They want to squash the opposition. They are narrow-minded and intolerant of differing viewpoints. They engage in censorship. They are sanctimonious and holier-than-thou in their political preachings. They frame issues that result in wild accusations of unpatriotism, racism and divisiveness. Their arrogance and sense of entitlement knows no bounds. Republicans, you say? No. We're talking about
Progressive Democrats supporting Sen. Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election. Their aggressive, self-righteous behavior is starting to resemble the 2004-era Rovians so much so that we should probably start calling them
Regressives. And it's getting pretty annoying. Enough is enough.
-I'm tired of their relentless Hillary bashing: what happened to "the politics of hope?" I don't think they even realize just how much they hate this woman. And it's a real
ugly hate, filled with harsh ad hominem attacks.
-I'm tired of them whining about Hillary's "dirty politics:" they're hypocrites who support whatever their side does while crying foul at the Clinton camp. This is politics, and politics sometimes gets ugly. Should Obama win the nomination, what the heck are they expecting from McCain, Rove and the GOP...a
Kumbaya-fest? If he can't deal with Hillary's supposed wrath now, he'll be
eaten alive by the Rethuglicans.
-I'm tired of the calls for Hillary to quit the race: last time I checked, Obama and Clinton were running neck and neck, separated by about 2% in the popular vote and 10% in delegates. Hardly a groundswell of Obama support. Certainly no mandate. If Obama can't handle a good old-fashion hotly contested race (for Pete's sake, this is an election, isn't it?), then
he should get out, not her. Doesn't make you look very presidential, or like much of a fighter, when you incessantly whine that your opponent should quit the race when you're in a virtual dead heat. And yes, it is a dead heat, otherwise none of us, including Hillary, would be here in this debate.
-I'm tired of being criticized for my support of Clinton as if Obama is the rightful heir to the throne; that he's the anointed one, undeserving of intense opposition.
-I'm tired of being accused of "acting like a Republican," and of "deserting my Democratic principles," just because I support Clinton.
-I'm tired of hearing Hillary and Bill Clinton accused of "acting like Republicans" simply because they understand how the game of politics is played and they play to win.
-I'm tired of the Obama camp playing the race card every time their candidate is put on the hot seat. Sorry, everything is
not about race. Sometimes people are criticized simply for being inexperienced.
-I'm tired of the Clintons being called racists when they have a long history of loyalty and support within the black community.
-I'm tired of being called a racist myself because I don't support a black candidate, and because I strongly criticize his experience, ideology and/or campaign strategy.
-I'm tired of Obama's supporters acting like the friggin' PC Police. Stop lecturing me about what's right or wrong or what the Democratic Party stands for. It's obnoxious.
-I'm tired of being denied my right to have an opinion, and a preferred candidate, simply because it differs from that of the ObamaManiacs.
-I'm tired of the Obama camp playing dirty Rove-like framing games. You know how the Busheviks successfully employ the
"If you don't support me in the war, you're against the troops" strategy? Obama's supporters do the same thing:
"If you support Hillary then you are dividing the party."-I'm tired of being censored by so-called progressive news websites who blatantly promote the campaign of Obama, even at the expense of reporting the facts. Now read
my blog. Pretty pro-Obama in February, pro-Hillary in March. I call that
objective. Unfortunately, objectivity is not the progressives' strong suit.
-I'm tired of progressives talking about "protecting basic tenets of the democratic party" as they do everything possible to prevent do-overs in Florida and Michigan and disenfranchise voters in those two key states. What are they afraid of, Hillary pulling ahead?
-I'm tired of hearing progressives say they'll vote for McCain if Hillary's the nominee. I'm fed up with these ridiculous "protest votes" that, as in 2000, accomplish absolutely nothing but help a Repug, who stands against everything progressives and democrats believe in, get elected. This is the most misguided, convoluted way of "protesting" imaginable. It's these unfortunate protest votes that got us into the Iraq war, put Alito and Roberts on the Supreme Court, and allowed a dangerous fool like George Bush to take the controls. It's
astounding to me that any allegedly sane, rational, intelligent Democrat would willingly help put someone like McCain in the White House.
-I'm tired of the progressives' incredible naivete. They're so caught up in ObamaMania that they're unable to recognize that the Obama-Clinton battle is just that: a
battle. That the
war will begin after one of them is nominated. There's a bigger picture out there that they fail to see: that the Republican Party is going to scratch and claw and fight like animals in order to retain power. Just wait till these Rovian thugs sink their venomous jaws into the
Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy. One can only
imagine the despicable ads. Perhaps ObamaManiacs should stop patting themselves on the back for being so darned progressive and above it all and instead start looking towards November and the knock down drag out bloody war awaiting us all. We should all just agree to let Obama and Clinton duke it out however, and then throw our collective support behind whoever wins the nomination. You see,
that would be party unity. Abandoning the party and throwing a childish protest vote to
McCain is not. So who's dividing who now?
-I'm tired of Obama and his supporters ignoring the fact that the party requires 2025delegates to win the nomination, not 1900, 1800, or 1700. The rule is 2025, not "whoever has the most by convention time."
Regardless of what the ObamaManiacs claim, the race between Clinton and Obama is a healthy one, and is good for Democracy. There's nothing "new" going on here. No different than Howard Dean's aggressive tactics in '04. No different than John Edwards joining with Obama during those last debates to attack Hillary. Politics is a rough business, and anyone who thinks otherwise is incredibly naive. These two candidates have been locked in a fierce battle, and only one will survive. That's the way it works. And as the candid clips of them this week on the Senate floor clearly indicate, they're close and will remain friendly no matter what the outcome, and whoever loses will ardently support the victor's campaign against McCain so that Democrats, regardless of the nominee, can win. Obama supporters should follow their lead and do the same. Enough is enough. Quit whining, start fighting, and set your eyes on November.