The Republican National Committee released a new video Friday in an effort to combat the negative press surrounding Sen. Russ Feingold's call for censure of President Bush, a measure whose Senate debate began today. The slick piece, a Karl Rove Joint produced in association with GOP Propaganda Films, is titled "Censure? Impeachment? Is this the Democrats' Plan?" It opens with images of presumably Arab terrorists shooting at nothing in particular and blowing up an unidentifiable object. The cheesy footage resembles a high-tech video game.
Bush has been on the hotseat over his authorization of illegal, warrantless wiretappings by the National Security Agency in the days following 9/11 and continuing to the present. The video is part of an email promotion sent out by RNC chair Ken Mehlman, which directs the recipient to the RNC's website.
"On September 11, Terrorists Declared War on Our Country," the video continues. "Today, the Terrorists Still Fight That War." Ok Ken, we kind of expected this sort of rhetoric from you. You've become so predictable we can almost recite your drivel before you do. Mehlman next gives us some good old fashioned patriotic (I almost wrote idiotic) footage of our fearless leader reaffirming his post-9/11 promise to protect America from this new enemy. "This nation will not wait to be attacked again" (yawn). We then see clips of Feingold, Al Gore and Sens. Harry Reid (NV) and Dick Durbin (IL) all basically saying they'd censure and/or impeach the hell out of Bush for his criminal behavior if given the chance. The video closes with "The President is Taking the Necessary Steps to Keep America Safe. Who Do You Stand With?" (another yawn). And throughout the video on the right side of the screen the RNC urges viewers to "Sign The Petition and Tell Democrats to Stop Weakening Our National Security."
Shame on you Mehlman. This sort of incendiary rhetoric is both irresponsible and reprehensible. Is it really necessary for Bush to break the FISA laws in order to defend America? Is the threat we face so grave and so immediate that Bush must circumvent the FISA court and Congress in order to monitor terrorist activity? Is the special FISA court, which can approve urgent warrant requests within an hour, not responsive enough for the Busheviks? And because Democrats don't condone law-breaking by Bush, that means they're weakening national security? This video is a stretch even for you, Kenny-boy.
The bottom-line? Bush broke the law, plain and simple. And Feingold's censure measure deserves passage. The current Republican-controlled Congress needs to know that history will be the ultimate judge of whether it best served America's interests or merely served to protect, aid and abet a criminal president.