comment.
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