In the wake of Thursday's foiled U.K. terror plot, we're painfully reminded that life as we know it changed dramatically after the Sept. 11 attacks and will never, ever be the same. There's been a fundamental breakdown in world order, and no one is safe anymore, anytime, anywhere. And for that we can thank Islamic fascists, who, in their religious fanaticism and misguided quest for martyrdom, have been responsible for some of the most cowardly acts of hateful, murderous carnage in history.
Now before I get the to the heart of this piece let me say I have a great respect for the majority of God-fearing, peace-loving Muslims who are as angry with the current state of affairs as I am. My anger, frustration and sense of despair is in no way intended to be directed at them. That said, our main enemy today just happens to be Muslim extremists. I don't give a crap about being politically correct, and I wish the U.S. government wouldn't either. If we truly want to keep America as safe as possible--at airports, train and bus stations, major sporting events, concerts, public buildings and elsewhere--then it's time to start profiling our enemy and stop wasting our time and money on those who don't fit this profile.
The unfortunate truth is that it is Muslim extremists who strap on bombs and blow themselves and everyone else around them to smithereens. It is Muslim extremists who kill innocent men, women, and children. It is Muslim extremists who've terrorized students, travelers, beach-goers, diners, worshippers everywhere. It is Muslim extremists who attacked us in New York and Washington, DC. It is Muslim extremists who hate Westerners and America, hate capitalism, hate Democracy, hate freedom, and plot our destruction from the minute they awaken until the minute they lay their barbaric heads to sleep. It is these Muslim extremists who place no value whatsoever on human life, including their own, in their fantastical journey to Allah to receive their 72 virgin reward.
We did not get attacked by, or live in fear of, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, young White families, 3-year-olds, blue-haired old women with canes, homosexual couples, middle-aged salesmen with bad suits and pot-bellies, rappers or acned teenagers with their pants hanging off their asses. Yet if I see one more of these non-terrorists getting frisked at the airport and pulled aside for a near strip-search, I think I may blow a gasket. Here's a message to President Bush, Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and all the other incredibly inept officials in this incredibly inept administration: stop fucking around.
I want the U.S. government to be like the Israeli government, which doesn't give a rat's ass about anything except one thing: protecting its citizens. What the hell has happened to America's resolve? Have we gotten so politically correct that we're too afraid to do the right thing anymore? For every old woman, toddler or gawky White teenager that's searched at the airport, we're wasting a ton of time, effort and money that could be spent on who we've identified as our primary enemy. For crap's sake, this is war, and we need to start fighting like it is one on every possible front instead of squandering resources and assets in the interest of political correctness. We were attacked and killed by Muslim extremists, we live in fear of Muslim extremists, and it is Muslim extremists who we need to find at airports and elsewhere. I want every cop, every guard, every screener, every ID checker and everyone else involved in the security process to have their eyes trained on the enemy; the profiled enemy. Until the profile should change and we therefore need to change and/or expand our focus. But until then, it's Muslim extremists we must be on the lookout for almost exclusively.
Additionally, I want more and better technology at airports, train and bus stations. Our current security and screening equipment and mechanisms are so antiquated and inconsistent from airport to airport (and non-existent at train/bus stations and ports) it's pathetic. I want universal ID cards for U.S. citizens who, after going through an initial extensive security check, can avoid long lines, unnecessary searches and frustrating delays. I want profiling. What I don't want is to be told that everyone's safer because I can't bring my coveted Snapple on board for a 6-hour flight to California even though I'm about as far from fitting the Muslim extremist profile as Richard Simmons.
Can a Muslim be profiled? I've seen blacks, Hispanics, whites, and even Indians convert to the Islam. They ones you really need to worry about are the ones that turn extremist. How can you profile them? Exactly: you can't.
So save your breath and get back in the security line cracker!
Though I don't see why Andy doesn't look like a Muslim - doesn't he, really? - and thus might fit the profiling he 's calling for - I don't see why Security Officers aren't letting blue-haired old women with canes just in peace, neither. Nevertheless, beware their canes!
Universal ID cards that are fool proof? Who are you trying to fool? Identity thieves?
If you are that afraid and want to live in a police state move it Israel. I think that's where you belong. As for me I don't believe the fear mongering bullshit. "Give me liberty or give me death"!
It's Time to Start Profiling and Stop War-Mongering Around
In the wake of Thursday's foiled U.K. terror plot, we're painfully reminded that life as we know it changed dramatically after the Sept. 11 attacks and will never, ever be the same. There's been a fundamental breakdown in world order, and no one is safe anymore, anytime, anywhere. And for that we can thank U.S. fascists, who, in their greedy right-wing religious fanaticism, hunger for power and military control of the planet (http://www.dtic.mil/jointvision/jvpub2.htm) and misguided quest to control oil prices – an environmentally destructive fossil fuel – have been responsible for some of the most cowardly acts of hateful, murderous carnage in history.
Now before I get the to the heart of this piece let me say I have a great respect for the majority of God-fearing, peace-loving U.S. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) who are as angry with the current state of affairs as I am. My anger, frustration and sense of despair is in no way to be intended to be directed at them. That said, our main enemy today just happens to be U.S. WASP extremists. If we truly want to keep America as safe as possible--at airports, train and bus stations, major sporting events, concerts, public buildings and elsewhere--then it's time to start profiling our enemy and stop wasting our time and money on those who don't fit this profile.
The unfortunate truth is that it is WASP extremists – usually middle-aged males – who gutlessly and soullessly perpetuate illegal and unethical wars all over the globe and heartlessly blow up young U.S. soldiers and everyone else around them to smithereens. It is U.S. WASP extremists and their neo-con advisors with their war-mongering policies, inflated military budget and disregard for human life who use horrendous bombs from the sky to shock, awe and kill innocent men, women, and children. It is U.S. WASP extremists, the Bush administration and family – four generations of war profiteers -- who've terrorized students, travelers, beach-goers, diners, worshippers in countries everywhere as a result of their actions. It is U.S. WASP extremists who ignored warnings and allowed Al Qaeda terrorists to attack us in New York and Washington, DC. It is U.S. WASP extremists who hate foreigners (especially the French), people of color, the poor, the Bill of Rights, Democracy, hate freedom for anyone but themselves, and plot the destruction of the planet from the minute they awaken until the minute they lay their barbaric heads to sleep. It is these U.S. WASP extremists who place no value whatsoever on human life, including their own, in their fantastical journey towards the mythical Armageddon.
We did not get attacked by, or need to live in fear of, liberals, black people, progressive political activists, socialists, Greens, Libertarians, animal rights activists, environmentalists, mothers of dead soldiers, journalists, Democratic politicians, free-thinking young people, Native Americans, hard-working legal immigrants, the homeless, working poor, union members, open-minded college professors, pagans, Gulf Coast dwellers, innocent Muslim or innocent Muslim-looking people. Yet if I see one more of these non-terrorist getting harassed, spied upon, oppressed, suppressed, denied loans, exploited, degraded, slandered, flooded out of their homes/drowned by broken levees/ignored, frisked, arrested without charge and held in jail or Guantanamo for years, I think I may blow a gasket. Here's a message to President Bush, Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and all the other incredibly inept officials in this incredibly inept administration: stop fucking around.
I want the U.S. government to be like most other governments in the world, which don't give a rat's ass about anything except one thing: staying out of war and preserving peace. What the hell has happened to America's resolve? Have we gotten so politically correct that we're too afraid to do the right thing anymore and promote peace and understanding? For every old woman, toddler or gawky White teenager that's searched at the airport, we're wasting a ton of time, effort and money that could be spent on who we've identified as our primary enemy. For crap's sake, this is a quest for peace, and we need to start acting like it is one on every possible front instead of squandering resources and assets in the interest of war. We were attacked and killed because of the international policies U.S. WASP extremists and their lack of diplomacy and international relations, the CIA creation and recruitment of Al Qaeda, and proliferation of militarization and violence around the world. We live in fear of U.S. WASP extremists and their lack of commitment to democracy in our own country, upholding of the Bill of Rights and their right-wing religious fanaticism, and it is U.S. WASP extremists who we need to find at airports and elsewhere. I want every cop, every guard, every screener, every ID checker and everyone else involved in the security process to have their eyes trained on the enemy; the profiled enemy – large, overfed, ugly, pasty white, rich, inbred middle-aged/older males, usually working for the U.S. government, military, corporations like Enron, right-wing Clear Channel talk shows, or personnel who are otherwise unemployable working for the American Enterprise Institute. Until we decide to take a stand against war and violence and use our power as the world’s “superpower” to dominate the globe with peace, prosperity and sustainability. But until then, it's U.S. WASP extremists we must be on the lookout for almost exclusively.
Additionally, I want more and better technology for transportation, like cross-country light rail trains. Our current use of fossil fuels for transportation and energy (and practically non-existent wind, solar or alternative power) is pathetic and self-destructive. I want universal ID cards for U.S. WASP extremists so they can be singled out immediately, so that other people: of color, most women, and immigrants, don’t have to wait for them to be screened. I want profiling. What I don't want is to be told that everyone's safer because I can't bring my coveted Snapple on board for a 6-hour flight to California even though I fit the U.S. WASP extremist profile as much as Richard Perle.
Andy, I understand the point you're trying to make, but it just won't work. Who do we look for? The guys dressed in the `imama (turbans) and sirwal(baggy pants)? What if they decided to throw us off by wearing western clothes? Then, do we stop every person who might look like they're traditionally Muslim, say dark skin, dark hair, etc?
I'm not trying to be PC here. You can't thwart attacks if you're only looking at certain types of people. If you do that the terrorists will certainly change their tactics and then the public is still unsafe and a sitting target.
What you have to do is strike at the head of the beast. Forget the fucking nickel and dime shit of only going after the turkeys who have been recruited for these suicide missions. Why aren't we sending in special forces to Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc., and killing the leaders of these terrorist groups? How can it be that Osama is able to evade the combined military and tactical forces of the U.S and Britian?
I don't have the answers, but only searching people who look like Muslims won't help make us safer. It will allow the terrorists to find other ways to hurt us.
Why don't we just get our of their countries, out of their part of the world, out of their faces and leave them alone to live the way they want to live. Can we just mind our own business and live and let live???? Or, if not that, are we prepared to kill every one of them? They do out number us you know.
NO human life is more valuable than another. U.S. history is filled with violence, corruption and genocide of its own citizens, let alone other countries. The hypocrisy of the U.S. is slowly returning to repay that which it has dished out. Violence begets violence. Those who live by the sword will die by the same sword.
Anon 3:44 writes...
"Who do we look for? The guys dressed in the `imama (turbans) and sirwal(baggy pants)?"
Just as the Israelis. They'll tell ya how it's done and who to look for. And I bet if I told you two "Muslim extremists" were headed to your house to kill you, I suspect you'd have a pretty good sense of what they'll be looking like.
"You can't thwart attacks if you're only looking at certain types of people"
Oh yes you can, if it's only certain types of people who've been attacking you.
Andy, I'm sorry to say that this is likely the end of my reading of your blog. You've gone from a sensible liberal to a racist-something-or-an-other in a month or so. I'm not getting anything from it anymore. It's not the profiling thing that did it, although that helped. After all, I'm a pragmatist, and I understand the value of thoughtful, data-driven policing.
What did it for me is this line: "We did not get attacked by, or live in fear of, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, young White families, 3-year-olds, blue-haired old women with canes, homosexual couples, middle-aged salesmen with bad suits and pot-bellies, rappers or acned teenagers with their pants hanging off their asses."
As a matter of fact, "we" have been "attacked" by most of those groups, and a member of one of those groups (and his buddies) was responsible for the worst "terrorist" act in the United States before 9/11. Remember Oklahoma City? There are other examples, but I don't need to get into them here; once you begin to think outside of your narrow view of the world, I hope you'll see what you've been missing.
I'll check this tread for your response -- perhaps you can convince me that you're thoughtful about these issues.
PS Something else to think about: How do you profile a Muslim extremist? José Padilla doesn't look like John Walker Lindh doesn't look like Osama bin Laden doesn't look like Narseale Batiste and so on.
Those who leave this blog out of disgust do a disservice to those who are interested and encouraged by hearing the other side. Even more important, perhaps, is that some could possibly be converted to another point of view. I don't often read or hear comments similar to the ones written here in response to Andy.
There are many more resources on the internet, which present progressive or balanced views other than this right-wing Zionist and racist blog. Why wasting your time on this one?
This is an example of what I am talking about, for those who are interested hearing "the other side"
How I found myself with the Islamic fascists
By Jonathan Cook
08/11/06 "Information Clearing House" -- -- It occurred to me as I watched the story unfolding on my TV of a suspected plot by a group of at least 20 British Muslims to blow up planes between the UK and America that the course of my life and that of the alleged “terrorists” may have run in parallel in more ways than one.
Like a number of them, I am originally from High Wycombe, one of the non-descript commuter towns that ring London. As aerial shots wheeled above the tiled roof of a semi-detached house there, I briefly thought I was looking at my mother’s home.
But doubtless my and their lives have diverged in numerous ways. According to news reports, the suspects are probably Pakistani, a large “immigrant” community that has settled in many corners of Britain, including High Wycombe and Birmingham, a grey metropolis in the country’s centre where at least some of the arrested men are believed to have been born.
Britain’s complacent satisfaction with its multi-culturalism and tolerance ignores the facts that Pakistanis and other ethnic minorities mostly live in their own segregated spaces on the margins of British life. “Native” Britons like me -- the white ones -- generally assume that is out of choice: “They stick to their own kind”. Many of us rarely come into contact with a Pakistani unless he is serving us what we call “Indian food” or selling us a packet of cigarettes in a corner shop.
So, even though we may have been neighbours of a sort in High Wycombe, my life and theirs probably had few points of contact.
But paradoxically, that changed, I think, five years ago when I left Britain. I moved to Nazareth in Israel, an Arab -- Muslim and Christian -- community on the very margins of the self-declared Jewish state. In the ghetto of Nazareth, I rarely meet Israeli Jews unless I venture out for work or I find myself sitting next to them in a local restaurant as they order hummus from an Arab waiter, just as I once asked for a madras curry in High Wycombe. When Israeli Jews briefly visit the ghetto, I suddenly realise how much, by living here, I have become an Arab by default.
Living on the margins of any society is an alienating experience that few who are rooted in the heartland of the consensus can ever hope to understand. Such alienation can easily deepen into something less passive, far more destructive, when you find yourself not only marginalised but your loyalty, rationality, even your sanity, called into question.
As we approach the fifth official anniversary of the “war on terror”, the foiled UK “terror plot” has neatly provided George W Bush, the “leader of the free world”, with a chance to remind us of our fight against the “Islamic fascists”. But what if the war on terror is not really about separating the good guys from the bad guys, but about deciding what a good guy can be allowed to say and think?
What if the “Islamic fascism” President Bush warns us of is not just the terrorism associated with Osama bin Laden and his elusive al-Qaeda network but a set of views that many Arabs, Muslims and Pakistanis -- even the odd humanist -- consider normal, even enlightened? What if the war on “Islamic fascism” is less about fighting terrorism and more about silencing those who dissent from the West’s endless wars against the Middle East?
At some point, I suspect, I joined the Islamic fascists without my even noticing. Were my name different, my skin colour different, my religion different, I might feel a lot more threatened by that realisation.
How would Homeland Security judge me if I stepped off a plane in the US tomorrow and told officials not only that I am appalled by the humanitarian crises in Lebanon and Gaza but also that I do not believe the war on terror should be directed against either the Lebanese or the Palestinians? How would they respond if, further, I described as nonsense the idea that Hizbullah or the political leaders of Hamas are “terrorists”?
I have my reasons, good ones I think, but would anyone take them seriously? What would the officials make of my argument that, before Israel’s war on Lebanon, no one could point to a single terrorist incident Hizbullah had been responsible for in at least a decade? Would the authorities appreciate my comment that a terrorist organisation that doesn’t do terrorism is a chimera, a figment of the President’s imagination?
Equally, what would they make of my belief that Hizbullah does not want to wipe Israel off the map? Would they find me convincing if I told them that Israel, not Hizbulalh, is the aggressor in the conflict: that following Israel’s supposed withdrawal from south Lebanon in 2000, Lebanon experienced barely a day of peace from the terrifying sonic booms of Israeli war planes violating the country’s airspace?
Would they understand as I explained that Hizbullah had acted with restraint for those six years, stockpiling its weapons for the day it knew was coming when Israel would no longer be satisfied with overflights and its appetite for conquest and subjugation would return? Would the officials doubt their own assumptions as I told them that during this war Hizbullah’s rockets have been a response to Israeli provocations, that they are fired in return for Israel’s devastating and indiscriminate bombardment of Lebanon?
And what would they say if I claimed that this war is not really about Lebanon, or even Hizbullah, but part of a wider US and Israeli campaign to isolate and pre-emptively attack Iran?
Thank God, my skin is fair, my name is unmistakenly English, and I know how to spell the word “atheist”. Chances are when Homeland Security comes looking for suspects, no one will search for me or be interested -- not yet, at least -- in my views on Hassan Nasrallah or the democratic election of a Hamas government for the Palestinians.
My friends in Nazareth, and those Pakistani neighbours I never knew in High Wycombe, are less fortunate. They must keep their views hidden and swallow their anger as they see (because their media, unlike ours, show the reality) what US-made weapons fired by American and Israeli soldiers can do to the fragile human body, how quickly skin burns in an explosion, how easily a child’s skull is crushed under rubble, how fast the body drains of blood from a severed limb.
Sitting in London or New York, the news that Gaza lost 151 souls, most of them civilians, last month to Israeli bombs and bullets passes us by. It is after all just a number, even if a high one. At best, a number like that from a place we don’t know, suffered by a people whose names we can’t pronounce, makes us pause, even sigh with regret. But it cannot move us to anger.
And anyway, our news bulletins are too busy to concentrate on more than one atrocity at a time. This month it is Lebanon. Next month it will probably be Iran. Then maybe it will be back to Baghdad or the Palestinians. The horror stories sound so much less significant, the need for action so less pressing, when each is unrelated to the next. Were we to watch the Arab channels, where all the blood and suffering blends into a single terrible Middle Eastern epic, we might start to make connections, and maybe suspect that none of this happens by accident.
But my Arab friends and High Wycombe’s Pakistanis have longer memories. Their attention span lasts longer than a single atrocity. They understand that those numbers -- 151 killed in Gaza, and in a single incident 33 blown up in a market in Najaf, Iraq, and at least 28 crushed by rubble from an Israeli attack on Qana in Lebanon -- are people, flesh and blood just like them. They can make out, in all the pain and death currently being inflicted on Arabs and Muslims, the echoes of events stretching back years and decades. They see patterns, they make connections, and maybe discern a plan. Unlike us, they do not sigh, they burn with fury.
This is something President Bush and his obedient serf in Britain, Tony Blair, need to learn. But of course, they do not want to understand because they, and their predecessors, are responsible for creating those patterns and for writing that epic tale in blood. Bush and Blair and their advisers know that the plan is far more important than the rage, the “red” alert levels at airports, or even planes crashing into buildings and plunging out of the sky.
And to protect that plan -- to preserve the Middle East as a giant oil pump, cheaply feeding our industries and our privileged lifestyles -- those who care about the suffering, the deaths and the wars must be silenced. Their voices must not be heard, their loyalty must be questioned, their reason must be put in doubt. They must be dismissed as “Islamic fascists”.
One does not need to be a psychologist to understand that those with no legitimate way to vent their rage, even to have it recognised as valid, become consumed by it instead. They seek explanations and purifying ideologies. They need heroes and strategies. And in the end they crave revenge. If their voice is not heard, they will speak without words.
So I find myself standing with Bush’s “Islamic fascists” in the hope that -- just possibly -- my solidarity and that of others may dissipate the rage, may give it meaning and offer it another, better route to victory.
Jonathan Cook is a journalist and writer based in Nazareth, Israel. His book, Blood and Religion: the Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State, is published by Pluto Press. His website is www.jkcook.net
Frank, you, like all of my readers, are very important to me so i'll take a few minutes to try to explain my position a bit more for you. I do believe I'm saying what a lot of people feel but are afraid to say. The simple fact is, after 9/11, I, like everyone around me at airports and train stations, were looking over their shoulders at people of Arab descent. If they sat near us on planes, we were nervous. If they sat next to us in the terminal carrying a knapsack, we were nervous. And under the ciurcumstances, this was a normal reaction. C'mon, we all know who "fits the profile" of the terrorists we're supposedly fighting in this Global War on Terror. I'll make it easy: they look like bin Laden, Zarqawi, Zawarhiri, Atta, etc. They look like the guys who attacked us on 911. You mention Jose Padilla? Sure, he's hispanic, but he looks like he fits this profile, so yeah, he's be detained and screened. Tomithy McVeigh? He was a random kook not attached to any international terror cell whom we're fighting in the Global War on Terror. He's the exception, not the rule. He's not who we're fearing right now. My main point, Frank, is that...let's say Joe Blow security agent at the airport, in his 8 hour shift, can only check 100 people. If right now he checks 50 people who fit the profile, and 50 who do not (gays, old people, young white families, black businessmen, etc), then we here in the U.S. are wasting precious time and resources. With that, I think you could agree.
Stick around, Frank. I'll be back to bashing the heck out of Bush and the GOP any moment now....
Hey, what about muslim and black skin? Aren't they the worst?
It's not funny!
Signed: Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.
Not funny either!
Signed: Cat Stevens
First of all, I couldn't possibly agree with you more. Very well said and very well put.
Yes, there are a lot of exceptions to the profile all Muslims rule, but I think that we greatly increase our chances of stopping these assholes if we do profile.
On the other hand, I am quite sure that we will never profile and we are doomed to give up our lifestyle just so we don't hurt someone elses feeling. It does suck.
Osama was right. We don't have the stomach for it.
I just tuned in and read your comments and the one before about profiling. I get his point. There are few people alive who, if approached and threatened at an airport by a terrorist who said "They're going to stop me at security so you take this "liquid/whatever" in your bag or I (or one of our cell) will kill you (your child, your husband, your wife etc.) Of course the one doing the job for the terrorist knows he will die but he will perhaps save his family. Who knows. It's all so muddled. But we do know we're not dealing with fools (except those poor "terrorists" we caught in Florida). Profiling will just close one door and open another. Forget politically correct - it's not smart to search only some. What would be smart would be to also search and check the cargo put on planes.
I was never sure I trusted THAT Richard Simmons guy and I'm SURE that I don't trust you ! Yikes...terrorists...Everywhere..Jumping Joe Lieberman...SAVE ME !
"Huck Finn, do you mean to tell me you don't know what a crusade is?"
"No," says I, "I don't.
"A crusade is a war to recover the Holy Land from the paynim."
"Which Holy Land?"
"Why, the Holy Land -- there ain't but one."
"What do we want of it?"
"Why, can't you understand? It's in the hands of the paynim, and it's our duty to take it away from them."
"How did we come to let them git hold of it?"
"We didn't come to let them git hold of it. They always had it."
"Why, Tom, then it must belong to them, don't it?"
"Why of course it does. Who said it didn't?"
I studied over it, but couldn't seem to git at the right of it, no way. I says:
"It's too many for me, Tom Sawyer. If I had a farm and it was mine, and another person wanted it, would it be right for him to --"
"Oh, shucks! you don't know enough to come in when it rains, Huck Finn. It ain't a farm, it's entirely different. You see, it's like this. They own the land, just the mere land, and that's all they DO own; but it was our folks, our Jews and Christians, that made it holy, and so they haven't any business to be there defiling it. It's a shame, and we ought not to stand it a minute. We ought to march against them and take it away from them."
"Why, it does seem to me it's the most mixed-up thing I ever see! Now, if I had a farm and another person --"
"Don't I tell you it hasn't got anything to do with farming? Farming is business, just common low-down business: that's all it is, it's all you can say for it; but this is higher, this is religious, and totally different."
"Religious to go and take the land away from people that owns it?"
"Certainly; it's always been considered so." ~Tom Sawyer Abroad (published in 1894.)
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