Please tune in to tonite's The Ostroy/DeLaite Report...Where Democrats Play Rough as we welcome back Nancy Skinner, Democratic candidate for Michigan's 9th Congressional district. We'll get an update on her campaign and also get her thoughts on the Lieberman/Lamont outcome; Iraq; and other news of the day.
The Ostroy/DeLaite Report...Where Democrats Play Rough, is a weekly political call-in talk show that tackles the Right Wing spin machine head on (www.OstroyDeLaiteReport.com). It covers the ever-changing political landscape with guests that include The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel, WABC Radio's Ron Kuby, Marc Maron, nationally-syndicated radio host Stephanie Miller, Russ Baker, BuzzFlash.com's Mark Karlin, BradBlog.com's Brad Friedman, NY State Attorney General candidate Mark Green and others. The show airs every Wednesday at 6:30PM in NYC on Time Warner channel 67. It can also be viewed live over the internet at MNN.org. Just follow the steps to "Watch MNN/ch 67."
skinner? I don't even know her.
I love Nance Skinner! She use to be on Air America Radio here in Detroit until she decided to run. She is so good with the issues that you'll all be surprised.
Lincoln Park, Michigan
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