To listen to President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and the leading Republican presidential contenders for 2008 you’d think these guys actually believe they know what the hell they’re talking about when it comes to foreign policy and military matters. But after having been one-bazillion percent wrong on just about every detail leading up to the Iraq invasion and the ensuing occupation, here they go yet again, this time beating their reckless, delusional war drums over Tehran. Will they ever learn? Or more importantly, will we?
In the past week, the draft-dodging Bush chillingly warned that a confrontation with Iran over WMD could drag us all into WWIII, while his snake-oil salesman Cheney chomped his venomous teeth into yet another macho man-wannabe warning to "the world’s most active state sponsor of terrorism" that it faces "serious consequences" if it builds its nuclear arsenal. "We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon," snarled Dr. Evil. Just like we took care of Saddam’s deadly WMD arsenal, right Dick?
And then there are the ’08 hopefuls, all jockeying for position in the "I’m the toughest tough guy” contest. Hoping to win first-prize, former NYC Mayor and front runner Rudy Julie-Annie has said "it’s a promise, not a threat" that the U.S. will do whatever necessary, including using military force, to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. And one-upping the cross-dressing hawk was former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who on Thursday, claiming the threat from Iran as so grave, said he’d be willing to use a military blockade or "bombardment of some kind" to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. I’d love to ask the war-mongering, God-fearing, uber-patriot Romney if the threat is so grave that he’d urge his five privileged Ralph Lauren model look-alike sons to suit up and take arms to defend America, or is he suggesting that as with Iraq only our sons and daughters fight this fight too. If the mainstream media had an ounce of balls in that empty sack of theirs they’d ask him--and the rest of these Princes of Deferment--that very question every time they even remotely ratchet up the "let’s invade Iran" rhetoric. But they won’t. And I suppose the self-righteous Stormin’ Mormon will be allowed instead to continue espousing his nonsensical claim that his red-blooded, able-bodied, square-jawed Anglo-Saxon prodigies are serving this great nation by helping out his chicken hawk dad on the campaign trail.
It’s time for Americans to wake up and smell the $4 Starbucks coffee. Are we going to stop these irresponsible maniacs from leading America down another lethal road of more hatred, more bloodshed and more chaos? Ya know the old expression, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. These dangerous old men--overgrown ‘tweens who never got over playing army--are fucking with real human lives here. So, what are we gonna do about the "mushroom cloud" gang this time?
On another subject......TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE for the November 12 inaugural Adrienne Shelly Foundation Fundraising Gala at New York University's Skirball Center for the Performing Arts. There will be a musical performance by Alanis Morissette, followed by a celebrity reading of Adrienne's script "The Morgan Stories," featuring Alanis Morissette, Paul Rudd, Edie Falco, Matt Dillon, Ally Sheedy, Mary Louise Parker, Gina Gershon and others. To learn more about our mission, to make a tax-deductible donation, and to purchase tickets, please visit our website. Every contribution helps preserve Adrienne's legacy, allows us to help others, and creates something positive out of this tragedy.
And look for our very exciting Ebay Auction which begins November 12th and includes about 25 celebrity items and experiences like walk-ons and set visits to your favorite TV shows (Jon Stewart, Ellen, Rachel Ray), lunch with various celebs (Edie Falco, Paul Rudd, Cheryl Hines, Rosanna Arquette, etc), celeb-autographed items, Sundance Film Fest VIP passes, and concert tickets with meet & greet (Maroon 5). Click here for mroe items and auction details.