Pat "Thou Shall Not Kill...Unless We Can Save $200 Billion Avoiding A War" Robertson went on international TV Tuesday and called for the assassination of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. He did so on his hugely popular mega-hit show "The 700 Club" (does 700 stand for the amount of times Robertson has put his foot in his mouth?) I immediately wondered what President Bush's reaction would be. It's now three days later--ample time for a response from the leader of the free world--and not a peep. Oh sure, we've had a couple of lame statements from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the State Department. But nothing from Bush. How predictable. Let's understand the magnitude here. Robertson, a devout Christian, called for the murder of a head-of-state. In an even more bizarre twist, he backpedaled yesterday, saying he meant "kidnapping" not murder. But we all know what he actually said and what was his intention. In fact, he said it multiple times during his broadcast. His call for Chavez's head was irresponsible and reprehensible on so many levels. First, good Christians do not condone murder! Robertson needed only to check his own website to learn that "Thou Shall Not Kill" is one of the Ten Commandments. Next, the United States has a ban on assassinations, imposed by executive order by President Gerald R. Ford back in '76 after it was learned that the CIA could be involved in plots to kill Cuban President Fidel Castro and others. Lastly, Robertson most likely violated FCC indecency regulations. Enough "meat" here ya think for our president to publicly condemn Robertson? Fat chance. Dubya's having too much fun "working from home" down on the Crawford ranch (read: biking, clearing brush, playing fetch with his intellectual sparring partner Barney, napping, noshing). So all we get is innocuous wrist-slaps like that from State Department spokesman Sean McCormack, who called Robertson's remarks "inappropriate. "This is not the policy of the United States government. We do not share his views," Or from Rumsfeld, who enlightened reporters in saying that assassinating foreign leaders is "against the law....Our department doesn't do that kind of thing." Robertson is "a private citizen," he said, and that "private citizens say all kinds of things all the time." Hey thanks, Rummy. That was brilliant and straight from the heart. As I said earlier in the week, can you imagine this administration's reaction had the assassination comment come from an Islamic cleric and not Robertson...and be directed at Bush instead of Chavez? Perhaps the next time he gets off the bike to talk with reporters he can take a moment to rebuke Robertson instead of reminding us yet again why he won't meet with Cindy Sheehan. Andy
So how do you feel about Chavez? All warm and fuzzy like you feel about Castro?
Is it any wonder why people are getting fed up with Bush, Congress, religious zealots and Republicans in general (just check all the polls). To make a rational, justified condemnation of someone who calls for the assassination of an elected head of state, to you, equates to supporting Castro. What makes this even more asinine is that the guy who did it is a supposed man of the cloth! But all that's ok. Condemning him is the real crime, huh pal?
Elected head of state, huh? Kindof reminds me when Sadaam got 100% of the vote. But of course the Chavez election was legitimate because Jimmy Carter (who never met a dictator he didn't like) said so. That would not be assasinating an elected head of state, that would be assasinating a thug who rigged the election.
That said, I am not advocating his assasination - just pointing out the odd things you libs choose to go off on. There are alot of foul deeds and foolish statements around the globe, but only those by conservative Americans are ever criticized.
I do think in 10 years or less we will be wishing someone had assasinated him.
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