As many of you now know, my wife, the beautiful, lovely, talented Adrienne Shelly, was brutally murdered in NYC on Nov 1. The events of the past 10 days have been tragic and devastating to me and my family, and it's been the outpouring of love and support from friends and family, and my friends and family in the Blogosphere, that's been a tremendous source of comfort. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your concern, kindness and, especially, your memories of Adrienne and how she and her work in film affected you and inspired you. I also want to congratulate you all for helping to change our great nation this week. It's the start of a new day, and now my family must begin anew as well. It will be a long, hard, painful process, but we will make it. And I promise you that the blog will back just as soon as I am ready and able to start writing again. My sincerest, heartfelt thanks to you. Keep up the fight.