Republican Senators Mike DeWine (OH) and Jim Talent (MO) have two extremely bright, energetic, popular Democratic challengers hot on their trail. In the Ohio race, Rep. Sherrod Brown has served the state's 13th Congressional District since 1992 and has served two terms as Secretary of State. He's an outspoken critic of the Iraq war (voted against the invasion), favors fair trade policies, is an advocate for small business, and voted against making the Bush tax cuts permanent
In Missouri, Talent's seat is being chased by Claire McCaskill, who's spent years in public service as a prosecutor and more recently as the State Auditor. She is forward-thinking on social issues, fiscally responsible and a strong supporter of Israel.
Both will be at an intimate fundraiser to be held Thursday May 4th at 7PM at a townhouse in Manhattan. If you wish to attend and make a donation, $500 minimum, please email me at abostroy@aol.com for details. Several prominent guests such as NY Senator Chuck Schumer will also be present. If you cannot attend and wish to support these two fine candidates and help Democrats win back the Senate, please visit their web sites:
With the Iraq war, Katrina, the economy, illegal wiretappings, Bushevik leaks, lies about WMD and other political fiascos, the Republicans are handing us this election on a silver platter. Show your support, volunteer, and send your money. We cannot win this without you.
1 comment:
If you run into Schumer at the fundraiser, ask him when he is going to take the knife from Paul Hackett's back. That was cronyism worthy of THIS administration. Is this what to expect if the Democrats win back Congress or the White House? As much as I want to see this administration gone, I don't want it replaced by the same kind of people. Rove would have applauded Schumer's maneuver. If the Democrats still use losers like Schrum ( what have you won lately?) as an adviser, we will still be down the tubes.
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