Needless to say, I was surprised when a friend informed me Tuesday that I was the subject of a Sean Hannity tirade on the conservative talk-show host's radio program. I have not yet been able to get a recording of the show (if anyone has any ideas as to how to get the 2/27 show please contact me), but apparently he was berating me over the Al Gore Will Not Only Run, But He Can and Will Win opinion piece I wrote for ABCNEWS.com. The self-anointed "Hannitizer" took issue not just with my predictions about Gore in the '08 presidential election, but with me personally (personal attacks seem to be a Hannitizer specialty). In his rant, I was told Hannity was asking something like "Who is this guy, Ostroy, anyway," followed by a nearly 10-minute dissection of my Gore story, refuting it point by point. And how do I feel about all this? Well, I guess having been politically disemboweled by Sean Hannity means I've been somewhat lifted out of my relative obscurity. Pissing off Hannity feels, well, damned good.
Not one to take a bitch-slapping lying down, I contacted Hannity's producer Jennie Lubart on Wednesday to suggest an on-air interview so that, rather than whip me in absentia, Sean could confront me mano-a-mano...that is of course if he has the cajones to engage in debate with someone who (a) isn't drunk on GOP Kool-aid, and (b) won't be blown over like a feather like his TV show co-host Alan Colmes. We can even bill this event as "The Hannitizer vs. "The Sanitizer," because I vow to clean him good of all that irresponsible rhetoric in his daily spin cycle. My guess is that the patriotic, right-wing, flag-wavin' tough guy will run scared from truth and logic, choosing instead to spew the vitriol towards me and others while unchallenged from his safe studio perch. When I spoke with Lubar she said an interview "could be interesting" and that she'd have to "speak with her senior producer" about it. Haven't heard back yet, and suspect I won't. Engaging the opposition in a civil discourse is not Hannity's typical M.O.
Well, how about it Sean? The Hannitizer vs. The Sanitizer. Can ya handle it? Are ya up to the challenge? Let's see what you're made of. Come on and surprise us....
On another subject......we could use your help at The Adrienne Shelly Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated in my wife's honor to help carry out her spirit and passion, with the goal of providing film school scholarships and grants to women filmmakers. As many of you know, Adrienne was brutally killed here in NYC on November 1st. Please visit our website to learn more about our mission and to make a donation. Every little contribution helps preserve Adrienne's legacy, and to help create something positive out of this horrible tragedy. Thank you.