Over the past several years and through two presidential elections we've heard prominent conservative lawmakers and spin monkeys such as Tom Delay, Ken Mehlman, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly lament the mighty powers of the so-called left wing media. To hear it from them, the liberal media machine is a giant behemoth which dominates the mainstream press. Of course, those of us on the left know the truth; that it is the right wing that has a chokehold on the media. The Republicans have never been afraid of classic psychological projection. They're quite good at accusing us of everything they're blatantly guilty of.
Which is why it's so surprising to learn that MSNBC conservative talking head Tucker Carlson, while interviewing his boss, NBC Universal President Bob Wright, at a symposium last week, admitted the absence of the mythical dreaded lefty media beast. Speaking at a media gathering in New York City, Wright said he longed for the days when networks offered more balanced, "down the middle,” news coverage, and cited the over-the-top tone increasingly embraced by the cable-news channels, in particular Fox News. Rather than don his conservative hat and take his boss to task, Carlson suggested that Wright start a channel devoted to the left. "There’s tons of liberals out there," Carlson said. Obviously, Carlson believes this is an untapped market.
Targeting liberals would prove futile, Wright said. “For some strange, probably genetic, reasons (whatever the heck that means), they don’t listen to a lot of radio and they don’t watch a lot of television.”
So much for the big bad left wing media beast.
I would love to hear examples of right wing bias from Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Ted Koppel, Mike Wallace, Bob Shieffer, Nina Totenburg, the late Peter Jennings, Andy Rooney, Keith Olbermann, Anderson Cooper, the outed Aaron Brown and many others. We've been choking on their left wing bias for years.
I suppose as far left as you are, though the above named might seem conservative to you. LOL.
Yeah and clowns like you make Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson and Anna Nicole Smith seem informed and intelligent with clearly thought out "ORIGINAL” opinions.
By the By Spinach Boy ....did you call your recruiter yet Oh Battling and Fearless Chicken Hawk of Cyberspace? The Noble Cause needs you.
Mr. President,
Thank you for everything!!!
We will BLINDLY follow you to the gates of Hell that is ruled and filled with the Godless Leftist Hordes.
We will gladly lay down our meaningless lives in order to futher your war against Terrorism and Halliburton's bottom line.
Once again, Thank you Mr. President
The Sacred Conservative Union of Men (aka S.C.U.M.)
Mr. President,
Thank you for everything!!!
We will BLINDLY follow you to the gates of Hell that is ruled and filled with the Godless Leftist Hordes.
We will gladly lay down our meaningless lives in order to futher your war against Terrorism and Halliburton's bottom line.
Once again, Thank you Mr. President
The Sacred Conservative Union of Men (aka S.C.U.M.)
STAND: Those news people you mentioned are liberals only by your interpretation. They worked as journalists at mainstream news organizations, and are not partisan hacks like Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc. The trouble with you Repugs is that the minute any credible newsperson or news org gets even remotely critical of Bush you guys brand them as liberal. It's like your motto is "it's Bush's way or the wrong way."
We have to hand it to Stands, who is still intrepid enought to post GOP drivel on a liberal website. I'm never sure if Stands posts help the GOP cause or they just reveal the serious lack of inspired foresight and genuine humanity in the GOP agenda. Either way, it's annoying at best and just plain ignorant rant at worst. "Forest? What forest? I only see trees.", is the motto for Stands. Basically, who cares what the GOPers say? Apparently, not many do according to the latest polls.
In agreement with another above, GOPer Stands, go sign up at nearest recruitment center. Until then, cluck, cluck, cluck, is all that's conveyed in your posts.
Ok, you all had a chance to claim the names I mentioned were actually conservatives. You did not, so you would I guess agree with me that they are not. Those names account for a significant portion of "the media". The premise stated by Andy is that the media leans conservative. I could add a considerable number of names to my list that again nobody here would challenge as being conservative. These names would make up a significant majority of the media which is claimed here to be conservative. That is wildly ridiculous. While I would admit that conservatives rule the radio waves, television and print fall squarely in the liberal camp.
And Shmoe, I would have thought by now your friends here would point out that you are not quite making yourself look sane here with your constant repetitive "recruiter" line. I'm sure you think it is clever, but in fact it seems that in addition to the therapy you will need after the '06 and '08 elections you need to check out help for an obsessive compulsive behavior. But keep writing it if it makes you feel better.
Whenever I hear a commentator solicit information from various sides of an issue, and question arguments from various sides of an issue, that commentator is invariably labeled as "liberal".
Is that what liberal means? Balanced reporting?
Finally some of the major news networks are getting back to their roots and reporting news. Where have they been for the past 5.5 years, we know very well, all in lock step with the Bush people? All of them are nothing more than butt boys of Bush and his mob being their water boys. I think all of these so called news people have to look in the mirror and ask themselves where I in 2000 was not investigating George Bush and what he was up to. Look how they failed to look into Bush’s military record, brushing it off all together. Where were they in looking into the reasons to go to war, after all they had no problem investigating O.J. when he was on trial 24/7?
Joe is correct and I enjoy his writing, Popeye on the other hand likes to see his thoughts stir the troops nothing more and nothing less. My challenge still is out to Popeye to give me a list of the wonderful things that HIS President has done in the past 5.5 years that have helped the average person making under 40k a year, the tax cuts Bush gave these people three years ago doesn’t count, that $300 didn’t go very far and most didn’t even get that.
Have you had enough yet?
No I don't think my recruiter question is out of line.
All you flag waving types that think the Iraq War and Bush's policy of preemptive strike should immediately do your part and put you money where GUTLESS CHICKENHAWK mouth is and report to your recruiter and serve.
I come from a military family and support the military 110%, but I will say without hesitation that the IRAQ WAR IS BS AND BASED ON LIES. If you feel differently don't waste your time smearing me or anyone else that didn't support this debacle from the outset and get your GUTLESS CHICKENHAWK KEESTER to your recruiter and sign up NOW!!!!
GET CRACKIN CHICKENHAWK!!!! Your recruiter is tired of waiting for the BUSH TWINS to show.
Joe you said it all. War should be the absolute very last resort any country should take unless of course you were attacked, like Pearl Harbor. Going after Ben Hidden after 9/11 is not a problem with me, but go after him but not bombing the hell out of everything in sight. Invading a sovereign country because you “think” you have reason is not expectable and this clown we have as a so called leader should be impeached pure and simple. The rest of his gang should be sentenced to making little rocks out of big ones for the rest of their lives as well.
The question now is how do we get out of this mess, darn good question and no one has an answer, NO ONE. The problem is NO ONE thought this thru before pulling the war trigger and now we sit with a real Mess-o-potamia.
Have you had enough yet?
Joe, nobody said you recruiter question was out of line. You asked it. I answered it long ago. You did not like the answer and have been an obsessive compulsive over it since. Ask all you want, but your logic does not hold that you had to have served or sign up now to server in order to see that going to Iraq was the right thing to do.
An analogy to your logic is that in order for anyone to claim raising taxes are the right thing to do, they must first pay more taxes voluntarily, then they are qualified to talk about raising taxes.
Oh yeah...somehow I don't remember that excuse. Speaking of excuses what is the GOP excuse for going to war this week?
You serve or you don't serve.. I don't care! But I don't need to hear anybody questioning my patriotism because I question this BS war and your Lying CHICKHAWK Fuhrer that took us there.
Again, what is the GOP excuse for going to war this week?
Also, it looks like your beloved GOP is going gutless and wants to appear like they really care about Iraq before 06. Won’t do any good.
Shmoe, a homework assignment. Please provide a link to any known named source questioning any liberal's patriotism. For as much as you liberals spew out this martyrdom complex statement you should be able to produce 50 such quotes, but the fact is you will probably have a hard time doing so. I have never heard anyone question anyone's patriotism and it is a ridiculous claim that you were ever accused of it.
Yes, you are right the GOP is having another of its wobbly spells. One of the things I don't like about 'em.
Dear Stank -I mean Stand, who wants to spend their time finding your 50 quotes? It doesn't make you right. Would one big quote make you happy? How about the President: "You are either with us or with the terrorists". I for one am neither.
The list I want is from Popeye who continues to dodge, as most Republicans have done, my question that I keep asking as I did above:
"My challenge still is out to Popeye to give me a list of the wonderful things that HIS President has done in the past 5.5 years that have helped the average person making under 40k a year, the tax cuts Bush gave these people three years ago doesn’t count, that $300 didn’t go very far and most didn’t even get that."
Johnny, don't expect anything of factual substance from Spinach Boy. Ever time I pose a question that requires factual backup he either ignores it or gives me some patent GOP/FOX NEWS response that lacks any factual basis...typical Republican.
I'm still waiting for an answer to why he hasn't signed up for the NOBLE CAUSE in Iraq since he is a firm supporter of “all” The Chimps excuses of why we went there.
"Dear Stank -I mean Stand, who wants to spend their time finding your 50 quotes? It doesn't make you right. Would one big quote make you happy? How about the President: "You are either with us or with the terrorists". I for one am neither."
Jess, You folks for lack of real ideas always resort to name calling. Amazing the the quote you selected. First, the word patiotism does not appear in it. Then, Bush said that right after 9/11. What type of person right after 9/11 would be offended by that quote? It was obvious at the time the 'us' was referring to the country, but since then for cheap political points they claim the 'us' is his administration. Typical. Well, keep your real quotes to yourself as you probably know how lame that claim was.
As for my list of good things Bush has done, I have posted those items several times before. You can look them up. Seems the obsessive compulsive behavior is spreading on this site. A sure sign you guys are getting nervous the house of cards is coming down.
Nervous...right... just like the GOP congress is about the war in Iraq. What is the excuse for going to war this week?
Now we have another confirmed leaker in the Admin. as Iraq continues to spiral out of control. Who needs a message when this admin is so adept a shooting itself in the foot???
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