At 8PM EST Monday evening, the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, ABC will air part 2 of its intensely controversial docudrama, "The Path to 9/11." At 9PM it will interrupt its airing to switch to the White House Oval Office, where President Bush will give a 20-minute propaganda speech on the global war on terror. How fitting. It's the icing on the partisan cake. What better lead-in for the president to spread his fear-mongering rhetoric than ABC's Bush-stroking, Clinton-bashing fictional tale of the years leading up to the worst tragedy in U.S. history.
The inept leader of the free world--the man who gave up on Osama bin Laden years ago ("I don't know where he is...ya know I just don't spend that much time on him")-- is in the middle of his "Bush: The Terrorism Tour" to remind Americans just how dangerous bin Laden is and how important Iraq is in fighting al Qaeda. And despite the new Senate report which states that the CIA told the Busheviks last Fall that al Qaeda had no presence in Iraq before the war, Bush continues to make the connection in order to justify the invasion and drum up support for the occupation.
For the past several weeks it's been terrorism, terrorism, terrorism non-stop. Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rice and the GOP leadership have been relentless in their quest to frighten Americans into voting for them once again. You can be sure it's going to get even worse as the midterm elections approach. After Bush's failed six years in office, and the GOP's 12 years of corrupt control of Congress, the only thing the Busheviks have left is the terror card. It's their only hope to retain power, and they're playing it aggressively and shamelessly.
As John Tierney brilliant questions in his NY Times op-ed piece Saturday, is the true threat of terrorism as big as the business of terrorism? What we do know is this: George W. Bush is terrorizing Americans more than bin Laden ever has.
Agreed. But it is worse than you may realize. The "War on Terror" is a golem --a neo-con created tool. Most people have forgotten the training camps Ronald Regan built in Afganistan under the pretense of the Cold War. We trained Osama Bin Laden and helped establish Al Qaeda, even hiring them as mercenaries in former Yugosalvia. What exactly transpired after the collapse of the USSR is curious. Why did Bin Landen and Al Qauda start atacking the U.S. after being supported by the U.S.? I do not yet know, but whatever the reason, Bin Laden became the prefect scapegoat for the 9/11 attacks and the poster villian justifying the concentration of power and continuing war. Odds are Osama died in 2002.
I thought I'd post a comment, just because you don't seem to get many.
I strongly disagree with your assertion that "George W. Bush is terrorizing Americans more than bin Laden ever has." I know it's quite fashionable to say such things, and I'm sure it makes you feel better about yourself to believe it, but to this first-time visitor it seems very irresponsible and makes you sound a bit, well, uneducated, to be charitable about it.
Still, vive la difference, free speech and all that, more power to you. You're as free to compete in the marketplace of ideas as anyone else. Best of luck to you - but please keep in mind that where there's intellectual competition there are winners. And losers.
"The most important day in our history", and how are all the moonbats honoring it? If you said remembering the victims, you would be so wrong. They're too busy trying to save Clintons ass,than show respect. That includes the DNC website. YOU people have no shame.
Excellent comment. Insightful, in spades.
To some, 9/11 only means another occasion for mewling excuses, hollow rationalizations and immature and laughably misdirected blame-throwing.
To others, it's a solemn remembrance and a vow to discover, however painful and worldview-altering, the reasons for it and to combine that knowledge with an actionable plan to never let it happen again.
Separates the children from the adults, it does.
Another blog devoted to moonbat douchebags and thier conspiratorial vitriol, you make me sick, And ABC/Disney is going forward with the program like it or not. Free speech is for all sides asshat.
New Reader: Please remember that in a court of law there are winners and losers. The impression I got from Sandy Berger when he appeared on CNN was that he will sue. Let's look forward to seeing the winner in that TV reality show. It's been proven already that the docu-whatever has lied about him. And please do not come back to this blog which is meant only for elitists who cannot stand riff-raff Republicans.
Ostroy -- Your graphics are brilliant.
Dang this is funny stuff! Thanks for posting it.
Poll: More Americans blame Bush for 9/11
Could it be the sleeping are starting to Awake?
new reader...
While my first response was of the FU variety, I've decided to give you some of your own BS.
Let's see, while you're entitled to your opinion, we could just never agree on this whole awful mess called 9/11.
You see, while citizens like you have failed to grasp the concept of critical thinking, others like to get to the truth through the higher level brain function.
While you prefer to just wave a flag, attend church, think Bush has all the answers and has never lied to the public, there are those who prefer to use our intellectual capabilities to actually read the pentagon and 9/11 reports. Through careful study, we like to draw our own conclusions rather than just believe what Bush Co and the MSM spews out.
Unless you can bring yourself to respond in a thoughtful and intelligent way, don't bother to return.
Did you ever think that maybe it's your ass we're trying to save? NOOOO...we're just a bunch of moonbats who don't fall in line.
New reader shouldn't worry about the quantity of posts. (She's really into 'how much' as revealed in other comments made by her.)
It's quality that matters here, Sweetie. Frankly, you get an F.
Study up and be prepared to present factual comments to the topics. We'll welcome ya'll back then.
...and when you present factual material, it will be ignored if it doesn't back the democratic's agenda. If it is not ignored, YOU will be attacked for bringing the facts up.
What facts? The old Clinton ones that only 41% attribute to 9/11 as of today? (per CNN)
It's speculation and subterfuge. And how about Viper's enlightening contributions?
You GOPers may have joined the party, found a tree, but you ain't seen the forest!
Quit whining about being attacked. We're just using a play out of your own playbook. Swiftboating ring a bell?
Personally, I think he looks friendlier in a mouse suit. I believe Bush would have a sense of humour and find the picture funny as well.
housing boom -- NO, Bush wouldn't have a sense of humour about appearing foolish and mouselike. Haven't you noticed he only laughs when he has ridiculed or embarrassed someone else on national TV. When he's even slightly criticized he gets angry and defensive.
When I got my monthly newsletter of Republican Talking Points in the mail I read it carefully and of course memorized the contents. I'm sure there was no definition of "moonbat". Would one of you good Republicans writing here please give me the definition. I surely want to be informed when I use it from now on.
Before all the puerility started, tea42 said: "Most people have forgotten the training camps Ronald Regan built in Afganistan under the pretense of the Cold War. We trained Osama Bin Laden and helped establish Al Qaeda, even hiring them as mercenaries in former Yugosalvia. What exactly transpired after the collapse of the USSR is curious. Why did Bin Landen and Al Qauda start atacking the U.S. after being supported by the U.S.? I do not yet know, but whatever the reason, Bin Laden became the prefect scapegoat for the 9/11 attacks and the poster villian justifying the concentration of power and continuing war. Odds are Osama died in 2002."
Reagan provided Stinger missiles for shooting down Soviet aircraft in Afghanistan to anyone who'd violently oppose the Westernizing government in Kabul that was aligned with the USSR. The Westernizing the proto-Taliban so hated was schools for girls to become literate, tolerance for non-Muslims, stuff like that, and they hated America more than they hated the USSR. Reporters at the time were writing stories about "Death to America" posters hanging in our "allies'" compounds and about women and girls who weren't allowed to see a doctor.
After getting from Reagan the materiel and support needed to make staying intolerable for the Russians, they simply followed through along the lines they always intended: obliterate any trace of religion that isn't their brand of fundamentalist Islam, like ancient Buddha carvings, seclude all females, inflict their version of Sharia law, generally darken the Enlightenment. You don't have to posit any changes or reasons for changes.
(The more I type, the more the Taliban reminds me of the Bushies. It's a good thing they're both too intolerant to join forces.)
Yeesh, after I saw the clips of Bush being an a--hole to Matt Lauer and Cheney being a smarmy liar to Tim Russert, I have no doubts in my mind that the whole Bush WH is hiding some serious criminal wrongdoings! With pentagon reports and generals speaking up as to the futile nature of their mission in Iraq, the 9/11 timelines and the testimony of Norman Mineta and the physics lessons of Steven Jones, we are truly in the dark as to the REAL story.
Now wait, just before elections another "terrorist" attack will happen and innocent americans will die. Makes you wonder just WHO the terrorists really are. General Rove certainly doesn't want you to know.
What was Sandy Berger hiding when he went into the National Archives and stuffed his pants full of classified and top secret documents? We'll NEVER know because he took them home and burned them.
To 2:02 What we do know is that Sandy Berger was not hiding the intelligence report warning that our country was in danger of being bombed by terrorists. Where did Bush stick that document?
anonymous 6:48,
Are you suggesting that it is acceptable for democrats to steal and destroy confidential and top secret documents from the national archive?
1:09 I'm suggesting that you get your priorities straight. The more pressing concern is Bush could have saved us; Bush got us into a war by lying; Bush can't get us out by succeeding and you're using thet old "The best defense is a good offense." And, the way Republicans go after and destroy political enemies I doubt Berger got away with anything. In fact, he was probably framed. Haven't heard much about it have we? I'm suprised you don't throw in Clinton and how he defiled the Oval Office. That's a standard "offense" among Republicans.
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