Against a backdrop of constant Repuglican criticism that Democrats don't have a plan and don't stand for anything, the Dems unleashed their platform this week, "A New Direction," aimed at demonstrating to voters that they're worthy of regaining control after 12 years of right-wing rule. The platform includes the following promises:
-to raise the minimum wage to $7.25
-to make college tuition tax deductible
-to cut the interest rates of student loans by 50%
-to eliminate subsidies to oil and gas companies
-to impose lobbying restrictions
-to negotiate lower drug prices in the Medicare prescription plan
-to maintain social security
-to increase funding for stem-cell research
-to restore the pay-as-you-go policy for federal budgets
-to reduce oil consumption 25% by 2020 through development of fuel alternatives
-to help millions of illegal immigrants work towards U.S. citizenship
-to shore up homeland security
-to bring the troops home from Iraq "at the earliest practicable time"
This is interesting, huh? Democrats fighting for the little guy; the poor; the sick; college students and their parents; the elderly; minorities. Fighting for science and medicine; against big business and the fat-cat oil companies. Fighting to end an unjust war and to truly make America safe. Who would've thought? Throw in a possible movement to impeach Bush, and the power to implement election reforms to combat voting reforms, and we'll really have something to celebrate.
On the issue of the war, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) dismissed the Repugs' claim that Democrats are not unified on a position regarding troop withdrawal. "It's the president's war, and one of the things we'll do is hold the president of the United States accountable for his war. We don't foist any position on any of our members." She criticized Bush for using the war as a political wedge, and said that Democrats have discussed a plan for troop withdrawal in the near future, but that the lack of a single, unified position will not hurt the party's chances to win in November.
Now let's take a look at what the Repugs are promising voters:
-to keep the minimum wage at $5.15 for another ten years
-to continue giving fat tax breaks to their oil company pals
-to destroy social security
-to reduce funding for health, education and social services across-the-board
-to continue spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse
-to restrict spending on stem-cell research
-to continue allowing the drug and oil companies to make federal policy
-to continue giving huge tax breaks to the wealthiest taxpayers
-to eliminate the estate tax (and $1 trillion in revenue in the process)
-to deny homosexuals the right to marry
-to send illegal immigrants to jail
-to make sure that "English is the official language of the United States"
-to outlaw flag-burning
-to continue sending troops to die in an unjust war, squandering precious military and financial resources that could be used to hunt down and fight our real enemy, Al Qaeda.
How's that for a platform chock full of dangerous, self-serving, elitist, race-baiting, discriminating policies?
"Americans can't afford the priorities of this Bush administration any longer," said Sen. Richard J. Durbin (IL). "Democrats are ready for this election. We have the message, we have the candidates, we're bringing that message to the American people."
I guess the American people have a decision to make this November. Will they choose to vote for the issues that serve their own interests, or will they allow Karl Rove and Company to fear-monger themselves to victory once again? Let's hope this time around voters make the right choice.
Hillary Clinton and other Democrats push to make flag burning illegal!!!
Where's the Nazi reference???
Ostroy, are you going conservo on us??
Idiots who have no skillsets rely on minimum wage.
The government has no place, in a free market, to force an employer to pay more for someone who has no skills.
Ted Kennedy works with republicans to block oil alternatives
no wind energy for Americans if it ruins the view from the Kennedy compound.
Kennedy is PRO OIL
Now there's a burning issue! (Pun intended!) Seen a big outbreak in flag burning lately? Just what we need a Constitutional amendment to limit the freedom of expression.
Speaking of lemmings, you know what the lead lemming says to those following as the leading ranks plummet over the cliff? "Stay the course!"
I wonder if all these suddenly appearing anonymous repugs are part of the blogger response unit I have heard the GOP has instituted?
Wind-surfing? I guess that's a John Kerry-is-an-elitist reference? I guess Bush's high-brow, Andover, Yale, silver-spoon upbringing is different, right?
You're right on the mark. We're hear due to the GOPBRU (GOP Blogger Response Unit). We're also watching your house.
Keep your lights out. Shut your shades. Put on your tinfoil hats and stay inside until election day.
I encourage you to vote, because you idiots are not going to win anyway. At least it will give you more conspiracy theories to dive into.
Of course, more dead people vote Democrat every election. No wonder you liberals don't want voter ID cards.
The quality of this website has dropped dramatically. I used to look up to Andy Ostroy and the team that produces this site.
Now, I question everything. I hate Repuglicans and the GOP Spin Machine, but does anyone seriously believe these Ostroy reports anymore?
I'm outta here, and I'm not voting for anyone either. It's useless.
au contraire, anon, this site has gotten better and better. Ostroy's one of the few people on the web who tell it EXACTLY like it is. By the way, check out the number of Repugs here lately. Sure seems to me like they're running scared and trying to use thuggery to disrupt a great site, just like they used thuggery gto disrupt the vote count in Florida in 2000. Thats what repugs do when they see a very viable threat. If we're so uselss and stupid here, why are you all here and posting!!! Are the Limbaugh and Hannity sites down or something?!
keep posting, Repugs. The more you post here, the more it tells me how frightened you are about losing in November.
you can see the bias in this article...........notice how the dem wants are very factual and the republican side is full of emotional knee jerk words.
Also to point out........
College loan intrest rates have always been tax deductable
Raising minimium wage does nothing as companies just increase prices
intrest rates have gone up more than 50% on student loans so this is simply repairing what bush has done
"earliest practicable time" Is political speech for "when ever we decided"
negotiate lower drug costs for medicare........how bout universal healthcare?
to impose lobbying restrictions........how about removing corporate lobbying? Better yet how bout voting security
to help millions of illegals become citizens? What about our border? We just going to let the entire country stream across to become citizens?
shore up homeland security? How bout getting the NSA out of my house? Didn't say anything about that
The only difference between repugs and dumbocrats is that one will screw you and the other will screw you with lube.
I feel sorry for all of you still stuck fighting the same old left - right battle. The last poster was right, both parties will screw us and nothing suits them better than having us fight among ourselves while they loot the nation.
It's certainly become obvious to everybody who reads the Ostroy Report regularly that the Republicans have suddenly taken an interest. My question is: is this the best the Republicans have to offer? Surely it's the second or third string of wanna- be "Swiftboaters". Are these high school kids they're recruiting to train here for future elections? Does the course teach them to use crude insults to the exclusion of intelligent ideas or even intelligent criticism? Republicans were once so refined.
It makes no difference. They fight the periphery issues. War in Iraq? Illigal Immigrants? They will not touch it. Hopefully, a Tancredo/Dr. Ron Paul ticket can appear.
The government is bought and sold. The government spies on all its citizens. The government forces book outlets to cease distributing the book "America Deceived" by E.A. Blayre III. The gov't cages peaceful protestors. Does it really matter??
Last link (Before gov't gets to Google Books:
actually, an unbiased observed would note that there are three fronts posting on this website. Two seem to be conservative or independent and the base of this website is obviously hard-core liberal.
All three 'sides' seem to be throwing some personal flame attacks, but the more intelligent comments seem to be independent and/or conservative. The base of this website is clearly not budging from the hardcore leftwing - even if it kills them. The liberals that post on this website are obvious flame throwers that don't have much substance beyond the liberal subset of emotional keywords { neocon, koolaid, swiftboating, rightwing, spin machine, nazi, hitler, etc... }
Republicans do have 2 very valid points. !- preserve the rule of law
and the country's future by sending the third world illegals home 2- making English the official language; if a country as diverse as US is to have a chance to endure, it must at least have one common language and culture
While I do believe the Dems would do a better job, I think their promises are lacking some of the most important points, such as:
* Get out of Iraq NOW (earliest practical time == whenever they decide Mission Accomplished?)
* Get rid of the Diebold voting machines, they prevent the real results from counting at all and their elimination is prerequisite to getting anything else done
* Open an independent, public and open investigation into 9/11 to answer the many self-contradictions in the official story. If it turns out the Bush administration was involved, send them all to their own Guantanamo Bay. If it turns out there is a different explanation, good for all of us.
Previous post, why do you ignore "Able Danger" and the fact that in 1998 the Clinton administration was informed of Muhammad Attah and about a half dozen of the 9/11 terrorists?
3 years before that tragic day, the 9/11 terrorist attack could have been stopped. Do you suggest investigating this or does Clinton's administration get a pass by you?
"Shore up Homeland Security" eh?
Guess I don't have to bother voting
Join the Liberal Democratic Party of the United States of America.
We might want to call that other party the REPUBLIKLAN Party
get it? klan... funny stuff...
but the democrats were pro slavery during the civil war
democrats were hosing down black people during the civil rights movement
democrats are against freedom for arabs today
Bahahaha good article, but the responses are rediculous....Democrat this Republican that...Liberals are bad....nya nya...how about representatives w/ a conscience..and I'm not talking the "We're not baby killers" bullshit. I'm talking about someone who wants to improve the country and not give handouts to their corporate sponsors on EITHER SIDE OF THE AISLE.
Hmmm...good person...conscience required. Hey I hear RUSS FEINGOLD is still breathing. Why not him?
Democrats fighting for the little guy
I would not describe taking money out of my pocket to give to somebody not willing to work for it like I have as "fighting". More like stealing or vote buying with my money.
These are not conservatives "making their points", they are paid thugs by places like Netvocates
that try to silence voices. Don't buy it. They are out in force, they must be scared.
oh shit doc, you just hit the nail on the head.
I'm going to use the money Netvocates gives me to by a fat hummer with an environmental license plate that reads, "mmm oil"
oopss...I meant buy a hummer...
gross, now I know how it feels to be a liberal.
Nice going Andy you have the Bush people tuning in to your Blog. Too bad they have nothing to say but that’s par for the course. All I have to say to these right wing nuts is the very same thing I have been asking countless times on this and other blogs. For all you Bush lovers out there email Andy with a list of ten (10) things your beloved leader Bush has done in the past 6 years that have benefited the average American. As per usual, we do NOT count the so called tax cut because the $300 or less average payback was a one time shot.
One thing we’ll all find out is that they (Repugs) will not reply with any list because for the past 6 years Bush has done NOTHING for the average American. Talk about stupid people who back a person that hasn’t done a damn thing good in all of those years.
Is that all you ever say??
You said the same thing the other day and then when someone responded to you with things that Bush did for the average american - you were dead silent.
what's with that?
Johnny, you turd cutter,
stop asking people to email ME.
If you don't count the $300 you got back, why don't you give $300 to a homeless person?
My guess is you prefer helping the homeless when you are using someone else's money.
Johnny said,
"All I have to say to these right wing nuts is the very same thing I have been asking countless times on this and other blogs."
- You must be real exciting to talk to - what are you a broken record?
The contrast is not NEARLY stark enough. No big ideas. That's the Dem's failing. Universal health care. "Americans first" job polacement laws just like Mexico has. In fact, our immigration laws should read EXACTLY like the laws in the immigrant's home country. If they allow American immigration, property rights and investments, they can do it here. If they don't... goobye!
Mexico's constitution says if a naturalized citizen has a job that a native wants, HE'S FIRED, and the Mexican gets the job. Reciprocate. Allow my high school son looking for summer work to boot an illegal from his job so my kid can work. Why not? They do it there.
Republican rule of law? Oxymoron.
Look at that if you want to see Republican law, morality and family values in action.
Dems, get tough, dammit. Grow a pair. This "New Direction" slogan is a turd. We as a nation are walking a high wire. There is no "new direction" except over the side. Don a chute and burn the freaking rope.
Screw "pro-choice". "Pro-active" is unassailable. Universal birth control ends the abortion debate. Completely reversible sterilization is real "choice" and solves the rape-incest abortion debate as well. Fund it. If you oppose effective birth control, the you are TRULY pro-abortion, because that is the result and YOU KNOW IT!
As if...
For all of you republican anonymous’s who can’t even sign a name you need to get a list of your leader Bush’s fine deeds in the past 6 years. It might be a broken record to you but so far NO ONE has sent in a list to this blog or any other blog of Bush’s great works for the average American, NO ONE! So let’s see your 10 wonderful things come on you people with the big mouths, let’s hear from you.
Andy is NOT shutting down, he’s finally got you wing nuts thinking about how screwed up you really are. Nice going Andy, you’re the man.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
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Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
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Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
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Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Maybe you should list 10 things Clinton did for the average american.
Anonymous said...
I am happy to report that the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I am still here, as is The Ostroy Report, to continue getting under the Repugs' skin, as clearly evidenced by all their interest lately in what I have to say, as well as by their pathetic, amateurish attempts at Swift-Boating. Scared little creatures, these Repugs.
Thanks, Dems, for all the support here giving it right back to them.
Is this where "Democrats Play Rough" ??
How GAY is that slogon? I would laugh my ass off if I saw someone walking around in one of those cheesy t-shirts.
Does anyone buy your Shit Ostroy? Do you line your pockets with that money? How about giving it to 'the poor'?
Ever notice how facinated the re-thugs are with how, why, where, and
wih whom other people have sex?
Kinda like the Monty Python sketch when the guy finally asks "what's it like?"
When early humans were having sex on the Serengeti plains, the future Repukes were the ones jumping up and down 10 feet away, screaming and pointing.
They're still at it.
That's pretty rough, Democrat. Go buy one of those ridiculous shirts from Ostroy - he needs to give the money to the homeless.
hmmm...please remind me, was it the Democrat or Republican candidates that were (twice) announcing the sexual orientation of Dick Cheney's daughter during the televised national debates?
Been laughing myself silly over those scared little GOP bunnies' posts. They can't retort with facts because the facts are very much stacked against them!
They think namecalling and bluster will scare a few Dems or Liberals into switching over to the right wing lunacy.
Sad, sad, and ironically fodder for some good bellylaughs.
The more they posture the more the resolve for us lefties to stick to our agenda.
Such scared, little, insignificant
puppets, those lost kool-aid drinkers are.
Stick to your agenda, bellylaugh. It seems to have worked the last 12 years.
Actually, besides hoping America loses in Iraq, I'm not sure what the liberal agenda is.
Let's take back America...
...to a place it's never been...
To What? Hitler's Gemany for America? I believe the last five years of those twelve you talk about are under Fuhrer Bush's watch.
Need the rehash of budget deficits and instances of lying to Congress and the American people be take place?
You threw out a suggestion for a new America. So, what is it?
last 12 years == the ever shrinking democratic party
the only chance you have to gain control is a failure in Iraq...which YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET!!
DEMOCRATS: stop betting against America
Like what's been said, sad little minions replying with useless rhetoric.
I can only hope that now that the illegals have done to you what they have done to other innocent Americans, you might get on the bus that wants to stop the flood of murderers and criminals into the country.
God Bless.
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