It's official. New Jersey Sen. John Corzine and Virginia Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine, both Democrats, have won their states' hotly contested gubernatorial elections Tuesday, sending a loud message to President Bush that his political currency is depleted, and that his self-proclaimed "mandate" has come to an end. The victories over Doug Forrester and Jerry Kilgore in NJ and Virginia respectively are widely considered an important barometer into the current political climate and the future election prospects of the Republican Party and its leadership, which has been embroiled in controversy, scandal and policy failure. In short, Bush is now the political plague.
Bush appeared Monday and Tuesday with Kilgore, who earlier in the month kept his distance from the embattled president. "You know where he stands, and you know he can get the job done," Bush said this week. The two men campaigned together on the heels of Kilgore's attack ads that painted the Democrat as an anti-death penalty liberal who condones murder. Kaine has stated his religious opposition to capitol punishment, yet has said he'd enforce Virginia's death penalty laws if elected.
Virginia is a red state which Bush carried in 2004 with 54% of the vote, though no Democratic presidential candidate has won Virginia since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. However, Virginia's voters often put a Democrat in the Governor's mansion. Kaine is the 5th Democrat in the past 25 years to be elected to the state's highest office. His victory is significant in terms of what it represents on a national scale and what it could mean for both the Democrats and the GOP in next year's midterms. It also showcases the enormous popularity and influence of Gov. Mark Warner, who is a likely candidate for president in 2008. In helping Kaine win, his national currency has increased appreciably.
Over in New Jersey, Corzine managed to fend off a last-minute attack ad from the Republican challenger, businessman Doug Forrester, which featured Corzine's ex-wife saying he "let his family down, and he'll probably let New Jersey down, too." Right down to the wire the candidates, both multi-millionaires, duked it out over taxes, government waste and charges of corruption.
Tuesday's victories affirm what many pundits have been suspecting, and many within the GOP itself have been fearing, that the current Republican leadership is in serious trouble. That President Bush, once an important asset to incumbents seeking re-election, is now a huge political liability. After Tuesday's deflating losses to Democratic opponents, it's almost certain that Republicans will increasingly be finding themselves "out of town" and/or "attending to prior commitments" the next time Bush shows up.
Maybe I'm just being optimistic, but I do believe that next year, the majority of voters are going to choose an alternative to the Republican party, which will, by default (we might as well say), be the Democrats.
But it would be *nice* if the Democrats could come up with some sort of positive vision for the future. I think that the strategy of letting the Republicans hang themselves with their own rope has its merits, but ultimately, people will expect the Democrats to have some sort of message--to *do* something if they get elected. If the Democrats have nothing to offer besides a shrug and a "meh," then we'll just have more alienated voters in the future.
Interestingly, Kilgore - for whom Bush stumped Monday night - actually ran behind the rest of the GOP ticket. The Republican candidate for Lt. Governor defeated the Democrat, and the state Attorney General race is going down to the wire with a fraction of a percentage opint separating the Republican and Democratic candidates.
It's a good morning.
I'm tired of hearing that Democrats do not have a plan. Where have you been?
National Health Insurance
Social Security
Workers rights
Food stamps
Veterans benefits
Going to war for threats against our nation and not for lies
Work safety rules
Clean air and water
Repealing tax breaks for the rich which have shown there is no trickle down, but they will force elimination of much needed services
These are just a few of what the Dems stand for. I just don't understand how anyone could say that the Dems have no ideas.
Wake up.
Great night in Ohio. The Democrat attempt to steal the '08 election went down in flames.
Congrats to the Dems in NJ and VA who managed in an uphill battle to keep the status quo.
Steal the 08 election Huh???
Kinda like Bush and Rove did in Florida in '00 and Ohio in '04. We got your pals play book now Buddy boy and we are gonna do what we gotta do to pack the congress with a Dem. majority and then were gonna begin Impeachment proceedings against your GODLY Fuhrer. The GOP's days in the sun are done. Last night was the beginning of the end. No invoking of 911 is gonna save the SHRUB’s keester now!
You can't pack congress without a message. Remember as much as everyone dislikes congress as a whole, they LOVE their own congressman. Incumbency is tough to break with a good message, but impossible to break without one. Give it your best shot. Remember, the left ALWAYS overplays their hand. They can't help it.
How is this for a message?
Economy: A stagnant Economy and continued job loss.
Iraq: a total cluster brought to us by Bush based on lies and half truths, which continues to be handled ineptly. Zero accountability for all screw ups
Massive Debt: Brought to us by the GOP at the expense of the average Joe and generations to come.
Corruption: Plenty of GOP Lying bastards currently under indictment and investigation through out the country. Also, in the administration that was to bring back integrity to the WH.
Face it Pal you guys had your chance and THE GOP/BUSH have taken the country to a worse place than you found it.
Thanks for proving my point. You can have a laundry list, but no solutions. Can't displace an incumbent without solutions.
Hey Pal, Your party and the Chimp caused all those problems so I believe the onus is on them to come up with the solutions if they want to keep their positions. Your fearless leader and party are circling the drain with no answers and running scared. By that time the 06 elections roll around anyone that wants to win will just have to be anti Bush/GOP. The country is headed over the cliff with Bush in the drivers seat and all the Dems will do is let it follow it’s course and the voters will beat a path to their door regardless of solutions or not. Even the dimmest of Red State Slack jaw is having buyer’s remorse now from 04.
The Bush supposedly has a direct connection to god and his pal Jesus…how about some input from them for an answer to his myriad of problems, but then again it’s was that supposed advice that got him and us in these assorted messes. Go back to the Fox news channel to get the latest Mantra to spout…fair and balanced…right.
The Dems really always stood for just what you Joe and Cathy mentioned and much more and this time around all we have to do is ask the sheep of this country just one thing HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH YET?
"Hey Pal, Your party and the Chimp caused all those problems so I believe the onus is on them to come up with the solutions if they want to keep their positions."
Good. I was worried about giving you too much advice. Since you folks plan on only running against Bush in '06 I can rest easy. I know you think just being anti-Bush is enough. It may be enough in Blue states/counties. In red states/counties, though they want Bush to be more conservative so they won't go for a more liberal candidate.
The poor bastard that runs for the GOP in 06 will have to run in the shadow and the mess that Bush brought us i.e. Iraq, Deficit, Bad Economy etc. He or she will have a lot of explaining to do if they supported this chump and his policies. By the By Spinach Boy will the GOP be running on Bush's record of success or from it in 06 and 08?
Have no fear the Dems will dumb down the message for the Red Slack Rubes and southern Slack Jaws.
Hey Popeye,
Checkout the following article by the Ultra Consevative Pat Buchanan. I think it sums up the Pickle Bush has put your beloved GOP in.
Bush Leaves GOP in Crisis
by Patrick J. Buchanan
"Have no fear the Dems will dumb down the message for the Red Slack Rubes and southern Slack Jaws."
First they have to have a message about what they are going to do. It does not matter how many times I say it, you still can't articulate what that message is going to be. I will keep assuming there is none.
Buchanan always tries to make both sides mad. That is fine, I still like him. We encourage opinion in the GOP rather than being automatons like the Dems.
Riddle me this Spinach boy?
Let's say the robot dems have no message...what will the GOPS message be in 06 and 08 in order to justify there existence? The same Bush Failure line?
Just answer the question and spare me the run around. That works on the Red State Rubes, but not us informed types.
First you ask for riddles, then you ask for a straight answer. Once again you want it both ways.
The successful GOP message in '06 and '08 will be low taxes, cutting spending, accountability in education, strong against terrorism, domestic oil exploration to reduce dependency on foreign oil, continued free speech on the airways, strongly defending US sovereignty and control of the internet domains instead of relinquishing either to the UN. See how easy it is to have a strong positive message.
By the way. Those GOP who got wobbly on these issues are the ones who will be in danger. They may be voted out, but only because they are too liberal.
Now you’re talking about something pertinent. I was wondering if it was possible?
Low Taxes/Tax Cuts- I think that it can be safe to assume that Tax cuts for the wealthy don’t work to stimulate the overall economy. It should have been readily apparent after Reagan/Bush1 that supply side economics doesn’t work. A lot of Americans, myself included, are still waiting for those Millions of jobs Bush promised with his tax cuts. We got a massive deficit, a BS war that is costing$4 billion a month to pay for and the infrastructure of the country is crumbling. If anything you should count on taxes being raised instead of cut. We used to have a surplus before your Golden Boy took over.
Education Accountability: Do mean that joke of a program NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND? The GOP is trying to cut funding to it that is the small parts of it that the Bush administration did not mandate the states pay themselves with the majority of states running budget shortfalls under the on going Bush Recession.
Domestic Oil exploration: That is a joke!! You got what maybe enough oil to last 5 years max if you suck all that you can out of the ground in the US…then what? People see that oil is finite, the price keeps going up, Bush's fat cat pals in the Oil Industry are sticking it to them and even going to war for it won’t guarantee that it will be plentiful and cheap. The time is now for renewable and affordable energy instead of dependence on fossil fuels. But hey what do you expect from an Oil Man in the WH that is in bed with the Saudis? I would mention Global Warming, but you Republicans don’t believe in it as it’s not covered by Intelligent Design.
Free speech will definitely continue now that the GOP is running scared and the Patriot Act is about to be amended.
Strongly defending US sovereignty: Do you mean more preemptive wars? I don’t think so unless there is a draft. I would love to see the draft come back and all the Neo Cons, their children, and all Chicken hawk/Young Republicans go first and do what Bush, Cheney and all the neo cons failed to do in the Vietnam era i.e. serve.
I think that the first thing to do that would ensure continued American Sovereignty would be to pay down the National Debt most of which is owed to CHINA. Did you know that one? That loudmouth O Reilly doesn’t talk too much about that on his show does he?
How is that for some pertinent issues to run on? The direct antithesis of the GOP platform.
So you're platform would be high taxes, no educational accountability, more dependence on foreign oil, reduction of free speech on the airways, surrender of US sovereignty and appeasement to global terrorism. That is the antithesis you want to run on? Good luck.
Did you read the post? If so and that is your reading comprehension then I agree the school that you attended should definitely be held accountable!!
Good attempt at a Rovian turn around though.
Sheesh, It appears that Mr. Popeye is really Bluto. Republicans think they can still bully their agendas through and so does Bluto. Oh wait, Rove is just a blonde Bluto with a shave! A word to Popeye/Bluto: Change the channel!
Tax breaks, yeah right, that will solve the deficit.
Ruin the environment to get more oil,yeah right, that will do wonders for the planet.
Follow the GOP message blindly, yeah, that's really using the old brain.
Each comment shows the divide between the yes men and the free thinking men(and women). Oh wait, I think THINKING is THE operative word, yeah that's it... thinking issues through makes a big difference in one's point of view.
I have to say, I think Forrester's attack ad that featured Corzine's ex-wife did him in. That was below the belt. If Corzine had done that, I wouldn't have voted for him either.
I vote for someone based on issues, not party.
I'm reminded of Obama's recent essay "Truth, Tone, and the Democratic Party":
"A polarized electorate {becomes] turned off of politics, and easily dismisses both parties because of the nasty, dishonest tone of the debate."
"Whenever we dumb down the political debate, we lose."
I beg to differ,In that the GOP has won big over the last 4-5 years by playing dirty pool politics and dumbing it down to their base. Hey look what happened to Sen. Max Cleland (D-Ga.). This man was a better American them bushCo put together. He was a Vietnam vet who lost limbs in the war. Rove and co. painted this guy as weak on national defense and less than an American and the weak minded Ga Rubes bought it.
You give a large part of the American electorate too much credit. Remember over half of these idiots voted for Bush in 04 when the truth about this lying half wit was staring them in the face. Now they see it and its to damn late.
The game of politics has not changed since the times of Pericles and Ceasar. Always playing to base instincts of the Mob ie the weak minded rabble or Rubes.
I agree with Machiavelli when it comes to the political demise of Bush, THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS.
I beg to differ,In that the GOP has won big over the last 4-5 years by playing dirty pool politics and dumbing it down to their base. Hey look what happened to Sen. Max Cleland (D-Ga.). This man was a better American them bushCo put together. He was a Vietnam vet who lost limbs in the war. Rove and co. painted this guy as weak on national defense and less than an American and the weak minded Ga Rubes bought it.
You give a large part of the American electorate too much credit. Remember over half of these idiots voted for Bush in 04 when the truth about this lying half wit was staring them in the face. Now they see it and its to damn late.
The game of politics has not changed since the times of Pericles and Ceasar. Always playing to base instincts of the Mob ie the weak minded rabble or Rubes.
I agree with Machiavelli when it comes to the political demise of Bush, THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS.
Hi joe smoe,
You said, "You give a large part of the American electorate too much credit."
I believe if you don't give a large part of the American electorate credit, you won't gain the votes of a large part of the American electorate.
Democrats are going to need more votes than they got in 2004 to win the next pres. election. How do you suggest they win the votes of people who voted for Bush? By calling them idiots? I question that strategy.
More Obama:
"...the most powerful voices of change in the country, from Lincoln to King, have been those who can speak with the utmost conviction about the great issues of the day without ever belittling those who opposed them."
Like I said to Popeye, all you gotta do is let the failure ridden Bush Admin. run its course and the votes will come. They're already experiencing buyers remorse. Just look at the latest Fox News Polls.
Those are great words from great men, but this was before the Age Of Rove.
Actually Joe, Obama is our contemporary and was (unfortunately for my home state of Illinois) voted into the Senate this last election cycle - after Rove.
Illinois Huh? I have family there and they and the majority of the state hate Bush.
George Ryan, now there is a GOP administration that was based on Moral Values! I here the only thing this Corrupt clowns cronies didn’t steal was the Capital building. These guys learned well from your Fuhrer and his admin in DC.
I bet when you start spouting that GOP slop there you make a lot of friends. You gotta love eating your spinach in a solid Blue State?
Well, Shmoe we can agree on one thing:
George Ryan is a piece of trash. However, he is no more corrupt than Daley and Blagojavich and almost any major democrat in office in Illinois. Our state seems to be plagued with corruption from both parties. Durbin is the worst embarrassment to the state however.
I can't believe it...we agree?
Watch out!!! Don't do that too often or the GOP Thought Police will be all over you and Pat Robertson will be incurring the wrath of God on you and your town
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